Enemies to lovers (playlist) | Chase Atlantic, The Weeknd, The Neighbourhood

Published 2024-04-30
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Cùng thưởng thức nào^^.
- The image used in the video is taken from Pinterest.
- This video is just a lyrics video for this song
- I'm not the copyright holder for the music, and I don't make any profit
- All profits from advertising will go back to the copyright owner
Let's chill ^^
© Copyright by WMG
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#chill #fypシ #mood #chillmusic #xh #playlists #aesthetic #chilldays #nightvibes #chillplaylist #videoplaylist #music #playlist #views #alone #afternoon #enemies #lovers #music #playlist

All Comments (21)
  • @ToufiqaHossain
    Enemies to lovers goes from wanting to kill them to wanting to kill for them💀
  • Okay making a POV for you little character AI children. 😌 OKAY, POV: You were in bed one night, when you got a message. ”Hey loser, you still up?” as you read it, your gaze shifted to the named, and of course it was e/n. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and clicked on it, responding. ”No, actually, I’m not.” you responded, and sit your phone down, but it only took a few seconds for them to respond, and you picked your phone back up, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. ”No need to have an attitude, I was trying to be nice for once. Meet me at the old lake by your house, won’t you?” the text read, and your eyebrows lifted a little. It was 2:32 AM. You couldn’t complain, because you couldn’t sleep, and you were bored. You climbed out of bed, slipping on socks, and your shoes. You climbed out of your window, and ran to the lake by your house, seeing them standing there. You walked up to them, and their gaze shifted from the lake to you. “Took you long enough, idiot.” They grumbled in annoyance, “I’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes.” You rolled your eyes, “Well, you’re the one who texting me randomly at 2 in the morning,” they looked at you and laughed a little, “fair enough.” Their eyes locked with yours for a moment, “C’mon, I gotta show you something,” They mumbled quietly, taking your hand, rushing you to an empty parking lot, with a bike parked in it. “Let’s go for a ride,” they said walking up to the bike, taking a helmet and slipping it on. God, did they look hot. They took another one, and offered to you. Their hand snapped you out of your daze, and you nodded, “Yeah, sure.” You said, taking the helmet, putting it on, watching them climb on the bike, and you got on the back behind them, and heard the bike start. Before you knew it, you were riding through the city with them, looking up at the sky, the wind hitting your face, your heart pounding, your arms around their waist. PT. 2 at 50 likes 😌 OKAY PT. 2 DAMN You watched as the buildings flooded by you like water, your eyes batting slightly from the breeze. When you finally arrive at your destination, it’s on a cliff. You watch e/n climb off, and start walking to the edge. “C’mon, don’t just stand there and look stupid.” He says, not stopping. You scoff, and catch up with him, taking in your surroundings. He sits down on the edge of the cliff, and so do you. You look outward, and the view is amazing, beautiful mountains flooding the area, trees covering them from top to bottom, the night sky combined with the stars and the moon. All you could do was gasp which made them chuckle. “Beautiful, right?” you turn your head to respond to them, but their not even looking at the sky, their looking at you. “Yeah, beautiful.” you mutter, smiling slightly. You turn your head back to the sky, taking a deep breath. Maybe tonight wasn’t so boring after all. PT.3 will be at 100 likes Okayy! “You ever think about us?” They hum, looking at the sky as you do. “I think about us—no, not us, I think about 𝘺𝘰𝘶 all the time.” They murmur, glancing back at you, which catches you a little off guard. You twist your head toward them. “Yeah, a couple times,” you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes, and they laugh. You guys finally start talking, and have been for about 3 months. You just got out of the shower, tired, and done with the day. You flop down on your bed, when your phone gets a notification. You were in bed that night, and got a message. ”Hey loser, you still up?” When you read it, you don’t even have to look at the name to know who it is, you smile, and slip on your shoes, climbing out your window. PT.4?? 😀..(maybe idk if I have the energy.) at 150 likes. Okay, I might just make this part longer because I love you all and this is the last part soo 🥲 You climb out your window, and they’re already there waiting. You run up to them with a smile, hugging them. They let out a little laugh, hugging you back. “I missed you,” you hum, squeezing them. Their face turns a beet red, and they swallow hard. They bury their face into your neck to hide the blush. “I missed you too.” they mumble back, their voice muffled by your neck. You take a deep breath, taking a deep breath. “Come inside,” you murmur, referring to your window to your room, climbing back through it, dragging them with you. You’re finally in your room, looking back at them, their cheeks still a dusty pink. Before you could get out your next sentence, they pick you up, sitting you down on your bed before climbing in with you. They wrap their hands around your waist, letting out a sigh. Your cheeks flush, and you look at them, their face buried in your neck again, holding you close to them. It doesn’t take you long to wrap your hands around them too, batting your eyes closed. “I love you, y/n.” They mumble, their voice slightly muffled from your shoulder. Your cheeks turn red, opening your eyes. “I love you too, e/n.” You mutter, swallowing hard, squeezing them tighter. THE END. 😃
  • @doyoungna2735
    Starting with sweather weather ??????? ITS A WINNNNN
  • @usherme
    0:30 POV: You're a doctor driving home from work. Something suddenly hits the front of your car and you freeze, stomach clenching in horror, as the dark figure tumbles away from the crash. You hurry out of the car, to the motionless man on the ground. "Sir! Are you-," the words die in your mouth as you take in his state. He is barely alive, a puddle of blood around him so deep it reflects the dark clouds overhead. You hurry to call for an ambulance, then your entire body freezes. The blood is not from the car crash. He has multiple gunshot wounds. As you realize this you notice that he is in a jet-black full suit, smack in the middle of a road in a forest. With no car. And a gun. He has a gun in his front pocket. You stumble back a few steps as everything, down to every single inch, screams danger. But he would die if you don't stem the bloodloss now. You hesitate. But you're a doctor. At the end you perform surgery on him, right on the spot before his life gutters out. Your hands tremble as the bullet is removed. Then another. A third. Fourth. Bandage the knife wounds. His blood flow ceases and color returns to his face. He is saved, for now. And just as you stand up to leave him there, to go back to the normal, the good of the world, you hear the click of something metal. The barrel shines in the night as he slowly raises himself with the other arm. "You. Why?" You try to steady your breath. He didn't shoot. He could've, yet instead he asked her a question. "I'm a doctor. You were a patient." He looks down at his bandaged arm, the puddle of blood on the ground. Then studies her slowly. "Take me with you. I need a safehouse," he says, his voice cold and commanding, the gun in his hand slightly adjusting course to aim right at her heart.
