What causes panic attacks, and how can you prevent them? - Cindy J. Aaronson

Published 2020-10-08
Dig into the science of what triggers panic attacks, how to recognize them, and the available treatments for panic disorder.


Countless poets and writers have tried to put words to the experience of a panic attack— a sensation so overwhelming, many people mistake it for a heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening crisis. Studies suggest that almost a third of us will experience at least one panic attack in our lives. So what exactly is a panic attack, and can we prevent them? Cindy J. Aaronson investigates.

Lesson by Cindy J. Aaronson, directed by Aim Creative Studios.

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All Comments (21)
  • @shirelly
    The worst part for me is the sinking, dizzy feeling that makes me feel like im about to pass out and lose control over my body. It's horrible.
  • @laurah200
    Panic attacks feel like your soul wants to leave your body but you are fighting so hard to stay conscious. It’s absolutely terrifying.
  • @ivanlevy1869
    I had a panic attack today & I felt like I was going to die . I had to call the ambulance . These are no joke! Praying for everyone that has experienced this ! GOD bless you guys ❤️
  • @anxietyvibes
    In bed, 30mins in, slowly falling to a calm sleep of rest.. BAM, eyes wide awake, hearts racing, chest is tight, sweating, breathing is hard, I am dying. Stand up, rush to another room... Talk to myself, you did that before you're ok calm down.... Slowly relax.... It's 3am, I'm tired, i wish I was sleeping like everybody else.
  • @maisiemaise5505
    I feel like panic attacks are something you can’t describe or put into words
  • Panic attacks are really tough to deal with, and people who experience them should be aware of how much strength it actually takes to get through it. Mental health issues should never be mistaken for weakness, in fact, it is an experience that only undeniably strong people can go through. Whoever is reading this, if you are experiencing panic attacks, try to invest yourself as much as you can into understanding the physiological, scientific side of it. It is incredibly important since by understanding it, you are taking away the power it has over you! I wish you all the best, and keep going! You are incredibly strong!
  • From my experience of panic attacks, I can tell you that they are on a spectrum. Usually, my triggers are thinking about anything that could mean the loss of my life, or a rush to the hospital. Chest pains, seeing a new spot on my skin, thinking that my headache is something much worse. Depending on how anxious I get, my panic attacks range from my legs uncontrollably quivering to my vision going dark. I’m still battling my demons, But I really hope that one day all of us who go through this come out the other end.
  • people always say a panic attack peaks within 10minutes blah blah blah.. my panic attacks can last for hours!
  • @Donut-Eater
    "Sometimes panicking hurts more than the thing you are panicking over" ― OdieTheGreat
  • @ellefava786
    having panick attacks during sleep is the worst I hope it won't happen again
  • @TheD404
    I think what sucks most about panic attacks is that you can't make the level of 'pain' any lesser even if you've had multiple. You just get better at recognizing that it's happening.
  • This comment section lowkey makes me feel like home. It’s reassuring to see that there’s other people going through it too and you’re not alone.
  • @_Kokioh_
    Me: *literally just chillin in the sofa* My brain: oh boi it's time to release monstrous amounts of adrenaline
  • @intreoo
    Panic Attacks are some of the worst things a human can experience. I've had only one, but it was so horrifying that I genuinely get shivers when thinking of it. The fear of getting one again has terrified me to the point that I will do everything I can to avoid it.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes addiction actually destroyed my life. I could remember several years ago after divorce with my wife which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
  • @madflyt
    As a person who suffered many years of panic attacks, in the end, the only cure is you. Trust yourself, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, give yourself the time and space you need. You will get better, trust me.
  • @sv2253
    Whenever I'm having one I come here to this video and read the comments and it goes away. Could be because we are all here sympathizing and being kind strangers to each other, or it could be my logical brain is being accessed in order to read your experiences here. Either way you're not alone and your experiences have personally helped me overcome at LEAST four panic attacks. Thank you all so much. ❤
  • @kts2311
    The worst feeling to me is the beat of my heart going so hard and fast. It’s like your suffering a heart attack… and that generates you a constantly obssesion with the beat of your heart at every moment…