Hurricane Ian in Cape Coral, Florida + Storm surge and aftermath

Published 2022-10-02
Hurricane Ian strikes Cape Coral and surrounding areas as a high end category 4 hurricane 9/27-9/28/2022. This video is a conglomerate of my experiences, plus radar images and before and after photos at the end.
The last image is of the night sky here in Cape Coral on 9/30/2022. I can honestly say I never expected to see the Milky Way in a city of over 200,000 people.
This was my “Welcome to Florida” hurricane as its the first one I’ve been in since moving down here.
Please enjoy!

#hurricane #hurricaneian #ian #damage #storm #surge #stormsurge #wind #rain #eye #eyeofthestorm #CapeCoral #flooding #crazy #insane #beforeandafter #amazing #weather #power #scary #trees #palmtrees #experience #highwind #evacuation #wow #unbelievable #nopower #nowater #boat #FortMyers #Matlacha #Sanibel #catastrophy #catastrophic #ruins

All Comments (21)
  • We left Cape Coral about 5am to go to a shelter in Ft Myers, Gaitway High School. I’m glad we did. We listened to the storm rage, growl and crash, ripping things apart outside. But our vehicle was ok in the parking lot. We had food, power, and bathrooms. It was not great sleeping on the floor, but it could have been so much worse. Miraculously our house was not flooded. The water from the canal came to within 5 feet of my bedroom wall. It came to within 6-7feet of our front door from the street. Lost lots of trees and our pool cage, light fixtures, our hurricane shutter doors were damaged. But it could have been so much worse.
  • @lhyork1608
    We live in North Cape …not far from the high school. We just moved here from NY a year ago …fortunately we have AWESOME neighbors who told us what we needed to do to prepare …yes we had the Hurricane Guide that had a lot of great info …but neighbors who have been through them are invaluable…. Like filling up our tub…what to secure down ….what to have on hand ….and what to expect …. I cannot thank them enough.
  • Thank you for sharing your excellent footage of the storm. It was frightening to watch, but your home appears to have been built stout and sturdy enough to weather the worst. I am glad that you and yours are doing OK, and wish you the very best as you and your neighbors all across Florida recover and rebuild.
  • @SolRayz
    As awesome as it may be to live along these coastlines and flood prone hurricane zones, it's pure madness.
  • @jswmjswm6715
    The people who had water and a boat coming into their home were so calm! This is a great informative video!
  • Its getting colder here in the mountains of Arizona and I dread winter but will save this video to get me through. I lived in Cape Coral for 18 years and still have PTSD from the storms. The ones I witnessed were nothing like this. I still got the shakes watching this. My son still lives there so you all had many prayers being sent your way. I was glued to the computer for any info I could get. I know SW Florida will rebuild and it will be better than before but I'm so sorry for the loss of life and properties so many endured. Thank you for sharing.
  • @julias2977
    Wow. Amazing video…probably the best one on YouTube. My father and stepmother are in Fort Myers. They’ve survived….but their floors are still drying out. Thank God you’re ok. God bless you.
  • Interesting to see it from someone's perspective on the ground rather than riding the storm out in a high rise condo. I thought for sure that water was going to come crashing through your windows there. You guys got pretty lucky compared to most people. Thanks for the insight.
  • The sea is so angry! God Bless everyone who endured this scary hurricane.
  • @hebneh
    For a number of people, sights like these were the last things they ever saw.
  • @Lane8492
    I live in Cape Coral Florida, I moved here to Cape Coral Florida from Texas 3 months ago and this was terrifying. I was so thankful to God Almighty that the storm surge didn't come anywhere near our house. I was checking the front door obsessively making sure there was no flooding in the street of our neighborhood and there was none. I prayed to God to keep me and my family safe. We took refuge in our kitchen because it was the center most area.
  • @hepolaroth
    Well done. Thank you for sharing your experience with us and putting it into clear context (storm track graphics, etc very helpful)
  • @julialaw6471
    My son's name is Ian and he feels terrible! We were slated to get the hurricane 🌀 here in Tampa but as usual TWC was wrong. Thanks for taking one for the team. Btw, I collected water, gas, charcoal, food etc and brought it to the Cape the day after as an offering of gratitude. I used to live there and my heart broke for my fellow SW FL peeps 😢
  • @earthn1447
    Very good filming - you stayed on subject long enough for viewer to wrap their mind around it and take it in; you gave excellent film of what it was really like in your neighborhood.
  • What ever boat that was in the middle was a hell of a boat.nice looking too.stayed riding high and dry.impressive!
  • @Randy-st9lb
    great footage you really showed the power and intensity of that storm. im on a freshwater canal in mid-cape and didnt get anything iike this. im sorry to see my neighbors had to go thru this. ❤