Famous ppl lovingly…shhh 🤫 | Khadija Mbowe

Published 2023-10-15

All Comments (21)
  • @KhadijaMbowe
    if you struggle to watch full vids try listening on 1.5x speed 😘
  • @philippeh3904
    I have nothing against celebrities discussing politics. Totally fine. Just more the fact when they discuss a topic they have no education on and spread misinformation
  • @Chuuzus
    The celebrity downfall began when celebrities made that insensitive imagine video during the covid pandemic in their mansions while people were dying..
  • @StellarAvenger
    I'm don't mind celebs talking politics and foreign affairs so long as they know what the hell they're talking about. Because a lot of these celebs the past few days are frustratingly uninformed.
  • @dollykaulitz44
    I’ll never forget when I was homeless during the start of lock down and couldn’t get a job since most jobs in my city werent essential, and seeing Kim Kardashian and other celebrities posting from their islands or mansions being like “we’re in this together ❤” 🤢
  • @virgosun_
    What pisses me off and quite frankly scares me is the amount of fake news or misinformation that celebs spread so easily to their millions of followers and some of these celebs have a very young impressionable fanbase too 😟
  • @sxgurplum4326
    Celebs literally have no self awareness 😭 no matter what global tragedy, the rich will always have it better and they don’t realize that
  • I really cant like any celebrity without them ruining it with their bigoted views
  • @alexlemaire8513
    after the whole Mila and Ashton letters thing someone brought up a point I've thought about ever since, many celebrities are just not that smart. a lot of them left school at an early age. Then they go around surrounded by people who worship them and give them plenty of praise. they're also super sheltered from reality. I guess it helps not to be so disappointed when you imagine them all as airheads lmao
  • @anicahaa
    During the George Floyd protests, we asked why celebrities were so quiet. Now they feel the need to share their stance on everything, whether educated on the matter or not. They feel like they have to to be more PC....from what I noticed idk though
  • @hellothere6570
    Honestly, it's baffling to me (though maybe it shouldn't be) that people lack the self awareness to recognize that maybe their opinion isn't always important?? I just can't get over how ridiculous it is that people think they /need/ to comment on a topic and provide their opinion, even if its just based on small snippets of others' opinions
  • @kailawkamo1568
    Celebrities are bound to have [wrong] opinions like everybody else. It's just that the bullshit they say is a marker of their class interests, the media they are exposed to, and their confirmation biases influenced by their privilege.
  • @Therezumee92
    I have no issue with celebs talking about whatever they genuinely care about. And hopefully are informed about. Problem is that majority of their actions/words are performative ''whatever you want to hear''. I believe majority of the loudest actually votes red too, because it benefits THEM while BSing on social media about their values because that is what sells. So it's a win-win for them.
  • @tfkdandsvkc
    Hey can we talk about ageism and hate for women who are above 25 the hate is insane and disturbing
  • @emmaakamemma
    One thing that I hate about the internet is when people straight up harass random celebrities asking them to talk about very complex and specific political topics because "they have a platform and need to use it for good". A random pop singer will never be able to contribute positively to such a complex discussion. Find a person who has studied and specialised in this topic and repost their stuff! Random celebrities pretending to be experts in everything only spread misinformation
  • What's so concerning for me is how few celebrities recognise the power of their platforms and how dangerous that can be. We all have a responsibility for what we share on social media, but when you have 100M+ people looking at you, you can't afford to be that careless. You can't afford to have such a low level of media literacy skills. With an influence that reaches that far, spreading misinformation just reproduces ignorance in other people
  • @glasstablegcrls
    this is why i’d rather see celebrities stay silent abt things they’re not fully informed abt bc they’ll get flack when they say something stupid . they’re entertainers, not activists💀
  • @angelfahlife6000
    It’s 100% THEM I’ve never in my life wondered “Damn, I wonder what Beyoncé thinks about geopolitics…” we asked them for their skin routines and all of a sudden everybody wanna overshare
  • @keymango
    We need random people to stop being famous until we know what the hell is going on 😭
  • @BleedForTheWorld
    I'm cynical enough to believe these people have horrible politics in order to save themselves from harm. It's not brave although some would see it that way.