Weight Loss Transformation in 60 Days

Published 2013-09-04
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Weight Loss Body Transformation in 60 Days. Starting weight 97KG. I'm just an ordinary guy using simple straight method to get in shape. My final weight is 78KG on day 60. I'm still determine to keep going till I achieved what was impossible onc - Six Pack!. The secret - Never Give Up!
Will upload more videos and pictures as well how to lose weight formula... my diet plan and my exercise.

Rafi A

All Comments (20)
  • @htg41
    "If it doesen't challange you, it doesn't change you" :,)
  • i lost 17 kgs only by jogging first i used to go for jogging and i used to get tired immidiately but now i can jog for 5 kms a day without stopping
  • @bhanjamama6787
    the super natural video for weight loss ...thanks brother...i am in the same category...and lost about 20kgs...just RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN.......and RUN
  • @wavystars5075
    I've always wanted to lose weight and I lost some. I didn't lose enough and watching this has really moved me. Thank you so much !
  • The most important thing after you start, as stated in the video, is to never ever give up, no matter what, don't mind the other people watching you, you have your own goal in mind. What I do, is that every time I feel like giving up, every time my muscles burn like hell and I am short of breath, I tell myself:"Never forget why you started, you can do this, just one more step, one more push up, one more lift". Nobody said it would be easy, but it will definitely be so worth it!
  • @BrianHallmond
    To everyone reading this REMEMBER the key is CONSISTENCY. Make getting out there and doing something a habit. You don't have to go all out every time, but make sure no matter how bad things get in life you get out there. 20 mins. 20 mins every day, even if it's just a walk. Go for a walk. Hit the treadmill, walk through the park. Just make a strong habit of getting out. Never give up! Everyone can reach their fitness goals! And remember this. The most important thing. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. On the inside, now just bring that inner beauty out, let it shine so everyone else with a shallow mind can see how beautiful you really are. Not just that, but you'll do what this guy is doing. You will inspire everyone you love and people who are struggling to improve their quality of life.  You can do this. :)
  • god i love this thank you i will watch this everyday through my weightloss journey
  • @cheemengong433
    Four years back. I watched your video in transformation. And I did what you did. You are such a great inspiration.
  • Mohamed Ali was a winner. He was asked once how many situps he makes? He said ~ " I don't know, I only start count when I can't do anymore"
  • @yudontsay
    I love this video! I am in a similar situation. 7 years ago, I was slim, active trained everyday, then my life changed and during these 7 years I went from 94kg (I am 194cm) to 145kg, I have been so unhappy with myself for so long, and tried to start training again, never made it. Then this september our baby girl was born, and something after a little while and especially after new year made me realise, if not only for me, I will do it for my girl! I now train 5 days a week, I love the pain, I love the workouts, and I love being social again! Thanks for this video as it even bossted my motivation even more!
  • @koshyphilip8135
    Way to go Rafi !! That's great determination and no matter what anyone says , you've reached the goals you set yourself. Some of us just don't persist as much. Awesome !!
  • @Guidement
    My weight was 72 two months ago. I played badminton for 3 hrs daily..and ate very less sugar..now am of 60 kg
  • @DavidR747
    Why the fuck am i even watching this, im not even fat.
  • @HopliteWarlord
    Well done, sir! You are an inspiration and I wish you all the best! Hope your life has changed for the better! Never Give Up!
  • @dashama
    Great video, thank you for your positive energy. Blessings and Love, Dashama
  • @iZyth
    This is very very inspiring, i really got inspired on the quote "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesnt change you." thanks alot for this video!
  • @subashdefy9853
    May be im the one who watched it million times and started the weight loss by seeing your video from 93 now im 81 in 60 days,really your video is inspirational...