Can 120+ RAIDERS defeat a 150,000+ hour team? - Rust

Published 2024-01-21
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I asked my Rust Events discord if they want to raid a 20 man team, and we had OVER 250 PLAYERS TURN UP FOR THE EVENT! Unfortunately we couldn't run the server with so many people, but we did launch a 120 vs 20 player raid, and the results may surprise you! Watch as these Rust players build their base and prepare for the BIGGEST defence of their lives!

What is Rust? Rust is an INTENSE PVP multiplayer survival game that I've played for THOUSANDS of hours. I've gone on MASSIVE Solo adventures, clan wipes, HUGE raids and just about every experience under the Sun. It's a game that can have the most intense nail biting moments, or you can spend hours doing nothing interesting, The way the cookie crumbles can never be predicted and of course I save the absolute best bits for you guys. Whether it's PvP moments, epic counter raids or my clan messing with each other, everything you need to experience Rust is right here on the Max Mears channel. I hope you enjoy, peace.

Thanks for watching, and as always, have fun guys!

Event Discord -
#rust #rustpvp #learnrust

Recorded with OBS Studio, edited with Audacity and Sony Vegas Pro

All Comments (21)
  • @adamjackson7585
    I wanna see 2 clans against each other. They each select X amounts of attackers, then ethe same clan also defends with less amount of people. Both clans get to attack and defend. Both teams get 1 hour to build, whole team is aloud to help build, but only X amount can defend. Extra 10 minutes at the end for electricity.
    Max whenever you switch the voicegroups. you should put what group we are hearing in the top right corner. might be better for the viewers.
  • @Samo_rust
    as another comment said maybe do a tug boat battle, just a full water map and a lot of tug boats with a few people on them, when they sink they are eliminated
  • @Canadarox69
    This is absolutely INSANE!!! It's no wonder the RUST meta is switching to offline raiding. No one has 2-3 hours to raid a gargantuan base. Hell, even offline, this behemoth would take a 10-20 man more than an a couple of hours to completely raid and that's without clan counters and grubs added into the mix. I do enjoy the concept of these little events you come up with though and I gotta admit, herding cats ... even for just a couple of hours ... would set my teeth on edge so big kudos to you, you're admin team and you're organizers. A big shout out to those in the community that participated in your little experiment as well. Well done folks!
  • @VertigoGlass
    The palm trees on top of the base is my favorite. Wish you could do that in game but they can't be harvested
  • @nanotolliver8822
    Im feeling how the defender’s held it down the attackers had so much help GG
  • @luvizevol
    Considering the defender advantage I'd like to see a few different matches- -20 v 20+20 (20 skilled defenders vs two clans of 20&20 skilled players) -20 v 200 -20 v 20 v 20 Free for all, three skilled clans all needing to get the egg from another clan {Each clan has to cap a different teams egg so two clans cant ally} -Alone in Tokyo with unlimited mats vs..... 30 Randoms all with sub 4k hrs. Great content. Much love to you for hosting these bouts.
  • @davissexton6057
    IGL's actually did insane in this. Would expect it from teh group thats played together abunch but the leaders of the Raiders did crazy well to successfully organize that. Good content.
  • GGs defenders, was very intresting leading 100 raiders with the rest of the team!
  • @Rust730
    you should have someone checking all the boxes and turrets for you so you can focus on the content and watching the building and talking to everyone if you do this again [which you should] but bigger
  • @Unmendable
    Here’s what I reckon, and hear me out. I’ve seen you’ve been getting a lot of comments saying how old it is not seeing people with finished bases. I also saw your explanation about the raiders time, how 1 extra hour quickly turns into 2, etc. The common factor in this that I see is people forgetting doors, as well as not wiring turrets, so I suggest 2 things. 1. Make it so they don’t have to actually connect a wire to the turret, just have the actual electrical placed beforehand, then they can wire them during the item phase. 2. Allow doors to be placed during item phase. I don’t think this is unreasonable, as they wouldn’t be able to actually place anything extra such as walls doorframes or turrets. Hope you take this suggestion into consideration. Great content either way!
  • Just an idea but you should also do airdrops that favor the defenders as well
  • @vixxsz8238
    I've watched this 0 times and CAN confirm, this is a MaxTwo classic :_Awyis:
  • @scopers
    attackers had a combination of 200 hours
  • @marisasob
    That dude that out a turret in the tree is a beast xD
  • I think you should add something onto the video especially for something of this magnitude, I couldn't really tell which vc you were in sometimes and whether or not you were switching due to the vast amount of action and people. My idea is a little clipart or line at one of the top corners that says either "raiders vc" or "defenders vc"
  • @Mepuq.
    GGs, i loved doing these with you max. hope i could do a similar event to this again
  • @ryvan3870
    That was really cool! I can't believe that went so well. The defenders did amazing building the base and defending and the attackers actually worked together, which is crazy. Props to whoever was leading the flank team. Nice job, looking forward to your content in the future.