A Global Shift has Begun for the Bride of Christ

Published 2024-04-04

All Comments (21)
  • @Beulah44
    Before I even watch this video, I just want to bless you for releasing the amazing email Word about Queen Victoria. It literally changed my perception, my understanding and my life. It confirmed so many things to me and releaved some of the hope deffered I have been experiencing. Praise God Almighty for guving you that beautiful Revelation and Word to share with us. Another reminder to me at the perfect time, that He has all things under control, even down to who we woll be watching in YouTube in certain seasons 😄 Now I will watch this video and probably comment about it too haha.
  • @forhisglory605
    This brought tears to my eyes, this is an extremely detailed and beautifully accurate prophetic word! This is the most spot on word I've heard with what the Lord has been telling me 🎯. This is what is to come, in great detail. Glory be to God, God bless you woman of God 💖🙌🔥✨️👑!
  • God promises in his word that whoever troubles you he will trouble so fear not whoever is reading this know that God is with you and you must repent of any sin for Jesus is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness
  • God says in his word that he will destroy those who destroy the Earth so we should be looking for ways that don't destroy the Earth
  • @wval4379
    The only place in the Bible where the "Lamb's Bride" is specified is Revelation 21:9 & 10: ...one of the seven angels...talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit...and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.... Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the church is the bride of Christ. While there are many times bride & groom relationship is used to convey commitment and meaning, there is nowhere that says the church is the bride of Christ. We are the body, not the bride.
  • @ladydivine8615
    As someone who was born and resided in a UK all my life I'm greatly encouraged by this word as it confirms some information that I have received. I used to live very close to Crystal Palace for many years in South East London. The most successful and victorious royal legacies in the UK have been carried out by women .Exciting times are ahead for the bride and body of Christ.
  • @israelajao8506
    Glory to Jesus! What a beautiful and encouraging word. This speaks to me on some many levels. I pray God increase your anointing and bless your family
  • This word makes it sound like everything will be restored as it should and the world will move forward in righteousness. Not falling into judgment and great tribulation. A stark contrast to other words I’ve heard. This makes me really wonder how all these end times events will play out.
  • My DNA has a birth in Manchester, England in the late 1880's on my mom's side.
  • Those who have the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep the commandments whose names are written in the book of Life
  • @Orionchrist23
    The Lord's focus lies within the heart, where He discerns beauty in asymmetry. The heart's asymmetrical nature serves as a vessel for the blood of Christ, reaching all. The Father distinguishes between the wheat and the chaff, decreeing all according to His will. He selects His chosen one out of 99, preparing and anointing them based on their heart's condition, akin to King David. He desires childlike faith and unwavering trust as He refines His children through His holy fire. In this process, we are to rest, entrusting Him completely without second-guessing His plans or decisions. 'He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.' Currently, we stand at the threshold of a significant transition in Christ, birthing a new Holy entity. As we mature as the Lord's bride, we are called to revert to a childlike state in Him—a desire implicit in our Father's will.
  • God bless you & the souls of those who fought for children, past, present & future in the name of Christ Jesus! Great information!
  • 🤍🤍🤍🙏👀👂🙏🤍🤍🤍 THANK YOU, GOD!!! Thank you for sharing. Ive been wondering whats in store for us during the kingdom reign!❤❤❤
  • @kenc2996
    " Who are these that fly like a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?" Isaiah 60:8 I have had over 7 dreams in past few years, that I could effortllessly fly in this present age. Do I believe His chosen can literally fly vey soon?....Yes!...but not like superman but as a fast cloud going in whatever direction you wanted.... 🌹 🌹 🌹
  • @irajones1821
    Interesting you didn't mention the reign begins after the resurrection of the dead in Christ. These are who washed their robes and made them white. Revelation 7 Revelation 20:4-6 There will be peace during this time because the beast and false prophet will have been cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20) And satan will be chained and bound and cast into the bottomless pit till the thousand year reign is finished. (Revelation 20:2-3) John 11:25-26 "I am the resurrection and the life." The resurrection will be our restoration. Our redemption.