Why Roblox Studio is Confusing For Beginners

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wondered how to make a main menu in roblox studio? or how to create a shop which has working GUI? ive made lots of 2024 roblox scripting tutorials about all the different bits of roblox to give you some up-to-date information about all of its properties and events.

my goal is to simply give some insight on how to use the various features and instances roblox studio, and show you some fun stuff you can do with them. thanks for checking out this roblox scripting tutorial :)

コメント (21)
  • (thanks for the feedback and sorry for the misleading title, I’ll keep a high standard for videos from now on) the ONLY product i sell: linktr.ee/ByteBlox
  • I cant belive people are joining a roblox development course runned by this guy.
  • Module scripts are CRUCIALLLL to organising massive games RAAAAAAAAA, THIS VIDEO HURTS TO WATCH
  • @MajesticUC
    It seems most of these points are more directed at new developers rather than roblox studio being stupid. Here's me explaining each point. Models: If models automatically welded everything together, that would be extremely frustrating. The only time that would be useful is if you actually wanted the parts to weld together however even then, which parts will be welded to which parts? Imagine whenever you spawn in, your character parts just get randomly welded to each other. It would quite literally, break the character as all the animation would be messed up and you wouldn't be able to make things like character ragdolls. Client -> Server Model: It would be impossible to show the same thing on the client and the server. This is due to replication lag caused by ping. Whenever, the server wants to replicate something to the client, it needs to message the client in order for it to load in that information and vice versa except things on the client are only replicated to the server is the client has network ownership of that instance for example the player's character for obvious security reasons. Also, you not knowing what a server is as a scripter is just an INSANE skill issue. Having to manually save data: Firstly, you don't need leaderstats to save data. Most advanced scripters will store player data in tables or by using oop and create functions to display that data in the leaderstats whenever it is updated. Secondly, what if the player doesn't want the leaderstats to save? Lets say you're playing a fighting game and there is a 1v1 game mode. They give you a leaderstat called lives and it is set to 3. When lives hits 0 you die. If you leave the game and rejoin the ranked game mode, you dont want the lives to save. You want it to be at 3 when you join so if it saved, that would just be annoying to get around. Also please explain to me how roblox autosaving leaderstats would even work??? Brick Color and Color: Brick color is faster to use. Color gives more accurate colours as you can give it hex codes or rgb values or hsv values. If you want to compare 2 colours, it may be easier just to make them brick colors and then compare the brick colors rather than storing rgb values for each color. Also for some historical context, brick color was a thing YEARS before color3 and used to have around 25 colours to choose from in 2009. If they removed this property, it would break a lot of games going back to around 2016. Scripting is hard: Yeah thats just a skill issue lol. Btw secret is used to store API keys for external HTTP requests. Module scripts: Im confused because you called them stupid and then explained why they aren't stupid. But yeah. Module scripts follow the D.R.Y method which stands for Dont Repeat Yourself. Instead of rewriting the same code multiple times, you can just require it from a module script. It reduces time taken and makes bug fixing 10x faster. It also removes incosinstencies in your code. Players and Characters: There's nothing really to say. Thats just a silly mistake made by new developers. Characters are loaded in multiple times. Player loads in once. GUI: Tbf, I too was once a victim of trying to access gui from starterGUI. That's why its important to actually understand what each service is doing rather than just assuming what they do. That's not really a problem with roblox studio. Viewport frames aren't complex at all btw. They require a camera and they will display any instance that is placed inside the viewport frame via the camera's perspective. Offset is the size of the gui in pixels, Scale is the size of the gui in reference to the size of the screen in pixels. Lets say scale is 0.5 along the x axis, it will take up half of the screen. UI layouts are just there to help developers. They make it easier to make different types of gui and the developer is not forced to use any of them. This is kinda worrying Byteblox since you are selling a course when half the things you're saying are wrong. You should try learning studio fully before selling a course since no one needs to pay to learn how to make a variable and print "Hello world".
  • @attackehhh
    every roblox developer can unite together to say: this guy is stupid
  • @stalius1
    personally as a builder, i think that having both brickcolor and color 3 is useful, since when im quickly coloring stuff, i can just use brickcolor and not think about it that much. And if i need some more specific shades, i can use color3 to fine-tune it
  • @ivoxii
    Horrible takes, please try again. Seems like its just a whole advertisement for your course...
  • for someone who's tagline is "Fully explaining every bite-sized feature of Roblox Studio," you sure are heavily underqualified to do so. Secrets are very well known in apis, i.e tokens for access and whatnot. you're blabbering about things you could educate yourself on, then teach beginners, which is the entire point of your channel (AND DOCUMENTATION EXISTS FOR THIS REASON). this is awful dude
  • This is either a late April fools joke or someone who doesn't know a single thing about roblox studio
  • @Nerexyz
    bro, when you delete part IN YOUR CLIENT it doesn't delete it from SERVER CLIENT. isn't that obvious?
  • of all the things you could have pointed out you chose the dumbest parts that nobody has a problem with lol. I've grown to appreciate Roblox studio as I've developed using it, even moreso now that I've seen Fortnite/Epic's version of it... Which is just a glorified cutdown version of UE with a terrible output window, close to no debugging info, and a convoluted language made specifically for that editor for some reason, which they call "Verse" which just seems like a cutdown version of C#. Also what are you even talking about with the module script??? the fact that you don't even know how people use it suggests to me that you aren't even in a place to criticize Roblox studio to begin with and have likely never actually coded something outside of Roblox, its essentially a library. You define functions that you may need/want to use serverside/clientside (which you can do if you place the modulescript in replicated storage, this is incredibly powerful), as well as defining variables so that you don't need to define the same variable 20 times in separate scripts. Brickcolor also reduces the complexity of vertex colors (the colorwheel is 255x255x255, meaning there can be a total variation of 16 million color variations, compare that to a total of 208 brickcolors), using a more simplified number of colors can help reduce drawcalls/improve batching, not to mention such color palettes are the standard in every creative application... The player character conundrum is another nonissue, Separating the player from the character is incredibly useful for what should be very obvious reasons. Any beginner will immediately grasp the difference and accommodate them in the future very easily, or at least they should. The weld part is just dumb, if you are going to be making any sort of game featuring welds and leveraging the built in physics engine of roblox, you should at least know how to make a simple weld function, tag models using the tagservice, and iterate over those models using this function and the collectionservice. And voila, you have your welds. Granted, Studio should probably have some sort of autoweld feature so that you don't have to do it programmatically, but still, its a trivial issue.
  • I kept waiting for him to name real problems, like ROBLOX constantly breaking existing experiences. The only semi-valid point is the lack of documentation around UI scale an offset, but playing around with it tells you pretty much all you need to know.
  • This has to be the most frustrating form of Rage Bait I have ever seen. This guy should seriously try to learn code-only engines.
  • Someone got an error they can't fix in their studio so they start raging about how bad the studio is 💀💀
  • @Run3Angel
    literally skill issue, just pure skill issue this engine is pretty good
  • @dylangtech
    BrickColor is just a depreciated version of Color. Back in the old days, we only had that. A lot of older games still rely on it to run.
  • @Yaboy8r1
    He’s chatting. He’s doing everything in a tedious way. You could just union the three parts so they act as one instead of falling individually.