
Publicado 2023-05-06

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @sockstudios6010
    subscribesuscubiscribeusubisfsdhjfksdfhsfdjkhnsrfdet hkjsfdhjksdfhjknsdfhjkdsfjkhdfshkjdsfhkjsdfhjksdfhkjsdfhjksdfhjkdskfjhsfdhkjshdfkjhkjsfdshkjfsdhkgfsdfjhsdkfhsdfkdsjf hello? how are u doing ok , did u know? yea. now u know
  • @YouTube
    i think blaza had the best superpower %%%
  • Blaza's superpower is the best one. It's just that nobody can understand such a high intellectual being as blaza.
  • i love how the animation goes from basic stuff to highly detailed bruce wayne
  • @mason_1218
    Joocie: ball blaza: THIS GUY IS A GENIUS!!
  • I just realized that while they were making and talking about their powers, NOBODY had a single drawback in their power(aka a negative effect) so ima change that: Blaza(Imagine Anything): The drawback for this power would be either: You can only imagine up to 10 things at a time, and if you exceed that limit 1 of the things you imagined would dissappear in an instant or its only limited by your age and how you portray the definition of "Imagination" Tbh(Never Get Caught): I would say that since you can never get caught, let's put a timer for how long you can go without getting caught(like 10 - 30 Minutes or so) Nadwe(Probability): All probability is limited to 100% or less Joocie(Ball): Let's make it similar to a Mario Power-Up: If you get hit by an object, you revert back to a human MemeGod(AOE Poop): You can't use the ability on the same person twice Socks(Slow-Mo): You can only move and speak in slow motion, Socks(Lamp): If you have already spawned in a lamp during a certain time span, you can't spawn another one until time is up Socks(Fruit communication): You can hear ALL fruit and cant turn off the power(similar to Delores' Gift from Encanto)
  • Blaza saying that is just genius is the greatest thing but also Nadwe's idea is like op
  • "No, n-no-no just BALL." "THIS GUY IS A GUINIUS!!!!" was hilarious and has me on the floor everytime
  • @allyvt
    My superpower was so powerful that it had to be removed from the video
  • @SkyGodKazuha
    This is actually really funny. I like the diversity of the characters
  • @ShortCartoon-
    Bro, I absolutely love these animated videos, keep putting them out they are honestly the funniest thing I've seen
  • @jello0504-yc1jv
    5:18 "Wait you're being serious?" While sock's face is just... I cant explain it just fits so well with the question. Made me lmao
  • @CursorMcInternet
    i think blaza's superpower meant making their imagination real lol, thats why its the best superpower & moet op