Give Me an Answer - How Many Reliable Sources...?

Published 2019-12-08
Cliffe Knechtle has a great conversation with college students at a campus in the southwest US.
The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.

#Evidence #Christianity #Jesus

All Comments (21)
  • @JT-ml4qg
    I saw Cliffe on my college campus in the late 80-90’s. I was the catholic student sitting on a bench away from the crowd while he was teaching in the center. Cliffe began my journey to leaving the Catholic Church and I still have his book today Give Me an Answer. I have highlighted almost every word and often refer to it when I am sharing my faith. Cliffe is the real deal.
  • @samcalven12
    I loved it at 2:56 when everyone says "YES" for there being Archaeological evidence for The Bible.
  • @El-Chav0
    With patience and love you are able destroy confusion and the Devils lies. God bless!
  • @immanuel829
    Cliffe Knechtle is so warmhearted, wise and patient! Lots of love from Germany
  • @J0PHIEL
    Cliffe is a legend when I start making more money definitely gonna support this ministry
  • @pat75713
    Thanks cliffe for all the years that you inspired me by your teachings they are the reason why i evangelize on the streets of waterford city Ireland today, thank you brother
  • @simeonmatz7904
    I can’t stop watching these episodes! They are changing my life 🙌🏻
  • @JustSamOfficial
    Awesome Cliffe. I hope to meet you one day, so I could thank you!
  • @joshuaallen8682
    🗣🗣🗣🗣Cliffeeeeee!! Same good news different day. Keep it up. Your videos helped me share my faith in college.
  • These kids have so much time asking questions and being skeptical in so many things without even lifting a finger to do their homeworks themselves. They tried so hard to refute so many things by their own principle and knowledge they believe rather than doing the work by themselves.
  • @missnaa6759
    Bless you pastor. May the love and mercies of God never depart from your house
  • @Jesussaves197
    Truth. I've been binge watching your videos! ...and using some of your tactics! Thank you, Cliff for you testimony of what the Lord Jesus has done in your life! My favorite in this video is your correct comparison between how we use science and how we use history! That is spot on!
  • @TruthSeeker7411
    I have just finished brother Cliffe's message, and it is as if he is my dear brother, since maybe about 2 months ago now, when I began to listen to his presentations and his interactions with people around the University in New Canaan. Cliffe gives me such joy when he speaks, and mainly because I knew his Dad, Emelio, so well, and Emelio was an Evangelist, and of course Cliffe too has been called to the ministry, likely as an Apologist, or one who defends the wonder of the life of Yahushua Messiah, the Saviour of the world's citizens, who have with all their hearts, chosen to accept Him as both Saviour, and Master/Perfect Example of that life Yahushua desires His brethren and sisters to ALSO walk like: characteristic to His perfectly lived life. I don't think Emelio was as accomplished at sports as Cliffe's physical stature allows one to assume, but one night at about 2200h back around the early summer months of 1978/79, I received a telephone call at the station with one more hour to go on my Radio shift. I was the Morning man at this AM Gospel Radio Station [0500 - 1300], and that night was due to another worker's illness. It was one of the most blessed telephone messages I had ever received in my life! This City was small, but there was an obviously large Hill which had traffic lanes, and as Emelio had arrived earlier that evening, his rental car had maneuvered him to the top which showed one a most lovely view out over the lower City. When a young boy/man, I had spent some happy times in that same area, alone with many of my girlfriends, as the spot brought out such wonderment in the minds and hearts of both young and old! Emelio Knechtle had been parked there for an hour or so, listening to me and my sharing of the Everlasting Gospel, and how my criminal life had been changed forever by having promised myself about four years before this very time, I would commit suicide and say good-bye to this rotten life, unless between August of '73 and '74, the horrible life I had been living, somehow changed to a life I could truly enjoy. I had gotten married for the usual reason for those days, at 18 years of age, and it fell apart due to my various lusts: mostly for women; drugs, alcohol and making more money in those days, than most gifted medical doctors were making, and although there were surely people who would have killed to have the "wonder of my life rather than their own," I had been living the high life, making a yearly middle-class salary of the day in less than a month, driving the best cars, eating the best foods, holidaying often every year, and going through women as if each were one potato chip, and I usually bought a bag or two each month! However, I am so very happy to express to you, having met the Master through a friend of mine I'd not seen in over 5 years, and he had astonishingly changed completely since we hung with one another; and too, funny enough we met at my front door when I answered the knock, on the 18th of August, 1974, AND MOST STRANGELY, that month was the month I had promised I was going to commit suicide the year before UNLESS things changed for me, my life again becoming a life I truly loved to be part of, I realized this visit between friends that month, was just far too attributable to the workings of a Loving Heavenly Father I had long ago forgotten as a possibility, pressed itself in upon me with such true love/agapé, I could not just throw away this was indeed God selflessly sending