Repaints Palooza 3: Toxitronic Crusaders

Published 2023-08-23

All Comments (21)
  • @alexlemonds2838
    If that new TFA Optimus figure isn't repainted into Toxitron then the planet will cease turning. Long live Botcon and FunPub.
  • @khyron42prime40
    Dead End’s giant car-hood back REALLY makes him feel like a G2 figure. He’s one of the few that really hits a nostalgia chord for me.
  • @alexlemonds2838
    Also, yes. I'm gonna rip BOTH your ears off. Toxitron had an awesome back story in Mayhem. Tortured experiment cooked up by the sadistic jagoffs Oil Slick and Loud Pedal. The Wreckers were the first people to treat him with basic decency.
  • @15oClock
    A moment of silence for ‘86 Hound. He's not dead; a redeco of his weapons were just release before he was.
  • @nb3439
    The hound weapons that come with Jazz are intended to combine and peg into his back to give him a shoulder-mounted cannon like the G2 concept art he's based off of It's a bit too far back to be "shoulder mounted" but they did try
  • So let’s see here: Nickelodeon prime, Australian Mirage, happy Dead End, 90’s sideswipe, Cheeto’s Jazz, Weak bladder Arcee, the Scooby doo crossover, silver burnout, and banana grimlock
  • @Ms.Ronloodle
    Can't wait for the Repaint Palorza Fourza Horizon for the Legacy United Star Raiders.
  • @Skee-All
    Its here they told tale of the 3rd day and its come
  • @MrFedoraFilm
    The Transformers Toxitron Collection are pretty cool. -Toxitron himself looks cool. Like the lime green, light/bright purple and grey colors. The orange Matrix of Leadership he comes with, I call the Matoxic. Matrix and toxic blend together. -Watermelon Mirage looks like he took up residence in Florida. -Dead End looks more lively then his G1 personality. I'm surprised that he didn't have a name change like the G2 Dragstrip figure from the Velocitron set renamed Shadowstrip. -Sunset Sideswipe looks very relax. Like he chills by the beach. -Orange Jazz is cool. The first unreleased version of G2 Jazz that was just concept art. He feels like Jazz got a job as a spokesman for SunnyD. Like the added weapons. -Lazer Cycle Jazz. She is base on another unreleased G2 Jazz, but got a toy but was cancelled. Everything about this figure, I like, but the tightly whities should have stayed white. -G2 Grimlock looks cool. In robot and dino modes, I prefer these colors over the old G2 blue colors. But wish the aqua blue tiger stripes went further up his back instead of being on the tail. -Buzzworthy Bumblebee Tow Line... I have mixed feeling about. I wish he wasn't a repaint with a new head from existing mold, and look more like his RID2001 self. But at the same time, like the new look. -Crosscut is cool. Honestly like this mold over Skids.
  • @KodyCrimson
    Toxitron has a complicated history. Basically he was a figure intended as a Universe repaint of G2 Prime/RID 2000 Scourge, but got cancelled. Then Botcon did their CW rendition of him and built upon the little bit of lore he had being an experimental clone of Optimus Prime who seeped toxic sludge from every orifice in his body with a whacked-out mind to match. So yeah, ANOTHER Optimus clone, but at least he's a more unique rendition of such. And fun fact, the Toxitron line, sans Toxitron, is all based on unused G2 decos.
  • @Thudderwack1
    You are a brave one for shining a blacklight anywhere
  • @BertoBoi
    Fun fact: Laser Cycle is actually meant to be an unreleased Jazz figure, but they changed his name in order to not confuse people with Dorito Jazz.
  • @zenerstorm95
    The whole G2 Deception thing on Toxitron is because it isn't following the Botcon version, it's following the generalised version of Toxitron that Hasbro haven't bothered much to explain. Basically, Bizzaro Optimus. I need explain no more.
  • @ColdTRex
    2:05 he was a cancelled G2 figure whose name Botcon later used for an exclusive Optimus Lime
  • @Voltboy1449
    These look like that bag of jolly ranchers you left outside too long
  • @txoptimusbob
    RIP Cloudcover. I’m sure you would’ve loved it