Graffiti on a Trip. Ep.3: PHUKET. Trying extra cheap asian paint and avoid stepping on a snake

Published 2023-02-19
Painting with friends on the tropical island of Phuket, Thailand.
7 hours of flight, and in the plane window palm trees appeared through gray clouds. There are no stores on the island that sell fine spray paint, so my graffiti in Thailand began by testing an extra cheap car paint. The tropical downpour while painting in the jungle makes me look under my feet more often, because temperature quickly becomes more conducive to cold-blooded predator activity. Then Wek arrived, and we made pieces overlooking one of the main thoroughfares, across from the Central Mall. Summer painting for those who are tired of staring at snow!

All Comments (12)
  • @armada740
    great vid as always, you're too underrated
  • @josephdecker0
    I was hoping to see this trip from another writer's perspective. 😂 you guys are all bosses! Love the art and filmography!
  • @loophome
    🔥 this kobe red fox cans give an oldschool look or am I wrong? dope video as always
  • @nitrojoy6427
    привет ZN71 спасибо за почин норм отдыхаете) ПОДПИСКА ЛАЙК КОМЕНТ
  • Собираюсь в этом месяце и в Банког ,на Пхукет. Вижу, что красил чипами. Есть вообще там магазины с нормальной краской? И есть русскоязычные хулиганы ?