me a true friend who would GIVE ME THAT WAY OUT OF DEATH BY MY OWN HAND, to speaking with me, before all was over. Emelio told me he would be preaching at the little church I attended the next morning, but over maybe 15 to 20 minutes on the phone THAT night, we had said so much more than two strangers could fit into such a short conversation, we became friends forever, and I will meet Emelio again! Often, I spoke again with Emelio and too with his wife, and met him again while he was on the road, visiting churches I had been working at, or also there to speak, and I realized that spoken of above, had begun a very special kinship of the spiritual manner, that is very difficult to find in those days. When I heard of his passing, I called his dear wife, and we rejoiced and cried together, but joy was the center of the interaction, I assure you. I write these words, to tell all, Cliffe and his family come forth from a most amazing lineage of lovers of the Master Yahushua Messiah, and in my 47 years of walking in the footsteps of the Master, I can say although I have known and worked with many very fine men and women who loved Yahushua, Emelio was a man who had been given a most amazing gift for Evangelism! When this brother of mine preached, and I kid you not, and I do not lie, the atmosphere was changed into a meeting place with Yahushua Messiah! It seemed to me, the man lit up from inside, and every word touched a part of me that bowed and said with great joy: "Thank you so much, for the revelation!" I see this when Cliffe speaks as well, and I am convinced men and women such as these, are well nigh due to come forth in these last days, that we might be blessed, and moved to study that we too be proved, we might take the words of Scripture, and turn them into the loveliest words the people about us will ever hear, at a time when such is sadly lacking! Let us every one, pray for men and women to be blessed of the Holy Spirit, that our spiritual strengths will swell within us, even as a weight lifter's muscles become outstandingly more powerful, as he continuously to lift and repeat, even as we "pray and repeat," and "Study, share, and repeat!" Messiah did ALL HE COULD POSSIBLY DO, that He would create for His Father and our Father, a massive Family That Yahuwah Eloah Almighty might be the happiest Father He could possibly be, having plenty of children into whom He might place His amazing agapé! I pray you and I may also understand, WE TOO have special gifts given us, that we add more and more children to the Family of the Father and the Son, for Their great enjoyment! Personally, I am most happy, after I realize I have been used for the joy of my Great Father Yahuwah Almighty, and I know His agapé for His children is so great, over a period of FOREVER, His children of Whom we too are, will be the most glorious of His delights, each and ever one: "16: Then they that feared Yahuwah spake often one to another: and Yahuwah hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared Yahuwah, and that thought upon his name.  17: And they shall be mine, saith the Yahuwah tsa baw aw [of Hosts], in that day when I MAKE UP MY JEWELS; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him" (Malachi 3: 17, KJV, emphasis, Name changes, and insert in brackets, mine)! I feel so very loved of the Father, and too of course, of our Saviour, Yahushua Messiah. Although this world is becoming that which we knew would occur, as we get down to the last days, DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS WORLD, for we have NOT been sent here to find happiness and amazing love and the center of our existence! When we find emptiness and insecurity in this world, let us realize, although 6000 years in length, we have been given these years, that Father and Yahushua might obtain the cream of the crop: those of the fallen earth, who have through think and thin, ALWAYS realized FATHER has indeed been making up HIS JEWELS! We still have time left, to begin to realize THIS amazing truth, and thus may we always CHOOSE to be among Our Father's Jewels! Life today, and over the 71 years of it, has gone from my as a youth, doing all things that Mom & Dad might be proud of me, because I have learned and in learning, become that man they have always wanted, that they could be proud of! MORE THAN ALL ELSE SINCE BECOMING BORN AGAIN, I have known I want more than everything else, Father Yahuwah to be happy above measure, to place me in the City, New Jerusalem, and always look at me with a feeling of pride! I do not seek to be the best, for Haylale the devil has taught me this is not always good; however, I want to be among the best, so the smile of my Father, can be readily seen as very proud of that which I have done in a world that began from the beginning, on the wrong side, the very opposite of that which we were created for! We STILL HAVE TIME TO IMPROVE ON THIS, and so why should we waste our time, trying to be the best we can be, in a world that is absolutely being run by the enemy of souls, that more can be LOST, than can just be SAVED! Let us allow our LIGHT to shine upon the good and the evil, and pray a goodly amount of both, will become desirous of eternity due to our desire to accept them, because we love them all! HalleluYah, awmayne!
  • I don’t really know this guy but I’ve been watching his Videos and I just LOVE how he answer all these questions so in depth.. I think the students think they can outsmart him until they realize he has knowledge of philosophies and science they possibly study in college.
  • @Fuzzball777
    Jesus is the most precious love! Its almost unbearable how kind He is and to know He is alive and willing is worth anything and everything. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near