Dowd on McPherson: Responding to Three Questions

Published 2022-07-16
This 40-minute video is a response to questions I regularly get asked...
1. Why haven’t you had a post-doom conversation with Guy McPherson?
2. Where do you agree (align) or disagree (diverge) with McPherson?
3. What is your history with Guy, and what do you honestly think of him?
4. Why do you recommend his work so highly when he denounces you?

Dowd's "Post-doom, No gloom" website:

Re Arctic and BOE (Blue Ocean Event): "Phase Change and Latent Heat"...
See here:    • Arctic disintegration is worse than w...  

Excellent Evidence-based Videos and Papers by Guy McPherson:

Edge of Extinction: Maybe I’m Wrong:    • Edge of Extinction: Maybe I'm Wrong   (8:36)
‘May' and ‘Might' Become ‘Is':    • Science Update: 'May' and 'Might' Bec...   (7:49)
Be Your Own Superhero: (1:00)
How We Go Extinct:    • How We Go Extinct   (3:13)
Why We Go Extinct:    • Why We Go Extinct   (6:07)
When We Go Extinct:    • When We Go Extinct (please see paper ...   (4:45)
What Will Go Extinct:    • What Will Go Extinct   (7:10)

Linguistic Gymnastics
1 -
2 -
3 -…

Guy’s peer reviewed recent papers:……

Guy’s longer essays:
Climate Change Summary:…
Extinction Foretold, Extinction Ignored:…

Aerosol Masking Effect (Global Dimming Effect)………
VIDEO:    • Means of Extinction: Loss of Aerosol ...   (3:34)
VIDEO:    • Science Update: Aerosol Masking Previ...   (9:47)

