"You're Being Slaughtered & You Don't Realize It!" - US Dollar Collapse | Raoul Pal vs Peter Schiff

Published 2024-07-28
Welcome to another episode of Impact Theory.
This is a clip from Peter Schiff vs. Raoul Pal episode "Peter Schiff vs Raoul Pal Debate: Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million & A Great Depression Coming?"

Peter Schiff and Raoul Pal dive into the future of Bitcoin, debating whether it has the potential to soar to $1 million or crash to zero.

Insights on currency debasement and its global trends.
Potential impacts of Bitcoin ETFs and their role in the crypto market.

Economic Predictions:
Detailed discussion on the likelihood of a Great Depression-like economic crisis.
Examination of current economic signals pointing towards potential global economic downturns.

Gold vs. Bitcoin:
Comparative analysis of Bitcoin and gold, exploring which is a better store of value.
advocates for gold's versatility, while emphasizes the digital scarcity and future potential of Bitcoin.

Market Insights & Investing:
The volatile nature of Bitcoin and its implications for wealth preservation.
Broader conversation on speculative investing and how it influences current market trends.

Economic Collapse & Frameworks:
Peter Schiff and Raoul Pal''s perspectives on the potential collapse of traditional financial systems.
Strategies to navigate and thrive during an economic crisis.

Key Takeaways:
The debate provides a balanced view on the ongoing Bitcoin vs. Gold discussion, offering insights into the pros and cons of each as an investment.
Both experts shed light on how to prepare for unpredictable economic futures by diversifying investments.

All Comments (21)
  • I’m not interested in what is going to happen because - I’m on the losing end of the economy. My hubby works 7 days a week. I run two businesses and we just get by. In the past that was considered well off- now it’s a living wage. At least where I live. Rent is about 2500 to 3k in my state. Houses are about 600k. Explain how anyone can afford these numbers at 150k per year. Plus all the bills I pay every month. I have tried to cut our things like insurance, get rid of certain things- but some bills are mandatory. Insurance, light, gas, car, and phone for work. It’s like you are getting screwed all the time. Tell me I’m wrong. Where is the extra money to invest?
  • @Larkinchance
    I'm not worried because all my money is tied up in Beanie Babies...
  • Start buying physical gold while there is still fools out there still willing to accept the dollars.
  • The direction of the dollar devaluation doesn’t seem to be changing so have to prepare for it every day. There’s a target on the middle class’s back
  • @joete3324
    It's so overwhelming!!! We had given our gov way toooo much power and too much liberty to control our lives
  • @MAnderson5
    The dollar is literally being destroyed / debased / devalued. I just want my money to keep outgrowing the inflation rate. How do I properly invest 250k in the market and what strategies do I employ to make significant gains and stable cashflow?
  • The crashes of 1987, 2001, 2008, 2020, etc. have all been "solved," over years of papering over the underlying issues (rather than fixing them and holding people accountable that caused the problems), bailing out bad actors, printing trillions of dollars (which does not increase values, but devalues the currency), and lowering interest rates to near zero. Those are "1-trick" ponies that worked when the national debt was $1 trillion (1980s), $4 trillion (2001), $9 trillion (2008), or $20 trillion (2020).... Also notice a trend, major market collapses are happening more rapidly. From once every few generations (1929, then 1987...) to now once every decade on average. And that goes for major industries too that we have bailed out: Airlines, banks, insurance, auto makers, etc. All very fragile. As our debt balloons north of $35 TRILLION, about 10x greater than in the year 2000, and very soon to be $50 TRILLION, we cannot print more money and we cannot lower interest rates to get out of it. This accelerating pace of debt growth is mathematically and economically unsustainable. I'm unware of any model that shows how it can be repaid, and default is an inevitability. I believe the dollar has lost something like 99% of its value in a century. There's soon not enough money in the nation to tax our way out... Debasing it more will not help Americans or the economy or the debt. Instead it will accelerate everyone dumping the dollar and the US fiat collapse. Default and reset are imminent. NO WAY TO IGNORE IT.
  • I simply want my money to continue outpacing the rate of inflation. The dollar is actually being destroyed, debased, and devalued. How should I invest $400k in the market, and what tactics should I use to generate substantial returns and steady income flow?
  • I believe it was once said very profoundly; "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" ...
  • Nah, we realize it alright. There just isn’t a damn thing a normal person can do about it.
  • @justinhaught
    we’re transferring the wealth to a relatively few with large government contracts and the banks
  • @carodus1
    Very interesting conversation. Peter states that “people don’t want to work, they want things”. I think that this is the biggest danger about AI. People need to work. We need purpose. We need interaction with other people. AI threatens our current structures.
  • The problem is our elected leaders are way too comfortable spending orher peoples money. They dont start out that way, it takes a few years, but eventually they cant help themselves. We need term limits now!
  • @jonh8125
    SPEAKING AS A BRITISH BORN MAN LIVING IN BRITAN Raoul you couldn't be more wrong . Alot of British people see what's happening, they see the country is screwed, they see that we are basically bankrupt. But typical British mentality is until it affects you directly just bury your head in the sand because most of this country is to lazy to prepare but they're all fantastic at moaning about it and just doing NOTHING. We cant even afford to fix the holes in our roads! Food has more than doubled in price nevermind all this 10% nonsense! Olive oil 130% Onion rings 76% Some of us know a £10 note was redeemable for gold .... But now what's the gold sovereigns worth and what's that £10 note worth. Now we have plastic currency you can not even use it as toilet paper!!
  • Yow, Dude - next time your toilet is clogged, get AI to fix it for you! And when your electricity goes off, get a robot to fix that!