On Hong Kong’s DSE exam results day, emotions run high

Published 2019-07-10
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High school students received their results for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) on July 10, 2019. Twelve of the highest performers in Hong Kong’s main university entrance exams come from nine elite schools.

St Francis Xavier’s College invited companion dogs Pepsi and Mung Mung to help students stay calm.

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All Comments (21)
  • @strider029
    "stressful day" One guy: "I find the dog very cute" That guy has priorities man
  • @michaelw3159
    Those parents being so supportive on camera. At home it's a different story
  • In front of camera/crowds: "it's ok it's ok" Already in home : "look at your cousin and your neighbor they got high score"
  • @carson7985
    I think us East Asians put too much focus on exam results. We are judged by how well we do in our exams. Life is more than just a piece of paper.
  • @cassandra7105
    but sometimes, even if your parents or family doesn't pressure you, you can't help but put pressure on yourself.
  • If students are this emotionally recked and a single standardized test determines their future then something in their education system is wrong.
  • The fact that they need a therapy dog tell you something. It’s like having bars outside your window, there’s a reason for it.
  • @rossrocks9353
    "I don't have too many expectations" lies, all lies
  • As a teacher in the US, this breaks my heart. Students you are more than a test score! You are a human being and you are so important to the world. Your life has meaning and is valid. It hurts me to know that countries outside of the states put so much emphasis on what you score determines the path you take in life. I took the SAT and bombed everything, but the essay. I ended up attending a junior college (2 year institution) then transferring to my University to complete my BA. I graduated with a BA in History and a Social Studies composite teaching certification with honors in 2019 and just landed a teaching position in December. I love my school, I love my job. I love my kids. My parents did not force me to choose a career. While people told me I would never be happy because I would not make enough money, my parents and my friends encouraged me to pursue a career that would make me happy. You should enjoy your secondary education and enjoy your college experience. And do not be afraid to change your path if you come to discover the career you thought you wanted it not what you truly want to do. And if your parents, family, teachers, or professors never told you this, then let me say it. “You should be proud of the hard work you are putting in or have put in to reach you goal. Be proud of the mistakes, hardships and trials you have faced or are facing, because those will make you grow. You are doing this for you, your happiness, your future, no one else’s”. -Ms. Lotre A high school World Geography and Economics teacher from Texas, USA.
  • @DaniHMcV
    School shouldn’t be this stressful. Finland has a much, much less strict attitude towards testing, etc and yet they consistently show that they have the best schooling on Earth.
  • @Dangdawg.
    If I did that, you’d see me cry right away because I didn’t pass.
  • "He needs to find his way at the end" Yes, every Asian mom says that in front of public, at home is another story
  • @ImNotEpix
    Bruh I'm already having a hard time in school in America, I can't even imagine going to school here. ;-;
  • @lelekoko8986
    I’ve personally learned how to not let my grades demolish my mental health and my emotions. it’s not the end, there is so much more life outside of education
  • Asian parents grading system A = acceptable B = beating C = can’t have dinner D = don’t come home F = find a new family
  • I hate it when your life is determined by a piece if paper but I can’t do anything about it.
  • @abc397
    I got my DSE results last year, and I broke down in tears as soon my eyes laid upon the results. I’d been revising for months and months before the exam and I still got horrible results. It’s affected me so much in the past year and both my physical and mental health have deteriorated immensely. The education system is honestly terrible, although effective. If you’re a parent, don’t raise your child in Hong Kong unless you want to give them lifelong trauma.
  • @predator1409
    Imagine a test so hard that you actually need companion dogs to help you not have a mental breakdown and they take interviews of you if you pass the test.