  • @ulvgr807
    first song hit really bad🫨🫨
  • @usherme
    I wake in a dark warehouse. Dried blood stains the floor and I struggle against the rope. I'm tied to a chair. "Finally. Was waiting for you to gain consciousness," a cold voice came from behind. I twisted my neck to see him- no, a dozen. All in dark suits, and by the faint glint of something metal, they had knives. Possibly guns. I swallowed. "What do you want from me?" The tallest of them saunters to me. "Not you. Your psycho lover." He slowly crouches, elbows on his thigh, his hand perched loose on his knee. "Tell him to call his men back from our territory and I'll release his little princess," he crooned. If it weren't for my life at stake, I would have laughed. I only slowly shook my head. "You got the wrong person. I'm not his lover." I meet his eyes and see confusion in them. "The marriage; it's only a contract. He was forced into it as much as I was." I grit my teeth, muttering, "I killed his closest friend. I would have died if he didn't need a faux wife for his power games. We both hate each other to the core." And I'm suddenly met with an incredulous laughter. I frown. He only slowly shakes his head, his laughter dying out in slow chuckles. "That poor thing." He says almost to himself. "That poor, wretched thing. Oh, I never expected I'd pity him." He looks at me like he sees me in a completely new light. "What hell have you put him through all this time?" I'm still confused. "I don't understand." He then raises his gaze to level it with mine, no longer amused. "He loves you to the core, Adriane. And it's killing him."
  • @Saori_4
    The bad thing about this playlist is that it ends, it's very good 😅
  • Starting the Playlist with sweater weather is a genius way of making anyone stay for the whole thing
  • @usherme
    He was turning against me. The moment I had been dreading since the beginning. That my daydreaming had expired and he had gone back to my target, that I was to shoot him dead and he a mafia to kill his assassin. I felt it the moment he went rigid besides me and heard the click of something metal moving in his hands. "Adam?" "Don't be so shocked, darling," he said, the barrel aimed unwaveringly between my eyes. "I thought we both knew I was just having some fun, that's all." "So was I," I spat out. But my voice broke, my hand with the pistol still limp at my side. "You were just entertainment." He cocked his head as we both heard how much my voice shook with emotions betraying my words. "You really did like me, didn't you," he murmured, almost to himself. "Shut up," I snapped, finally raising the barrel to match his. "Shut up, Adam." My voice shook with anger. Hurt. Betrayal. Pain. And... as much as I didn't want to feel it, Love. My fingers trembled on the trigger. "Why didn't you kill me already?" I hissed. "You had your chance." He just shrugged. "So do you, princess." He took a sudden step foward, the barrel nearing me as I stumbled back in surprise. "How about we go out together," he whispered, "you know they'll try to kill you too to erase all traces. Why not go out together with your love of life?" He snickered. "Stop doing that," I said. My vision started blurring. He hesitated at my tears, fingers tentatively reaching out to brush them away. I jerked away. "Don't touch me," I snarled. "You're choosing to toy with me even now? Is this funny to you?" He only murmured, "On the count of three, together darling?" I stared at his black eyes for a moment. Then nodded. The bullet clicked into the gun as I loaded. "One." "Two." Something flickered across his features. Gone before I could comprehend it. It didn't matter anyways. We were about to die anyways. "Three." I felt in my hands before the sound, the momentum knocking back my hand as my bullet flew free. I slowly opened my eyes. He was lying on the floor, blood flecking the wet pavement. His blood. I looked down at myself and saw I was unharmed. I dropped to his side and tore the gun from his grip. It wasn't even loaded. "Adam, you idiot," I gritted out, voice breaking, as I see his breath halt to an end.
  • @quirkydxxrt
    writing a dark romance<3 im loving this! its enimies to lovers themed
  • @Vanyax.o
    jude and cardan are the best enemies to lovers couple
  • "How would you feel if I were to suddenly kiss or make out with Potter or Riddle?". I spat looking at my enemy Theodore Nott. His face expression darkens. "Che cazzo mi hai appena detto?!". He said in a cold and aggressive tone. "Say it again". He says in a threatening tone as he steps closer. I hesitated to speak after that. "I said say it again". He repeats as he towered over me. I turned my head away to not look at him. "I said how would you feel if I were to suddenly kiss or make out with Potter or Riddle". I repeat what I said a little more softer then before. He suddenly grabbed my chin really tight, tilting my head up to look him in the eyes. "You wouldn't dare of thinking about doing that, now would you Vivienne?". His eyes threatening as he stared into mine and spoke. I shock my head. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Good girl". My body shivered at his words as his hand traveled down to my waist and his fingers brushed against them. PT. 2??
  • @NayasWorld951
  • @nicole_65
    I loved this playlist, I'm going on a trip and it's the best because I imagine myself with those songs, I love it
  • @Eli_Riddle
    I got u to 3.1k likes but this is still super underated best playlist ive heard in months