Michael Singer: Let Go of Yourself and Surrender to Life

Published 2022-06-14
Michael Singer (NYT bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment, and Living Untethered) breaks down his life-changing spiritual awakening and teaches us how to separate the consciousness from our anxieties. Mayim and Jonathan open up about how Michael’s first book brought them together after 8 years of not speaking. Michael explains why he believes his life story prior to his awakening is irrelevant and how he maintains an enlightened, centered lifestyle out in the real world. He discusses ways to create distance between you and your suffering and reach a state of unconditional love and spiritual growth. He provides practical examples of how to surrender one’s ego. He considers how our thought patterns and life experiences can prevent us from having our own spiritual awakenings.


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Michael Singer's New Book:
Living Untethered: www.newharbinger.com/9781648480935/living-untether…

Theme Song Written, Produced and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.

#MayimBialik​​​ #BialikBreakdown #MichaelSinger

All Comments (21)
  • @charmee4045
    After studying Buddhism for 15 years, the first thing I was told, when I tried to tell my story to my teacher, her words were "drop the story", "everyone has a story", not important. You get stuck in the story and identify with it so strongly you cannot breakthrough. Every time you say "I" drop it. Thoughts aren't facts. Don't believe 99% of what your mind is telling you its a lie. Awakening is not something you strive for, look for, think your way into, it is in all of us and you just have to let it emerge........you cannot think your way into or out of an emotional problem. We are our own laboratories. The second arrow is a very important aspect of it all. A great Buddhist concept. Something happens that is difficult, thats the first arrow, then we beat ourselves up about it, thats the second arrow, which is much worse than the original arrow. Mayim, whether you worry or not does not impact the outcome of whatever you are worrying about. My teacher with that one sentence ended my 30 years of worrying. She said go ahead worry your life away with a smile on her face and I realized how ridiculous it was. There are no sabre tooth tigers chasing us these days, that part of our brain is still with us however. You live in the "normal" world, thats where the practice takes place, life is the practice. The journey within is the only trip worth taking.
  • I will forever appreciate this channel, you've helped me and my family a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us, I now earn every week. Despite the up and downturn in the market system, I'm having the best time of my life financially. I have built my portfolio massively and I still building. You're such a blessing to this generation, we all love you.
  • This witnessing of the “suffering-self” actually feels almost like manipulating… one time I was in the car, arguing with my partner and started to cry and all of the sudden I DECIDED to witness the situation just to self soothe and to calm myself from being a hot mess And then…. All of the sudden I started to laugh, literally in the middle of my sad-cry-baby-victim-meltdown-argument When “I” looked “I” realized that Nothing Was Really There, no sadness, no argument, just me and my story, my drama, my crying-mask, my role I was acting out There was truly NO grain of sadness upon “inspection” Just looking at it completely ridiculed & dissolved it in an instant, in the exact moment. Looking at the “sympathy-seeking-poor-me and I saw through my manipulation Then… I laughed like a laughing Buddha As if there was no real sadness outside of “playing the role” of being sad AND I was totally free to play it or not Either way was totally ok No judgment Just pure acknowledgment That’s when the bottom drops off 🤪
  • @tamiwood9642
    I'm obsessed with Micheal Singer! His books are tattered & torn on my shelves, tables & nightstand. Although I now use audio books more. I have had an Awakening recently (4 weeks) that I have no idea how it came on. Its a deep down joy of bliss 😊 Disclosure: No drugs, medications, no alcohol or nicotine. I wake up everyday loving my life. 5 weeks ago I wanted to leave the planet, after major surgery & disappointment. Something clicked and I love my unperfect life!! Amazing ❣️
  • Mayim, that's the first time I'm seeing your podcast and I need to tell you that I became a huge admirer of your work already. You're GENUINE, and that's really rare. It's really refreshing to witness someone being so real, it makes the interview 100% better.
  • “I’ve worked so hard, it can’t be this easy” is the belief that keeps you tethered.
  • Silence is your best friend... it is who you really are. The mind and it's narrative keeps you from being You. A quiet mind is a beautiful thing.
  • To MAYIM: this was the first time I listened to you, and my connection to Michael's work is very special too, as it came to me through my daughter who passed away last October. I trusted and trust her wisdom beyond and above everything, she was way ahead of me in terms of living a conscious life, my daughter maybe, my Master clearly. Long story short, the honest Vulnerability you show up with, asking the questions you ask gave me the feeling that even someone like me, with all my self doubt and feelings of unworthyness could actually have a profound discussion with Michael Singer. You talked about how stupid you feel, but you are relatable to anyone who carries such a heavy load of fear of being judged "wrong", and for what it's worth, I think this is a real gift!!! After all, you're the one who actually shows up in the arena. Thank you!
  • WOW! I think I got it! It will take time to feel comfortable with it. I'm a 75 year old woman who suffers from depression, extreme anxiety and I'm ADHD. I never realized my thoughts were all negative, and I have them constantly. YA THINK . I've read my share of self help books and listened to many authors on talk shows, nothing has moved me like this. Thank you soo much for having him on. I feel this could be life changing. You rock Mayim.
