[3K Subs SPECIAL] (Sonic Forces REMIX) "The Phantom Egg!" Final Boss Phase 3

Published 2018-07-03
oh... my... goodness... when i was streaming this i was like.. amazed at how quick i ended up at 3,000 subscribers. THREE THOUSAND! this is a feat i gotta celebrate my doodies. the fact i can even compose this well is thanks to the grace of god himself, haha! man. the fact that my boi GRAY TOONS like donated 7 TIMES IN ONE STREAM?! nibba DESERVED the shoutout. i was kinda happy to be able to learn how to really impliment VST's finally into mixcraft 7, so i wanted to have as much fun with both the Genesis Soundfont and the fresh new drums that you hear in this. it looks and sounds like it was a lot of work because it WAS a lot of work. and i don't regret a single moment of it. you guys all deserved this, but i'm gonna slide back from forces a LONG while. thank you all who supported me, and thank you gray toons for donating towards this track. you will now be known as the channel meme: Lord Donator. lololololol.

Honorable mentions:
Kris N
Light MetaS
Corgi's Momo
Star Abraham
Jameson Mozelle
Jahn Davis
Luan Maziero
Pvic [EB]
Blu Bird
The entire Electro Block Team
Megapi Central

All Comments (21)
  • @sanic2794
    something something friendship power TRIPLE BOOST!!!
  • @LSJR3tr0
    Looking back at the Debut trailer, it makes me sad that Forces could have been so much more better...
  • @GracieJello
    *behind SEGA's doors, Sonic forces is in development* So guys, we need a final boss, What do we do? SEGA worker 1: well uh, we could do a super battle where all 3 characters are flying in order to catch up with eggman and infinite, but you have to get through the phantom illusions of all of Sonic's enemys. SEGA worker 2: well that sounds good, but would take a while to code SEGA worker 1: but the fans would like the ending and get a sense that the game was wor- SEGA worker 3: OR we could just do the Sonic colors boss battle, call it the death egg robot, And have all 3 characters running through the straight forward level and for the ending... TRIPLE BOOST! SEGA worker 2: okay, well what's the difference between the triple boost and the double boost? SEGA worker 3: uhhh, we add classic Sonic! *Sonic forces Release day SEGA: the fans are complaining there wasn't even a super Sonic final battle and that the triple boost is an exaggerated double boost, They want... REFUNDS ?!?! Where did we go wrong?
  • 1:52 I'm gonna reach for the stars Although they look pretty far it's always been inside of me Endless Possibility! In this world... (Where one is all) In this world... (Never fear the fall) Now let me show you just… What I'm made of! Live and learn! You may never find your way So open your heart It's gonna be okay! Seven Rings in Hand! The Knight forever stands! Before I say goodbye to you One more last fist bump...
  • Final Boss Phase 3 is one of my favourite tracks from Sonic Forces and I like how your remix of it adds more emotion. The incorporation of "Fist Bump" was a nice touch as well. Nicely done TNHGameRemixes [Nebula]; your remix has done the original justice.
  • I just LOVE how Fist Bump plays in the background of the original song at 3:30 and onward.
  • @joslide6113
    Sonic Forces you to end Season Three This is awesome! Keep it up!
  • Great stuff. This reminds me of your Egg Reverie remix with all the leitmotifs you threw in alongside the main song, and all the slight changes to the tune to make it more epic. I like the use of the piano and guitar solo from Fist Bump in particular, as well as that cute little reference to Mirage Saloon Act 1 representing Classic Sonic's role in the fight. So just to get this straight, we've got Genesis/Mega Drive instruments to represent Classic Sonic, we've got Fist Bump to represent Modern Sonic (as the lyrics to that song seem to fit his character the most) and the rest of the song which I've heard is apparently in itself a remix of Light of Hope, which given the heavy mention of both light and hope in Avatar's songs could be used to represent them. Essentially, the whole gang in one song! That is awesome!
  • @coolcamera6265
    This is AMAZING. The attention to detail like adding Genesis sounds for Classic Sonic and Fist Bump for Modern. Great work!
  • @CreeperNinja360
    This remix is great, fantastic work, yada yada yada everyone else has already gotten a chance to say what I would say about the fantastic quality for this. But I give you the most props for giving this song title a name that would be a great name for the final boss. I mean c'mon Sonic Team didn't even try with the actual final boss name, yours was much better.
  • @RedtheMudkip
    IT'S LIT!!!!!!! IT'S SO LIT! Reggie I am BLOWN AWAY by this one! AHHHHHH congrats on 3k and keep it up my dude <333
  • I get why people hated Forces so much, but I personally just think it should’ve been longer. Other than that, it’s actually one of my favorite games
  • @ariffirdaus5376
    This captures the situation complete without reminding the fact that this phase feels dark with eggman saying not a single word, damn
  • @MusicianNrd
    This is the best remix of Battle with Mega Death Egg Robot - Phase 3 I’ve ever heard. The instruments sounds great and the Null Space reference at the beginning is really cool. Keep up the good work. Also, can you make the remix of the first and the second phase?
  • @Parapsyche
    Sorry I'm late, but DAMN. I didn't think you could top Egg Reverie, but how fitting that you do with the next season finale. Finally a good, GREAT remix of this song! The evil laugh at the beginning was a great touch, too, not to mention all your classic leitmotifs. I'm gonna be listening to this one for a while. Good luck in Season Four, mate! I'll be behind you the whole way, and perhaps as I improve on my own we can work together a bit too? We'll see - enjoy your break, Reggie, you've earned it! Edit: 1:09 I'm done. You even managed to sneak the perfect penguin himself into this piece.
  • A song to celebrate 3000 subscribers, and a toast to welcome 3000 more! As always, love the music.
  • @Aybeece
    Congrats on 3K! You’ll be sailing smooth from here on out! Of course, with your musical talent, I never doubted it for a second!
  • Dude, this is one of the best things my ears have ever listened to! Multiple different parts of different tracks all put into one track perfectly. This is legit amazing! Instead of a repetitive theme that we got (still good) this has so many different parts, that makes you want to constantly keep listening! Quite the finale 👌