Is Star Citizen 3.24 Less Pay 2 Win?

Published 2024-07-02
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Star Citizen is an in-development multiplayer space trading and combat simulation game. The game is being developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen is being led by director Chris Roberts.

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All Comments (21)
  • Seeing a lot of arguing over the term "Pay to win"; the term is not really used literally, implicitly implying that you will, in fact, beat someone in a fight, finish the game, and have statues of you erected in every town square - if you are paying to skip ahead to a goal you would otherwise have to grind to achieve (ie. owning a specific ship), that is in fact defined as paying to win, as you have paid to achieve said goal, and thus won.
  • @jdelos5711
    Buddy and I Had 3 mil worth of rmc in an m2 we just bought at Rappel last night. We committed the cardinal sin and went out there in sperm suits with no guns but we had done it countless times before with no issues besides the ones the bugs present every now and then. This time there was a corsair parked out there and I see plenty of voidy vids and had a gut feeling but my buddy doesn't follow the game as closely and didn't care. We got ganked. The pirate was an ass about it too at first thanking us for the free loot and calling us noobs for being out there like we were. We came back for revenge in hospital gowns in a redeemer which his corsair wiped up pretty quick... Thanks master mode... Tried again in scorpius but flew into the ground like idiots ... Then we came back third time in a hurricane and mopped him up. There was so much trash talking going on in global chat but the initial sting of losing the money turned into comedy pretty quickly and people were showing up just to watch the show. At the end of the day the dude was cool. Sent back half the uec he managed to sell since we risked it all on that haul and he wiped us out and we also got to clean up the rest of the loot on the ground and sell. At the end we ended up where we started the night as far as money went But MUCH wiser. He wasn't really a textbook griefer. He was playing his gameplay loop much like we were playing ours but it was the funnest and most interesting session we had in a while. Definitely beat buying and selling at kiosks. Lost money but had a LOT of unscripted fun and at the end isn't that what this is all about? o7
  • If this game is pay to win, then CIG owes me a shit ton of "winning" šŸ˜…
  • @Arakasi0
    Tbh renting a large cargo ship for piracy makes a lot more sense than most rentals.
  • "The fact that it's possible is why I love this game so much." One of "the problems" with the project right now is that it (casual piracy/criminality) is possible for basically anybody; you talk about "high risk; high reward", but there is no high risk (for either side, really) at this time. I'll be interested in what your position will be in a few years when it is actually "high risk" and very difficult from a skill level to live as a permanent criminal - once real reputation, ship armors, the expanded police / bounty hunter / security gameloop and other balancing factors are in it's going to take real ability and dedication to live outside the law. Conversely when the god marker is gone and one has to actually detective their way through a bounty hunt, that will also require real ability and dedication, and will help bring balance to the 'verse. You and your buddies might have the ability and the motivation to embrace the criminal side, but the casuals (self-glorified griefers / murder hobos) that currently plague the game will be driven under the bar by those requirements - which will be a great thing. Then a criminal lifestyle really will be high-risk/high reward, and "piracy" will be notable for being a more rare but exciting exception rather than a routine irritant.
  • @wjohnsaunders
    Anyone know how to get that zoomed in HUD view shown from 1:01. I have seen a few videos with it in there, but no idea what the name of it is so can't find if there is a default key-bind or I would need to add one.
  • Youā€™ll be pleased to hear that in 3.24 cargo delivery at outposts is right out in the open. You can pluck cargo right off the freight elevator while itā€™s being loaded.
  • The changes to cargo are going to limit a lot of cargo running to primarily group play. No one person is going to be able to take on the amount of risk of having to always manually unload cargo at a hot location. This is great if you're always able and willing to play with other people every time you want to run cargo, but that isn't the case for a wide swath of the current player base. Not everyone is in an org or has friends who can hop on at a moment's notice. Also the risk is entirely taken on by the cargo runners, not the pirates. Sure pirates might have the risk of having to wait to claim a destroyed ship and having to maybe re-equip some fps equipment, but cargo runners have the uec they invested in to the cargo itself. This might change with actual cargo missions and not having to buy and sell your own cargo for profit, but whether or not that'll be worth it by comparison remains to be seen. If I have to spend 20+ minutes at a location like Brios everytime I need to make a sale or drop off, I don't see myself running cargo there ever.
  • @Lance_Arn
    With cargo transfer at outposts being right out in the open, this is the one major reason I shall cease all cargo transport (except to the planetary TDD) and concentrate on mining and salvage.. ''Where I go, none will follow''
  • All this is incorrect. I'm in evo and you cannot sell stolen goods at a cargo elevator in your hangar. You still have to sell that stuff at places like brios and as far as I know there is no large cargo elevators (or any at all) at those locations.
  • @MrGhost.
    If you rob a ship with a good name you can now just take it and its cargo right to your Chop Shop hangar and put all its cargo and components in a safe place. The warehouse
  • Having had a chance to see both sides of the P2W arguement. I have tosay both sides are wrong, and both sides are right. SC is kinda wierd, by definition it is P2W. But the way SC has implemented it that means very little. There is no item, ship, or accessarry which offers a significant advantage in game. Those who want to argue it is P2W are just upset becaue they feel those who pay for in game ships or items didnt 'earn' them. But that isn't a fair assessment. Only they did earn them, they just earned them through diffrent means. Currently, CIG rewards those who make purchases in r/l more, by offering skins like best in show to those who have bought those ships. I think what would end this arguement would be if there were in game ways to earn special skins, which would show the effort put forth by those who put in hours of grind time. (E.g. give the grinders their badges of honor too.) Host PvP events where 1st place gives a ship, 2nd and 3rd special unique skinns. And all who participate get a little something. (Like a water bottle, or something similar to cheap subscriber flair. Basically something to show you were there. This will entise more to partisiapte who normally wouldnt care.) Ill be honnest I liked the F8C event with the platinum tickets, I liked operation overdrive, and I liked the recient xenothreat. Dont get me wrong, i didnt like every aspect, but I like where the idea is going. But things like getting a certification plaque to put in your ship or personal hangar. When you do something like reach a certan tier of trading, mining, salvage, or bounty hunting. Then unlock respective skins for commonly used ships used for the repspective task to be purchaseable in game. Having everything cool tied to r/l money doesn't leave a good feeling in the stomaches of the grinders. Im not sayijg the grinders are right, im just saying give the grinders some love.
  • Breathes in deep.... will stay calm and keep waiting. will keep waiting.... will.... keeeep....... waiting........ I just wanna be a repair man. till years before i get to touch my crucible.
  • Making cargo escorts legitimately viable is a huge win for emergent gameplay
  • OPTIMISM! I eagerly await the upcoming VoidyVids voidy vid in which he solo heists and sells 696 SCU of Illegal Space Sex Eggs using nothing but an Aurora MR and a nerf gun.
  • @TKanal3
    another way to fix p2w. Make the ships more like "hulls", make these realtively cheap to get ingame, and make the components what makes ships really worth anything. Kinda scams the backers but makes the game better. Also makes it more realistic to do stuff like find a abandoned caterpillar or whatever and then fix it up to get that "hull". If the ships are uber expensive it probably wont be possible to do that because it would be too strong. But that would be cool gameplay
  • I just can't get into a game that lets me do a bunch of work, build something up, make progress on something that I want to do, just so a random weirdo can come along and tear it all apart for no particular reason. Sounds too much like real life. I'm not sure how I could motivate myself to keep "playing".