Misheard Numa Numa Lyrics

Published 2006-08-01
Numa Numa video with mishead lyrics that sound insane.

Edit: I know that the song is actually Romanian, that's why it says "MISHEARD" in the title. I make no claim that these are the actual lyrics, so stop telling me that I'm stupid, because I know they're false. If you can't understand that the words I have written just 'sound' like the actual lyrics then acquire a sense of humor!

BTW: I'm flattered that everyone tries to copy this...

All Comments (21)
    I miss 2008-09 era of youtube. Nostalgic stuff right here
  • @Valtamerisielu
    This will forever be the best misheard Numa Numa lyric video.
  • @barbaro267
    Jesse...ach! womb! The 90's/2000's in a nutshell.
  • @IImagiination
    This is so nostalgic, back when life was so much more simpler lol
  • @alexdao222
    Dude I'm Romanian and whatching this is like the best thing ever XD
  • @Kieraaful
    Lol came here for the memories. Back when youtubing was just 100% fun and games and not calling out other youtubers or drama!
  • @MrMadness1
    2006... Sniff I miss you... I miss you so much. Please come back. I just want the humble era of Youtube. The era where simple, yet charming videos like this were the norm. The era where there weren't a billion shitty LP channels and Vine bullshit, just peace. Salute
  • @gNatflaps
    This is actually how i learned this somg.
  • @leenkhatib8314
    14 years ago and I still remember all the jokes. Can't believe it's been that long. This will never not make me smile.
  • @ljre3397
    It took me 17 years to stumble into this. Excellent.
  • @sassyfoxx1
    to all the people saying this is offensive to the Romanian language, get a life! It's funny and that's what it sounds like phoenetically to English speakers
  • I always heard that "ragu sledding yay" as "grab a snack and play"..
  • @cosmicjenny4508
    ~~Happy 10th Birthday!!~~ Can't believe this masterpiece is a decade old, this was early YouTube! When viral videos were like gold nuggets, popping up every now and then to surprise and delight us. Oh how much YouTube has changed in 10 years, mainly for the worst but good in other aspects...
  • @coyoots
    This video has been burned into my mind for sixteen years
  • @hamham_6411
    Literally crying from laughter Why can't all Youtube videos be like this
  • @berrylvr734
    Instead of "Feta Cheese" It should be "Fed a Cheetah"
  • @AuraOfANobody
    You ever just remember a video and come back to it well over a decade later and are blown away by the fact that your original like from 2006ish is still there? I could have sworn I had swapped accounts at one point but this is still liked and I'm kind of taken aback. Even more wild, the uploader of this video is subbed to someone I follow now. Who's only been active for a few years themselves. So they're still (at least relatively) active. That's pretty crazy too. Shoutout to you, sbrools, for uploading one of the first videos I remember watching on YouTube and also for sticking around long enough to show off your good taste in game design YouTubers to all who visit again.
  • Students: Teachers: My classmates: My friend: No my "A"! (Looking at my grade during science test result)