I Broke Into The U.S. Security Convention

Published 2023-04-12
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All Comments (21)
  • 1 year later: “Hello, I am Max Fosh, international baddie, and today I’m going to be sneaking into the Pentagon”
  • @ZacAlsop
    I thought bad boys get all the girls but it turns out they get free pens
  • @gui577b
    As an American, there is nothing more stereotypically British than someone getting a thrill from breaking the rules in the most polite and benign way possible.
  • @dannyg.4421
    I was kinda judging the security guards for laughing at their phone, then i realized im laughing at this while at my security job.
  • To the fans that recognised Max and caught onto what he was doing and didn't blow his cover. You're the real ones.
  • @alexsch2514
    At this point you could list "breaking into security conventions" as a hobby
  • What I love most is that not only does he get in, but it’s done in such an artful way to make a fool of the security. Like he didn’t HAVE to put 12345678. Didn’t HAVE to go to a public place to print the pass and draw attention to himself by talking to a camera. Didn’t HAVE to put “international baddie”. But he did and they still didn’t catch on.
  • @JensRoland
    Next year, go as Max Pilfering? Wade Inside? Will Steele? Buck Rules? No, I’ve got it: Grant Access
  • Tbh at this point if you run a security convention and you don’t already have a photo of Max on the wall with the caption “DO NOT LET IN”, you deserve it
  • Next challenge. Go to defcon, find a time when one of the presentation areas are not in use, set up fake signs for a speech on how easy it is to just walk past security and get into places you shouldn't.
  • Can't wait for max to break into the pentagon with a lanyard that has the name 'Will Steal'.
  • I think that the international security expo shouldn’t sell tickets. You MUST break in. All the infrastructure is there for a normal convention, but you just cannot access the tickets by buying them. You have to hack, cheat, copy, steal, whatever to get past security (who are trained as if it’s a normal expo) You can tell how good security is by how many people show up
  • @alikks8161
    Max Fosh is seriously an international baddie
  • The guy who clearly knew who you were but played along as soon as you told him your fake name is a legend that shall forever live on in my heart Edit: For context as to the cacophony that is the replies, my name is Ethan Shaw and that was my account name before I changed it just now.
  • @Troy1399
    4:55 I do event security as a side job to pay my degree (concerts, festivals, etc) and we specifically got told to never post any form of accreditation on social media because of how easy it is to copy it and photoshop it. It's crazy that people attending a security convention don't know this lol
  • @SaruyamaPL
    Even though it's meant to be just entertaining it actually does good job highlighting what kind of factors make a good con man. This is very educational and I'm sure many people from that convention can learn a lot from harmless videos like this. Great job Max, really impressive.
  • @MsNoPixel
    Tbh the whole walk in with the confidence that you’re supposed to be somewhere while simultaneously being “on the phone” & you can get into most places I’ve found out over time. & the few times it doesn’t work you just pull the “oh sorry am I in the wrong spot? Must’ve got distracted while on the phone” & swiftly WALK AWAY 💀
  • I think what makes this most funny is how max ran into some of his fans at the convention and it was just a mutual thing where they just instantly understood what was going on and don't blow his cover
  • @HoLDoN4Sec
    lol the funniest thing is that some people inside the convention were like "hey Max?" and he answered "no Nick" and they replied "ehh okay Nick?" that was freaking hilarious haha