Mathematics genius

Published 2009-05-26
Boy solves very difficult equation.

All Comments (21)
  • @RoboPimp3000
    This is the opening scene to "Rushmore". The kid is dreaming. He's actually a very poor student.
  • @awsomenesscaleb
    I love how easy the equation on the board actually was. It was just a simple integration problem for finding the for the equation for the area of an ellipse. Anyone who's taken calculus could do that.
  • @Da1RiSiN1sMoKe
    How does he know it's correct? "You got it" if no one else in the world knows it either?
  • The original stuff on the board has x's written like multiplication signs which as far as I'm concerned is a hanging offence for a math teacher.
  • @wesselbindt
    Most first year mathematics/physics undergrads are able to do this.
  • @Playythis
    since its an oval, cant you pretend you split it into 4 parts, then use an integral to find the area under one of the curves, and then multiply by 4?
  • @Senoska
    @gamemaster014 This is from the movie Rushmore. This is a day dream by the kid. It's from his perspective of difficult math.
  • @Mahmood42978
    I love this scene from Rushmore, not because of the mathematical antics; but I lways watched this scene and thought to myself "wow that is one awesome tea cup"....seriously I want that teacup.
  • @UltraProle21
    this has to be a joke right? no one has ever solved the famous "area of an ellipse" problem that has plagued the world's brightest minds for centuries lol.
  • @d3modawid
    Finding the formula for the area of an ellipse? Hardest geometry problem EVER!
  • @jasondmcneill
    Notice that the graph of the equation y=sq. root of x is wrong for x<1. The sq. root of 1/4 is actually 1/2, o that 1/2 times 1/2 equals 1/4. Therefore, the graph for x between zero and 1 should be shaped a little differently, i think.
  • @freeri87
    @jesal21 I'm interested in reading his calculations, thoughts et cetera leading to his proof that 1 + 1 = 2: could you tell me the page numbers in "Principia Mathematica" where Bertrand Russel proves this? Thanks in advance!
  • @nextblain
    now solve the area of the cirlcle!! XDXD
  • @FM897
    I don't want to not open another math book for the rest of my life :(
  • @chichoos07
    @sekwah09 im just saying that this is practically the first thing you do when studying math at university so it is fair to assume that anyone with any university experience knows it...
  • @brainiac147
    pi*a*b? The formula for Area of an ellipse!? You can derive it from a linear transformation of the unit circle...
  • @Canoe571
    After attending two universities and the Naval War College, I've had calculus, trig, physics, statistics, four chemistry classes, name it. After all that I've come to one conclusion about all the good it did me, from the perspective of a gap of 35 years since: I can now count to potato, twice. Furthermore, I can spell potato correctly. We've all had dreams about what that guy did in his dream, the actual problem aside. Nice post though!
  • @265HITMAN265
    1:35 genius just did unnecessary steps, he could've did it all in very few steps and made it look less complicated.
  • @kilnesbj
    I had to do this as an exercise junior year of high school.. I'm pretty sure any professor, or class member, should be able to solve this. Especially if they go to MIT...