The Top 5 WORST Planes in War Thunder!

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • @thesnazzycomet
    I forgot to mention but the footage at 11:08 is x5 speed 😂 I also want to say this is mostly basing their rankings on performance in Air Battles onl
  • @FrostedEngines
    No matter what plane I'll be using, I will always have a skill issue
  • @lelmone6856
    Realistically “every single heavy bomber in the game” should occupy a spot on this list. If you queue up in any of those lumbering RP piñatas you’re just asking for it at this point.
  • @JadeFoxAlpha
    From Wikipedia: "The Po-2 is also the only biplane credited with a documented jet-kill, as one Lockheed F-94 Starfire was lost while slowing down to 161 km/h (100 mph) – below its stall speed – during an intercept in order to engage the low flying Po-2."
  • @carroteer
    Yak-15P was one of the only 2 prop planes that got successfully refitted with a jet engine, the other being the J21
  • @hrunchtayt1587
    Ok to be fair, after spading all of the heavy night fighter DO-17s/DO-217s, I very much liked having all the guns and cannons early game to intercept unsuspecting bombers and clueless fighters who think you’re a bomber until you turn them into a fireball crashing to earth. I guess it’s an acquired taste. Also with the YaK-15, it wasn’t meant to be a combat aircraft, rather a jet trainer to transition WWII veteran YaK pilots to more modern jets like the YaK-23 or MiG-9.
  • @bajonettm2122
    Here am I, the defender of the Ki109: -excellent gun, I cracked Kingtigers and Pershings with it -it's quite fast but anyhow, you are right... :D
  • @euanisles9122
    Ki 109 is a ground RB beast, very good one shot capabilities on light-medium vehicles.
  • @duckhouse1929
    The He-162 is actually really good depending on how it is played
  • @czwarty7878
    Do-217 made perfect sense because it was a night fighter. It never had to turn fight, only get on rear of bombers that it detected with on-board radar, and empty the amassed concentration of cannons. That here isn't problem of plane design but rather incompetent game designers who add vehicle to game without even thinking through it's proper implementation that makes sense gameplay-wise.
  • @KekusMagnus
    yak-15p is not bad at all. It requires short range shots and extreme trigger discipline, but flight-performance wise, it annihilates any prop it comes across
  • Ran into a Ki-109 while playing Shermans in Ground Sim, guy somehow managed to hit nearly every shot he fired, allied team got wiped by that guy. We eventually won but that guy was a menace to us all.
  • Counter point to the heavy fighter argument: In War Thunder there is, quite literally, zero chance to use them as they were intended to be used. (especially in the case of the German heavy night interceptors) It's like being on a cooking show where you have to make sandwiches and being given a jar of lard as an ingredient. Sure, you could make a lard sandwich, but it won't be very good.
  • @jakubagudza2642
    9:47 i fucking hate vampire, had an unfortunate stroke when trying to decide which Swedish jet to unlock first, and now I’m suffering.
  • I can't really put the Ki-109 so high up because it's a good plane for sniping tanks in Ground RB, especially because the bomber platform makes it an incredibly stable plane. It doesn't beat the German duck, not by a long shot, but it actually provides Japan with cannon-armed ground support option.
  • @tygar1221
    I remember when I first got the PO-2 I immediately brought it into top tier jets at the time as a joke, but surprisingly got a mixed escort of enemy and friendly planes that were protecting me till I got to my target. I got like half way there (it felt like forever) before getting killed by someone who was not on board with the shenanigan's. It was still heart warming to see enemy and friendly jets trying to stay in the air at my glacial speed.
  • The Ki-109 is amazing at ground rb, with 500g explosive mass in its ap shells. Would have hoped you put in more actual shit planes like the Israeli bf 109
  • @LipColt
    Where's the Swordfish? Big, slow, bad guns, no maneuverability at all.