Hogwarts Legacy Was A Massive Disappointment

Published 2024-02-09

All Comments (21)
  • @ClearWing
    I completely support your opinion on "You like the old games because of nostalghia". You are not the only one who thinks that way,because IMO old games were more fun and made with passion,not just for money
  • @damgful
    I respect, a lot more, the opinion of someone who has played all the older games before HL. I'm really tired of everyone claiming those games were just awful cash grabs and this one is actually the definitive HP experience, without having played them at all or only recently afterwards...
  • Played this with my GF who is an insane Potter head (I'm more a Lotr bloke) but even she found it a massive let down. Biggest problem imo is they made it a souless open world ubisoft style, and didn't play into the fantasy of being a Hogwarts student. Load of bizarre choices like why make your character start in year 5? I think they should haven taken more inspiration from Persona having a set schedule and classes then ubisoft. EDIT: Biggest problem with the game as a non fan is that the writing was really dialled in along with the voice acting did like the art design though.
  • @Tokmurok
    A harry potter game should make you feel like a WIZARD. Learning spells that depend on button inputs perhaps, racking your brain trying to solve problems and actually attenting classes and reading books to LEARN SPELLS not just progress in the game. That would be a good modern harry potter game.
  • @Eemmy66
    I totally agree with your opinion , however I can’t deny that I enjoy Sebastian and ominous mission and my second character as hufflefuff going to Azkaban it was really great , but when I nearly finished the game and fully upgrade my character and perfected my room of requirement , then no more side missions our extra map to explore , basically I have finished everything and my character is so strong so what’s the point there’s no more missions to do and I have explored everything.
  • So true about Morrowind. I just played that for the first time last year and it has become one of my favorite RPGs ever. Even as a pure vanilla, unmodded experience, it is a masterpiece. Another great vid, NWG.
  • I love Hogwarts Legacy but it really doesn't have some of the most important elements that build a character just like Harry Potter books and movies also your created character decisions in the game doesn't really have any impact. Modern day open world game's maps feel generic and soul less like Starfield especially with RPGs for almost 8 years
  • @br9377
    I don’t know why but I feel no nostalgia at all for Harry Potter at all even though the books were a huge part of my childhood. Glad I didn’t pick this up, good thorough review. Have you ever played Subnautica btw? By far my favourite open world game of the last 10 years. Highly recommend if you want some amazing exploration based gameplay.
  • @arioca
    Thanks for another thorough review. I have this game on my wishlist... would you recommend it for someone like me who doesn't have an emotional attachment to Harry Potter but enjoys open world/action RPG games?
  • @Tokmurok
    Oh and also it was super dissapointing not being able to go to diagon alley or board the hogwarts express.
  • @Cerberus589
    I wanted to enjoy this game, I really did. I tried really hard to enjoy it but it was just so boring. Every time I loaded up the game I would get bored of it after an hour of playing. Sometimes even less.
  • @rongracilla6164
    I really disagree. We are not big “gamers” in our house, but we really enjoyed the game play, the puzzles, and the site seeing aspects of the game. We thought it was exceptional.
  • @andrewsharpe7630
    Great review; appreciated the meta-analysis. I haven't played Hogwarts Legacy; thought about it, but didn't hear anything- good or bad- about the story, so I lost interest. I have played the first two Harry Potter games on PC when I was a kid, so was looking into what became of the game series.
  • @Tokmurok
    Actually i got griffindor my sorting in that game. I always get griffindor in anything though im basically a weasley.
  • @djtoxicdhg
    I personally absolutely loved it I thot it was the best one we ever had I mean it's no masterpiece but still super fun
  • @tfywmnftiadp
    Such a boring game. For the past 10 months, anytime i open it, i just fly around for a minute, marvel at how pretty Hogwarts is, then get bored and play Dragon Quest 8.
  • @matevarga4044
    I think it could be better. My idea to rewrite the story in a more interesting way could be : we are sensitive for ancient magic and we were under the supervision of the magic ministry thing and then after several years of szpervision lets us to be in hogwarts what solves the assignments and the fifth year thing, also with the mission of Ranrok rebellion and not earn spellls like a fetch quest but like in Star Wars: Fallen order remembering to spells when we needed it and in zhe memories know about more the ministry. We could use our houses like real factions and in the starz of the game we coulf choose pure bloor or half blood magician what could influence some houses students react to us, and for likr a soulsborne game not letting thr plwyer instantly in the open world( i already explorer the whole map at the first section of the game) but putting for a first time really hard area with really good loot. With that not scale the enemies with the player, but lets have areal scaling, be legendar arnaments that matter ( like seriously, a green clothing is better then a legendary?!) and make wand creation matter too! when we create the wand lets matter what i choose and how and let it have some benefits and restriction the wand gives first qnd with the modifications we find in the open world decrease our wands restrictions( as restrictions like casting speed, damage, spell lenght...etc)
  • @amberharris5606
    I agree with you 100% once I finished the story I was done a major let down for sure . For me at least I hated that I couldn't talk to anyone or do anything w them.