Destruction of fast-moving French Fire shown at first daylight in Mariposa

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (15)
  • Let the Fire Season begin...God Bless CalFire! Thompson Fire is looking better...praying for rain y'all!
  • My home was destroyed by the detwihller fire im ok now!😢😢
  • @rickwhite599
    But to warm your home in the winter you can't use your fireplace.
  • @JohnDoe-xd7he
    I didn't think there was anything left in California to burn. Hasn't the zombie apocalypse already taken over that state?
  • @ducngo1966
    Waters. Calls firefighters. Call 911 so 911 can call firefighters.
  • Here is a thought: The difference between California land management and Ranchers and Farmers land management is that California lets the brush become overgrown, California tries to stop fires when they occur - vs. Ranchers and Farmers land management that uses fire as a preventative tool to keep the forests healthy. Forest fires are a natural part of that ecosystem for many tens of thousands of years. The Ranchers and Farmers learned this understanding from the Native Americans because it is a deep part of their culture. California will continue to burn every year until we abandoned all the ill conceived environmental policies that have been put in place since the early 1960's. You can't fix STUPID!