  • @Msenlightened1
    I’ve been a therapist since 2002- In 2011 One of my clients was going through a really hard time with a break up and just really depressed- well 20min into the session I felt this overwhelming presence of LOVE beaming through every cell of my being and then there was an instant download into my mind.. (telepathic communication) I am a family member that has passed away and I am here to love and support him- so I asked him, do you have any family relatives that have passed away... There was silence for a minute and then he said yeah my dad- In that moment I was shown that we never stop existing and that we are truly magnificent beings !
  • @crystaltharrell
    I bought The Untethered Soul a few years ago, but I never opened it. In fact, this is the first interview I have ever watched with the Michale Singer. While he was telling his story, I realized that we had a similar awakening experience. I was 23 (also in graduate school), and I was deeply unhappy and heartbroken. I remember waking up one morning, and I had a thought about how I wish I could sleep forever. For a brief moment, I realized that I was observing that thought and I realized that there were two points of awareness within me. I wanted to find out more about the silent, non-judgemental observer within. It's been 5 years since, and although I am still completing my doctoral in public health, I have never felt more peace and well-being at any point in my life ♥
  • @mralexander99
    Michael Singer is one of the rarest teacher's a blossoming flower 🌺 showing us the way....in 1973 at 18 years old I walked into a classroom at Santa Fe Community College to take a class on consciousness and when Mickey Singer walked in barefoot with long flowing hair...I knew immediately that he was no ordinary teacher. Many many years later he has come back into my life. WoW 😲 he is the Albert Einstein of the spiritual path Alhamdulillah ❤️‍🔥
  • @444NRG
    Recently Mayim has been inviting the best guests.First Dr. Joe Dispenza now Michael Singer! Such a great time to be alive. 🙏 All the ancient yogic wisdom is now available to us all for free. It's up to us if we can follow the path or just stay in the program. You're the God. Wake up. 🙌
  • I’m weeping. “It’s stored with pain. It’s going to come back with pain.”
  • @Corrans
    I love that an actress (whom I adore) also has a YouTube channel talking about spiritual awakening. What an awesome world we live in!
  • @annavoytenko
    Relax, notice, let go. One of the great episodes. It is especially interesting to witness how Mayim is helping her audience understand certain parts by asking those "dumb questions" as she calls them. It is obvious that this episode is touching her personally as she is seeking to experience that spiritual awakening. And then Michael Singer tells her not to look for it but instead to be in a spiritual state. Wonderful.
  • @THFrenchteacher
    I listen to his books every morning on my 45 minute commute. Some of his talks I’ve listened to 30 times. It’s a simple message: Not an easy one. Life changing. I still struggle with “treating every day like Christmas” , but the untethered soul is my life’s challenge. Thank you!! 🙏💜🙏
  • When I Awakened, I was being hit with rapid fire synchronicities that forced me to pay attention over the course of several months. Then, weird things started happening to my body. I was pretty dedicated to self-improvement at the time and didn't know anything about spirituality at the time. One day, I said I'd love everyone unconditionally and I meant it. That was when my third eye opened and I could almost hear cheering in my head. I had no idea what was going on so I went to YouTube and learned. From there, things just fell into place and I got obsessed with meditation. One day in my yard, the top of my head started swirling and by then I had an idea of what was going on because Sadhguru (again, Youtube) had spoken of the Crown Chakra. Since then, healing, spirits, crystals, Kundalini - it's been scary and awesome. Ego death is extremely depressing and last about 2 days for me. It's been a cascade of events over 8 months and I've since stopped meditating in order to calm my psychic chakras and be more grounded. It's still amazing. My intuition, ability to figure out secrets of the universe easily. If I want to know something, the universe just gives it to me. I feel so blessed, I'm always just loving people, animals, THINGS. YES, love things. They are also conscious in a way. It's why we bless our food when we eat. LOL I say things now that I know sound crazy but are true at the same time. It's intense. I love it so much and feel so lucky. Please love each other. It's so important. I promise.
  • I have come to believe (and I am an elder) that our propensity to think our way out of things/into things has not served us as a species. This has caused us to be incredibly predictable and easily manipulated. We overanalyze absolutely EVERYTHING. Mr. Singer is a wonderful example of responding to his environment with heart and compassion. For himself and everyone. I am grateful to be reminded.
  • @teejay7535
    I learned a very important thing: If you don't let your feelings out, you will never understand your real needs behind them. Emotions exist to guide you. They help you understanding your needs - so you have the possibility to fulfill them. But most people don't feel enough bc they're too distracted. And no, that cognitive way of describing feelings is NOT feeling. That was my biggest reveal this year. Hope it helps the person reading this. So let it out (but don't hurt anybody with it of course). Write it out (without holding back, be f*in real here), speak it out, dance it out, hear music that describe your feelings, run it out, cycle it out, give it space and then go into meditation, let loose, it will reveal itself.