"Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President" Chapter 21 #audio #ai #seriespitch #actors #producers #free

Published 2023-04-10
"Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President"...Chapter 21
Future Presidential Candidates Beware...Electors and Popular votes differ -not what most voters think.

Audio Book series- created for sound to later use for the documentary... There are multiple photos and tested edit program movement effects on photos and illustrations.

This one was bit tough to edit...crashed the editor 3 times and needed to cut back on special effects...Not sure why.

There is a mistake with the elector's certificates...It was Florida, not Louisiana that submitted 3 different sets, not two. Two sets voted for Tilden and one set for Hayes.

The battle begins in Congress using Constitutional law for the first time an Electoral Commission of 15 was written into law. The Founders never suspected any state would dare to submit anything other than their legal electors' certificates and Congress has no other instructions to follow and is making up new rules as they go confusing themselves, the candidates, and the voters.

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