The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization

Published 2017-03-26
Self Actualization - A high level overview of the key elements of personal growth. What does it mean to be growing?

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

All Comments (21)
    2 Years watching Leo's videos I meditated for 10 months now and I must say my life is just getting better and better
  • @mandelyn9508
    You really made a big difference in my life. Do you even realize how amazing you are? Thank you!
  • @paulciampo2104
    Leo, thank you. The gratitude I wish to communicate cannot be expressed here.
  • @CollegeAdvisor
    Thanks for this, Leo. I have dabbled in self improvement but never put in the "hard work" that you speak of because I've always been 'content.' Recently, I've been feeding off my low-level successes in life and I'm "crashing" so to speak-- I now know that there exists high quality fulfillment, and it's my goal to seek that out every day.
  • @pramitbanerjee
    the things i took away from this video : 1) being instead of having and doing, accepting yourself and not only accepting an idealized version of yourself. To realize the sensorimotor loop your function with, to realize the underlying motivations between every thought and analysis. 2) Making long term observations, and observing instances of bias and self denial, avoid over analyzing these observations. Be very honest, and surrender control. 3) Motivation for stimulation, becoming distraction free 4) The evil and suffering inside you, finding out the interactions between your motivation and the motivation of other people. Everyone you are relating to, you are relating to in a very manipulative manner.
  • @emtech7457
    Bro, its absolutely incredible creating a video with this deep insight, at a lenght of 50 min, without a single cut It keeps the whole video extremely authentic, thx you leo
  • Thank you, Leo! I massive eye-opener was the fact that I've been having a need to have and do things to feel happy (to get the temporary feeling of happiness = sugar rush). Advocating more of my resources and time for being from now on. Going on a minimum of 7-day solo being retreat in May or August. Cannot wait!
  • @witfulmuse1290
    This video answered a question that has been lingering in my head this whole morning. I haven't given myself time the past 2 weeks to watch your videos, but just today haha I had time and this was the first video that caught my attention. I thank you, for what you're sharing with everyone. This was a big confirmation for me. there are no such thing as coincidences
  • @emi1391
    Just found your website last night and started watching your videos. Thanks so much for your hard work. 🙏
  • @deep9th
    I just want to thank you for every single video you made and all the vids you're going to make in the future. You helped me so much with my journey and to become what I am now. There's still a lot of work to do, but when I look back just a few years from now ...I'm whole new person. You have my deepest gratitude
  • Love your work, and appreciate your help with my journey! you truly inspired me last year& have loved your insight ever since! I congratulate you on your knowledge and hunger for more! How rare and beautiful you are!!!
  • @treeoflife3797
    Leo sir, I would just like to take a moment to say that I have only recently stumbled upon your videos. I don't watch them rather, I listen to them while I'm working. (by carefully setting my cell phone in my pocket and just letting them play) You are absolutely one of the most enlightening people I've come across since becoming a bit of a "self development junkie". It's your words of wisdom that have not only made me open my eyes and say "holy shit!" to myself, but also have really helped me in my journey of becoming the best human being I can be. I'm 22 years old and I'm getting there;). Keep doing what you do best you wonderful bald man that I was so fortunate to stumble across.
  • Wow. That's all I have to say, Leo. Wow. I've been doing self actualization work for over a year and just this explanation of why I'm doing it has furthered my work. Thank you.
  • @gulee
    Another wonderful video, thanks, Leo! The short discussion on self-acceptance is extremely insightful to me!
  • @jessicacole4082
    This channel has helped me so much with my journey of becoming actualized. Thank you!!
  • @NaWais
    I was a self-help junkie but during the last year, I discovered there's a lot more. This video indicated a lot of points that I've been getting more aware of. Thank you Leo.
  • @delightful893
    Great stuff!!!! I just (only 2 weeks a ago I got a complete look at the absolute, (how everything in life is connected, I realized/was made very aware that I truly am, completely responsible for my life, it came to me very clearly as I was able to see complete blackness surrounding me and all I could see was my own body as I was observing it) What an amazing EXPERIENCE!!
  • @LostKin69
    Great video Leo! Your videos have helped me improve my life greatly, and have set me on course for a more self actualized life! So thank you for that 👏