Is Mental Illness a Disability?

Published 2023-04-05
Is mental illness a diability? Well the short answer is YES! But it took me a LONG way to get to that short answer when answering for myself. If anyone else was to ask me if mental illness is a disability I would say "of course". But if they were to say "is YOUR mental illness a disability" then I would most likely have said no.

There's many reasons for this. But the two I boil it down to are not wanting to detract from people with "genuine disabilities" and the other being a strong dollop of interalised stigma.

It's no good me confronting these things in others if I am not to confront them in myself. So this episode is a declaration of a line in the sand. I am Dave, I have bipolar disorder, I am disabled and I am proud.…

If you want to chat about this or anything else mindset, mental health or personal development then catch me live on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

All Comments (2)
  • @ricileigh88
    Thank you for sharing your experiences. The disability label is hard to accept at times. I've had similar struggle with the labels. Congratulations on the nomination!