Arctic Ocean Warming and Ice Loss
VIDEO: (9:00)…

All Comments (21)
  • I am so glad that you produced this video. As with many others, I only became aware of our inevitable climate catastrophe because of Guy's work. I had the good luck to be able to see him speak live in Nevada City California, twice. Actually shook his hand, and he was very humble. It was so sad to see him de-platformed, as it were, so violently and crudely. As an electronics engineer, and somewhat educated in the technological sciences, I realize that technology will not save us. Neither will fascism, which it seems like we in the USA are headed towards at full speed.
  • @user-ej1yi4lv9v
    Excellent and Thank You for addressing this issue. I hope your words provide some healing for the pain Guy is suffering. I agree with all that you have to say in this video.
  • @louisehoff
    what lovely podcast. I admire Guy McPherson greatly and fear that some of his detractors make more money selling 2050 goals for 'renewables'. I have written to Guy: "You are the lighthouse, not the rocks" ; subsequently he should brush off the people who are unable to see the evidence he so bravely presents. I hope he will be open to a discussion with you at some point.
  • @xianchan3357
    I learned so much from Nature Bats Last podcasts, and Guy McPherson, who first influenced and enlightened me on climate/ecology/inevitable collapse. Concise. Not into making a lot of money from his talks...
  • @BrianFeugret
    Than you for producing this great video in which you not only set the record straight about Guy’s work but but display remarkable kindness for soemone who displays symptoms of persecution.
  • I was moved to tears at the strength of your phrase "... they deserve my compassion, not my derision." The whole video was great, but that phrase really cut deep and reflects your nature brilliantly. It's too common and seductive to give glib and knee-jerk reactions to discomfort, apprehension, and a host of negative feelings. Scrolling social media, it's easy to deride others for their hopium-induced fanaticism and occasional cruel behavior. But like you say, anyone who gives over to those impulses deserves compassion, not derision. I think that line summarizes what you later say about love as an active noun. I want to thank you for being a light. Not just in the prophecy and truth telling, but by demonstrating honesty, forgiveness, compassion, and intentional speech in relationships even when it's not comfortable. It's very rare to see someone be so forthright with radical compassion like you are in these videos. Thank you as always for your work in this regard. I consider you a role model and will use that phrase as a guidepost.
  • I'm glad you produce this. I hope Guy sees and hears this so he can begin to heal.
  • As a millennial, I was always lectured by people (mostly much older than me) around me that it is my generation’s “responsibility” to somehow fix the climate, and the reason we can’t do it is because “my generation is too spoiled or too lazy”… I was always told that trading natural environment for technological progress is “good” and it is something “I should be grateful to.” My generation and those younger than us were born into this predicament. We had no choice. As a subscriber of your and McPherson’s channels, I found your messages healing and even liberating😊 thank you!
  • @luciarixon1857
    Thank you for this presentation it was honest and heart warming . It is the first time I've ever read all the comments most of them were thoughtful and appreciative and Pauline deserves much credit for her contribution thank you both.
  • I was first introduced to NTHE by watching McPherson material years ago and had to go through the stages of grief. Then I discovered you and Jenkinson, which helped me so much even when my mother recently passed. I was so grateful for the wonderful times I had with her. More recently I have begun to lose interest in finding reasons for our collapsing society and ecosystems, but being grateful for what it still provides .....I and my wife live on a small organic off grid farm in the finger lakes NY and find beauty here every day.....Namaste Mr. Dowd and thank you
  • @Diego-fb5fq
    I am glad YT fed me this wonderful compendium from you, even 6 months late, as an appreciative subscriber to your work. Guy was my wake-up alarm in 2012, and I have been adjusting to a life without hopium since then. I would say you dipped below your excellent levels of fairness in "diverging" with Guy on "love" and "relation". (25:45) If you had felt how deeply he is in near-constant pain by what he is revealing to us, you would realize that it could only come from the deepest Love, and the feeling of Relation to us all. I believe he has hit bottom and come back so many times, his love of living together in Truth can be the only explanation. I think his approach to Compassion ("feeling with", "empathy") is challenging (and awakening) your own sense of Compassion, and he has stood alone in that, years ahead, waiting for the rest of us to catch up. At moments, it flashes upon me just how lonely and painful he must feel. To honor a prophet is indeed the correct thing, and yes, I share your love for him.
  • @juliebarks3195
    Well said, Michael.I for one like Guy and value all he does. I woke up because of Guys' work, and have never been more content because I know the truth, you won't get that for any politician.
  • Thank you for this wonderfully insightful, kindhearted and truly "fair" video. It was Guy who woke this nobody up to the coming catastrophe and I knew he spoke truth despite all the naysayers. Yes, his attitude could sometimes use improvement - but who IS perfect? - and look at the vitriol he has endured. You've done him a great service here. Sincerely.
  • Just finished the video, great job Michael! I have relationships that need work and have taken important lessons from your kind and honest approach.FWIW, I also cut my collapse teeth with Guy at NBL, still watch his stuff sometimes and I'm thankful for all his work. Collapse and grief work isn't easy stuff, thanks for your ongoing work at Postdoom, I'm learning a lot of healthy coping tools.
  • @Boudica234
    I hope Guy watches this video. I don't know why he included u on the list of folks he believes defamed him but I think this video clearly demonstrates u don't belong on that list. I have followed Guy's work for around 15 years. I think Guy is sincere and there's no doubt he sacrificed a lot (a dream job as a full professor at a major university, his family, friends, home and status) in telling the truth as best he understood it. My only issue with Guy is that he has made hard predictions with accompanying dates that have not yet come to pass-thereby undermining his credibility. Around 2009 during the financial crisis Guy predicted that industrial civilization would collapse by 2012 due to energy shortages. Then he spent the next 6 years citing a projection by Dr. Maslowski published in 2013 that the arctic would be ice free by 2016 plus or minus 3 years. Guy hammered away incessantly with this projection as signaling the death knell for human civilization. Finally in 2019 Guy interviewed Dr. Maslowski who conceded that his projection was erroneous. At that point Maslowski was hesitant to project a future date for an ice free arctic other than speculating it was inevitable (which it probably is). The point however is that Guy looked a little foolish given his harping on the 2019 ice free deadline for so many years. This is the problem with hard predictions. When they don't come true within the specified time frame it tends to undermine one's entire argument. Even worse, it tends to obscure the basic truth that the arctic will most likely become ice free in the near future. Nonetheless Guy keeps repeating the same mistake. Over the last few years Guy has boldly predicted that humans will become extinct by 2026 due to climate change (and due in particular to the loss of food growing regions as a result of said climate change). That leaves only 4 years for this apocalypse to occur. And suppose civilization is still here in 2027? Guy will again be mocked for reckless predictions that didn't come true-further eroding his credibility and further obscuring the fact that humanity may actually be at risk of near term industrial collapse if not outright extinction. Like u I applaud Guy's courage and dedication. Guy sacrificed nearly everything to tell us what was really going on. And I think in the big picture he is correct. I just wish he would refrain from massive, specific Nostradamus like predictions that are ultimately speculative and beyond date specific accuracy. In closing I applaud you for posting this video and giving Guy the recognition and respect he deserves.
  • @simonheyn3419
    o-man-o-man! what an utterly pleasing surprise this video is.
  • @panpsychism_
    Watching this while temperatures soar to 40 C (104 F) in parts of the UK. Politicians: …everything will be fine, we will pull a solution out of our a$$e$!
  • @GeorgeBrabant
    Thank you for this. Guy certainly opened my eyes over a decade ago. Thanks for all these wonderful talks
  • @radman1136
    I Luv the guy. He's been out there on the leading ragged edge for a very, very long time. Has sounded to me for a while now that his commitment to telling this truth has cost him a fair amount. My respect for him allows for much more forgiveness of faltering and stumbles than just a little bit of paranoia and self centeredness.