Why A Goofy Movie is Better Than You Remember


コメント (21)
  • One of my favorite little touches in musical numbers is when multiple characters have solos in the same verse of a song, it's just super cool to see characters respond to each other within the song and express their (sometimes conflicting) ideologies and goals. And one of my all time favorite instances of this is in After Today when Max sings, "I've got less than an hour, and when this is ended, I'll either be famous," only for the principal to finish the verse with "Or you'll be suspended." It's just such a great, efficient way to introduce us to both the principal and his conflict with Max while seamlessly keeping up the energy of the song. Anyway great analysis as always!
  • I like how "A movie where the villain is a family member, and the story resolves the struggle by having the family members work out their issues together" has seen a sudden resurgence in the last couple years.
  • When you're a kid, it's just another fun Disney movie When you're a teen, you sympathize with Max When you're an adult, especially if you're a parent, you sympathize with Goofy
  • I read the title as “the goofy movie is better than you” and I couldn’t disagree.
  • What I love about this movie is that Roxanne actually fell for Max when she heard him laugh. She wasn't attracted to his stunts even though she was impressed by them, she thought his laugh, the same laugh he always hated because he connotated it to his father, was cute.
  • This movie is the first time I saw a single parent raising a child on Disney movies. It is very special to me because it reminds me how my mom (a single mom with a huge heart) and I, used to travel around, listen music together in the car and learning to listen to each others, Goofy always reminds me of her. I LOVE THIS MOVIE
  • I didn't grow up in the 90's, but I watched this movie over and over as a kid. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
  • Goofy Movie: You can be an antagonist without being a villain. Despicable Me: You can be a villain without being an antagonist.
  • @MattSipka
    The epilogue where Max confesses to Roxanne that he lied to her is also super good. He confesses he lied because he wanted her to like him, she tells him she already did from the first time she heard him laugh, imitating his Father’s laugh that max let out earlier in the film. Max was afraid of becoming his father especially getting his laugh. Not knowing that Roxanne found it to be his most charming quality. A sense of Irony but also telling a moral lesson of don’t be afraid of who you are.
  • @mg7977
    No joke, I legit think that the critical reappraisal that's starting to happen for A Goofy Movie is the most necessary and deserved reevaluation of an unsung gem since Carpenter's The Thing. This movie has no right whatsoever to even be watchable, and yet it is a goddamn masterpiece.
  • @Kytseo
    There's also a more subtle aspect of the compromise and communication aspect of the film during the montage. Like with Goofy only showing stuff he liked making Max not enjoy the trip, Max doing stuff only he liked involves Goofy not having fun himself. After Max realizes this, and brings Goofy to that Yarn House, they both start doing a mix of stuff they both like, which makes them both enjoy their vacation after that.
  • @tangroro
    "I'm not your little boy anymore, Dad. I've grown up, I've got my own life now!" "I know that! I just wanted to be part of it." Just this 2 lines are why Goofy Movie understand parents-children relationship better than any other movies
  • It also contains one of the best, most powerful lines of dialogue ever in a Disney movie: Max: I'm NOT your little boy anymore, Dad! I'm grown up! I have my own life now! Goofy: I know that! I just wanted to be PART of it. That line melts me.
  • @tdazole
    Fun fact: Powerline’s songs are actually performed by a Tevin Campbell; who was a hit singer as a child and appeared in an early episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air where he sung Ashley Banks (played by Tatyana Ali) a song for her birthday. His debut single was a song called “Round and Round” for Princes 3rd movie, “Under the Graffiti Bridge” which contained numerous members of his new musical ensemble “New Power Generation” or NPG. NPG had a member called Rosie Gaines who can be heard on Princes “Diamond and Pearls” and alsoooo, on background vocals of “I2I”. If you didn’t know who played Powerline, I’m glad I could tell you something new 😁
  • Max wanting to stand out is actually a major part of who he is. Even in the other Goofy movies, he always wants to do something to stand apart from the crowd. In An Extremely Goofy Movie, it's wanting to win the X-games and possibly become a pro athlete. And it's even better because he isn't doing it to impress a girl or anything, cuz he's doesn't get a love interest in that movie. It's soley JUST because he wants to make a living doing what he loves.
  • The talk with pete and goofy on their different single father parenting styles. goofy saying "my son loves me" and Pete saying "well my son respects me." Chills everytime
  • “Goofy is the antagonist and this is his villain song” is not a sentence I expected to hear today and definitely not one I thought I’d agree with.
  • "i2i is the most important song of any decade, any era ever." -Brian David Gilbert
  • “Everyone my age absolutely loves this film” I never realized how much I love this film, but it undeniably sticks out in my memory. Your video helps me understand why that was the case! Thank you!