The Glitch That Killed Majora's Mask Speedrunning (almost)

Published 2023-12-18

In 2019, while speedruns of 3D Zelda games were thriving, a glitch discovery in Majora's Mask was so horrible, that it nearly killed all interest in speedrunning the game. This is the story of how that trick was found, and defeated.

Edited by: ‪@SeedyZ‬

Special Thanks to JakeZSR for research assistance:

Extra Footage credits:



#speedrun #zelda #nintendo

All Comments (21)
  • @LunaticJ
    Song list in order: Majora's Mask - Title Demo Majora's Mask - Clock Town (Day 1) Majora's Mask - Milk Bar Majora's Mask - Astral Observatory Wii U System Music - Mii Maker - Mii Editor Wii U System Music - Friend List (Gamepad) Majora's Mask - Song of Healing Luigi's Mansion - Controls Luigi's Mansion - E. Gadd's Lab Luigi's Mansion - Training Majora's Mask - Mayor's House Council Room Majora's Mask - Staff Roll
  • @AkumaAPN
    In Mario games, whenever a new Glitch completely destroyed the game, the community would just create a new category, so the old routes could remain competitive.
  • @doctorreed_
    i love hearing names like "mrcheeze" and "popesquidward" spoken in a serious informative tone
  • @jacktravis2718
    The irony of Majora’s Mask having the most cursed speedrun techniques is truly something.
  • @yummyos
    The story of someone searching for power hoping to improve their time in termina with unforeseen consequences for themselves and the people around them and almost leading to total annihilation… sounds familiar.
  • @YuubiTimberwolf
    Honestly, if a glitch is found that takes all the fun out of the game, it needs a seperated category to spare most runners the pain.
  • Reminds me of when Grand Theft Auto San Andreas had a huge warp discovered that took you to the final mission. The catch was that not only was the set-up really annoying and finnicky (and you wouldn't find out you fucked it up until later) but it also only worked on the Windows Store version. Which was a PC port of a mobile port of a PC port of a PS2 game. Which is just as awful as you're imagining it.
  • @L337N1NJ4L1NK
    >Ennopp achieves WR in basically every category >Leaves speedrunning to raise his family >WR is lowered via new tech, displacing Ennopp >Ennopp returns and reclaims WR >Ennopp leaves again We all agree the man is the undisputed king of MM speedrunning right?
  • @Targethitter.
    As soon as a speedrun becomes a menu run it always sucks.
  • @10superpower
    This sounds like a bunch of drama that could've easily been avoided by banning or making a separate category for debug runs
  • @jackdaniel3135
    I always knew the shadow wizards were out there pulling the strings. We aren't even safe in our speedruns.
  • @Zanthosus
    The fact that a separate WiiU VC/Debug category wasn't added is so confusing to me.
  • @lyyretv1126
    “Congrats on playing song of soaring” -ZFG
  • @helloiamtara
    (phils wife here) This video popped up on my recommended feed and i immediately remembered this as the absolute worst era I ever endured with Phil speedrunning bc he hated it so much. Everyone was always complaining (rightfully so lol) and I endured many many many hours of overhearing discord calls about this exact thing. It took over our lives for a bit. I clicked on the vid and what do you know — there’s Phil complaining allllll over again like it’s 2019 😂😂 thanks for the nostalgia and the amazing edit on this!!
  • @kildozer2012
    I was there watching EnNopp when he got that first run. I was sitting there thinking to myself "This is gonna crush the spirit of so many runners and viewers." I was completely convinced that nobody would want to run or watch that category anymore, just like ACE on OOT, but to my surprise, a good bit of viewers stuck around to watch, as did the runners.
  • @lordgeovanni
    Honestly, if there ever is a vote, it needs to be not only public, but also explained in detail. That was just scummy behavior and those mods deserved to be removed. Especially because in 2 weeks time there could easily be another WR that is "invalidated" for not following the rules, even though the "rule" is just in their heads. And speedrunners need to understand a very crucial aspect to speedrunning - if you don't run the category, it doesn't affect you. There would be nothing wrong with 2+ people suddenly saying "I refuse to run with Debug Menu" and if enough people are insistent on it, it will either cause a Debug-Free category, or force a revision of rules check. And even better, that isn't forcing a rule change - it just limits the participation of the hated run and in turn reduces its impact on the speedrunning community for that game.
  • @TheCreepyLantern
    the shadow government..... fuck i love how insane speedrunning communities' get
  • @harrisjones2190
    HMS Cutscene Skip is probably my favourite vessel of the royal navy
  • @HKlink
    Why didn't they just make a category split with their preference being the new default? Could even just go for something like "no Wii U exclusive glitches" to let people run on Wii U if they wanted but not force anyone to. And then make a new Wii U only category. This was definitely handled poorly, even if they had everyone's interests at heart.
  • The whole "shadow government" debacle really goes against the entire spirit of community that speedrunning was built upon