“The Conduit” and Good Wii Graphics

Published 2024-04-24
If you like dynamic lighting and space guns, then I've got just the game for you. In this video, we look at High Voltage Software's "The Conduit", and how it attempted to bring traditional FPS gameplay to the Wii. We also look more broadly at the Wii software library in 2008/2009, and the world of shovelware. Digressions include Chicken Shoot, the N64 Expansion Pack, and skyboxes.

All Comments (21)
  • @Ayavaron
    You are incredible at finding topics that I don't see covered by other YouTubers
  • @FrazzaJazz
    I think Yahtzee's comment was referring to how close the skybox is compared to the window. It looks like it's only a few feet from that balcony
  • @alcoholicgoat
    I was an early Wii adopter and admittedly played this a lot. I was the in the "Halo at home" demo.
  • @bobbycowdery
    This the first time I’ve seen any raw gameplay from The Conduit, and man it really reminds me of Black. At least in terms of weapon animations.
  • @ninjapants7688
    Got The Conduit in a bundle with The House of the Dead : Overkill for really cheap. Loved both of them.
  • @winlover37
    I was one of the "hardcore" Wii gamers back in the day. Not to gatekeep or argue with anybody, but I was and still am an FPS nut so I was eagerly awaiting a good FPS on Wii with a fun multiplayer. I saw The Conduit at a GameStop for pretty cheap, so I gave it a shot. I honest to God loved it. I totally get why it's largely ignored and considered generic, but at the time The Conduit was a big deal at the time because of how polished and well designed it was compared to the CoD games/Red Steel/007 GoldenEye. It definitely was a proof of concept kind of game over a moving the needle for the genre kinda game, and that's ok. The multiplayer was pretty barebones, but it was really fun. I literally made friends with other Wii misfits at the time and got them to buy and play the game with me. We had a great time. Once the sequel came out, I was absolutely stoked. Minus some drawbacks, it basically improved on the first game in every single way. Maps were a lot better, fun progression system, guns were awesome and pretty creative, PvE survival mode with split screen was awesome, it was the complete package. I loved it so much it's still up there for me on most fun I've had with an FPS. I hope someday we can get a remaster, maybe a third game and finish a trilogy, because Conduit was genuinely a fun game I find unfairly maligned because it didn't try reinventing the wheel when it didn't need to. It set out to make a robust FPS for a console not known for that, and I think HVS succeeded.
  • @HFOfficial
    I think the real strength of this game is something you didn't really mention, the complete control customization. Wii FPS games of the time didn't really let you control the deadzones for turning and aiming and that kind of thing. They wouldn't let you remap waggle functions like throwing a grenade etc. Wii FPS games didn't have a standard control scheme at the time, which led to a lot of them feeling uncomfortable physically to play, but the Conduit let you dial all of that stuff in to what worked for you. For my money, it made it the most comfortable wiimote/nunchuck FPS to play.
  • @tollutollu
    Extremely good vid, very shocked to see stuff of this quality sitting at 77 views and you only having 1k subs. Well, can +1 that, subbed, buddy C:
  • @kal2045
    Im just so glad to know im not the only person that randomly thinks about The Conduit a lot whose only experience with it was seeing it in Nintendo Power as a kid and going "huh neat" then never buying or playing it.
  • @totty2524
    Excellent video! I hope this channel blows up
  • @suhfee
    that guy aside this was a really cool video that has a pretty nuanced take on game-technology-discourse in a way i don't think other channels would do. nice
  • This channel is going to grow if you keep going at it this way. This is all high quality and interesting. Your video on MIDIs was especially interesting.
  • @PizzaDad
    Love seeing the niche topics. Keep 'em coming, please.
  • @Ozzianman
    Red Steel 2 is easily my personal favorite FPS for the Wii. Call of Duty is Call of Duty. Actually impressive they managed to get those games running on the Wii with support for game updates. Goldeneye 007 is just CoD with James Bond paintjob. Multiplayer was pretty fun though. Metroid Prime Trilogy is also up there.
  • @MilesTFBaxxter
    I don't know who you are or what this channel is, but I'm greatly enjoying these casual niche deep-dive videos. Keep it up. 👍
  • @Tomtycoon
    I bought the conduit in October or November 2009, I was supposed to buy another game, but couldn't find it at the store. It was the first shooter I played scince Quake II on N64.
  • @ryanmillar8315
    I got this game close to launch and I remember enjoying it for what it was at the time.
  • @rustylasagna
    I enjoyed my time with both Conduit games, but I’m not sure if I would play them again. There’s better titles on the Wii that I usually run towards, and I think the lack of multiplayer nowadays makes their average single-player campaigns more noticeable. One thing I’ll say about the Wii though: it’s a better investment nowadays thanks to homebrew and cheaper prices on the titles. It’s probably the most inexpensive Nintendo console, and I hope it stays that way for a long time.
  • @PauLtus_B
    Funnily I thought about this game again recently for the first time in a decade. I remember a lot of hype to the just disappear. Even when the sequel came out it was just an "oh right, that was a thing that existed."