I Got My Own Truck With Swift Transportation

Published 2023-10-15

All Comments (21)
  • @brandonglick8956
    Consider TMC if you’re really into flatbed. I worked there for just shy of 4 years. Last year I was on track to make $80k and that was on their dedicated account in FL. OTR probably makes more. They pay very well.
  • Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV 🔴 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; [20] but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. [21] For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
  • @1VaDude
    Kick ass and take names out there!!
  • @jamesh9678
    When started driving, Swift trucks topped out at 57! .22 cpm or something close.
  • @peewee4523
    Did they fix and detail it out? They get you a mattress?
  • @stanburk7392
    It can be a great life if you enjoy travelling. Did highway stuff till my wife got pregnant then went logging so I was home pretty much every night. Never hauled vans always flat deck super B's. I liked the variety of loads. we grossed out at 140,000 pounds. 8 axles. it's the city driving I never liked. You got a good attitude so I think you'll do awesome at this.
  • Comfy rides those Paccar products. I personally don't care for them. Not because they're automatics, but brcause they cant turn or back without a lot of work and know how. Much rather be in a Mack Pinnacle, international or cascadia. Don't have time to dilly dally trying to negotiate tight spaces in a truck that only has about 3/5 the turning radius to thr right than to the left. But hey, it's a comfy ride, and you'll sleep great.
  • @caliveteranOIF
    These comments about you shouldn’t be advertising you’re with Swift. Look all you need to have and maintain is a good driving record and keep the health within DOT regulations. Other than that…report problems with the truck when needed.
  • @deanthakid9803
    Congrats bro, you said it took you 4 weeks and 200 hundred hours fromnstart to finsh to get your own truck?
  • Had a Friend that Drove for Swift for year's. He was an Owner Operator and Trainer. Everything was fine until early one morning he and a Trainie were traveling in Nebraska on I-80, they had just switched drivers and he was driving when he came upon a Overpass and just as he reached it he thought a flock of birds were taking flight from in the road. He then heard a felt wind coming through his passenger window and heard a loud crash inside his truck. It was a Bowling Ball that had been thrown off the Overpass the bowl broke into pieces when it hit the highway below and a large piece broke through his passenger side front window, hit the side of the passenger seat then hit the back of his tractor on the inside causing it to split out completely. There was a Van also passing him at the time and part of the Bowling Ball when through the windshield of the van on the passenger side, Seriously injuring the front seat passenger. His tractor was in the shop for 3 months before it was fixed. He only had 4 payments left on his tractor and Swift wouldn't let him ride and drive with another Owner so he wasn't able to make his payments and Swift took back his tractor and let him go
  • Mark 8:36 NKJV 🔴 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?