Gravity Falls Colors

Published 2016-05-01

All Comments (21)
  • @krystelpines106
    Hey guys! Sorry for disturbing this comment section. I just wanted to point out that I didn't stole this video from someone else since everyone keeps saying that I stole it. I just used the same comic or pictures just like them. I mean back then, people tend to make videos like these so I thought that I could join in too since it looks fun! There are tons of Colors video back then and I'm not the only one making these kind of videos. I was still an amateur back then when I made this video and it serves as a practice on doing transitions effect on pictures and stuff.. I really put effort on making this one and it took me hours or even days to finish this since I still have troubled in making videos like these. In short , I didn't stole this video and also I'm even afraid to steal a video to begin with hahaha. Anyways hope this clears up your misunderstanding! (Sorry if my English is bad, I'm not really good at speaking or writing in English)
  • @meteor7528
    1:51 I've never thought of it until now of why Stan was so obsessed when Wax Stan died. First I thought he was just self-absorbed, but I thought a little deeper watching this, and I think I have a theory. Stan and Ford look exactly alike, so instead of seeing himself murdered when Wax Stan got decapitated, he saw Ford. He saw Ford die, and the guilt of it was too much for him to handle. That's why he held a funeral, that's why he ran out crying in the middle of it, that's why it meant so much to him. Maybe a small part of Stan thought Ford was dead, and therefore held a Funeral in his honor. Ford never got a funeral, because there wasn't anyone but Stan who cared for him. But when the opportunity appeared, to have a Funeral for his brother with people who might actually care, he took it. But hey, THAT's just a theory!
  • @Skipsjack
    If Alex Hirch could be so kind to give us a epilogue episode, that would be great. Just think of it. Dipper and Mabel, almost done with High School, returning to Gravity Falls. The town they loved so much. Meeting their friends again and remembering all the memories they made there. Then they find Bill Ciphers statue. His arm stretched out. Dipper starts to leave. But Mabel feels this urge. To the demon that made Gravity Falls so memorable. She grabs his hand. The screen goes black. You here the devilish, unforgettable laugh of Bill Cipher. A new adventure has awakened.
  • @chilllatte3215
    "Your scared of growing up.." "And who could blame you? I’m scared to,"
  • @sacke1103
    His sacrifice would have meant a lot more if he didn't regain his memories. but damn I'm glad he did.
  • @kiera6326
    'Everything is Blue.' -The light from the portal as it cracked open. 'His pills.' -The drugs Stanley took every morning to help him build the motivation to get out of bed. 'His hands.' - The cerulean flames licking at Stanford Pines' palm as he sealed the deal with the floating yellow triangle. 'His jeans.' -The blue jeans Stanley wore the night he was kicked out of the house as a teenager. They were the only clothes on his back. 'And he's blue.' -Need I explain? 'Everything is gray.' -The mindscape. 'His hair.' -Referencing both men's age. 'His smoke.' Their faded essence; Stanley's cigarette. 'His dreams.' Stanford's dreams being literally gray due to Bill's interference. Stanley's old, childhood fantasies being crushed and worn as they face from reality- along with the memory of his brother... 'And now he's so devoid of colour, he don't know what it means.' -Stanford couldn't trust anyone after being played by Bill and the atrocities he faced in the portal. He was never happy. Stanley lived for forty years without his twin by his side, and was always faced with the guilt of having condemned him to whatever was beyond the portal. He forgot how to be 'bright' and it wasn't until a certain two colourful twins came into his life that he began ti remember. He was never happy.
  • Honestly nobody talks enough about Stan. Hes one of the most genuine people in the show. Nobody really gets why he was the person to defeat Bill. It wasn't just because hes "Stanfords brother". It's because hes selfless. With Bill, anybody else he could have struck a deal with. Except for Stan. Stanley is the one person in the Pines family he could never sway to his side at some point. Which is why Bill grovels at his feet in fear, there's literally no other option for him. Stanley's entire life has been underestimation. By his school, by his parents, by his town, by his brother, by himself. Even an all seeing demon underestimated him. He and Stanford have the same IQ (something confirmed by various writers of the show). He just didn't have the motivation till Ford was gone to apply it and actually learn anything. And even though his entire family shut him out for being a mistake, he still dropped his entire life to save his brother, who didn't deserve it. Because he cares about him. Because hes selfless. He may be a conman, a thief, a grifter, and a liar but hes never once done something that would harm his family intentionally. And that's the best thing about him. Everybody who does these crimes is depicted as selfish and self centered but Stanley isnt. He lived as Stanfords shadow for his entire life, only to give up his life for the final act that gave him something to be proud of. Something to wear his name with pride for. A name that he doesn't remember. Alex Hirsch has said that Stan regaining his memories is less for the shows plot and more for Disney. Hes said in panels about episodes that he wanted the memory regaining process to last months if not years, it not at all. Which would have been more impactful imo. Sorry to dump all this, I doubt anyone will read it, I just have a lot to say about Stan.
  • Stan’s hands are blue because of the cheap dye he used for the “Sham Total” I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that remembers that. told ya
  • @coyotix
    everyone became insanely emotional towards headhunters after realizing that stan felt like the wax figure was his brother, and he didn't know if ford was dead or alive. and even if he was still alive, he feared that he would never meet him again by the time he actually died.
  • @fatboy9752
    Gravity Falls is a masterpiece. Nothing can change my mind or my feeling about this great and epic TV show.
  • @xuri3767
  • I never actually realized how much pain and suffering Stan went through. You summed it up amazingly
  • @PenSteel
    72% Blue 16% Gray 6% Purple 3% Lilac 2% Red 1% Sky
  • @Itsme.duh34
    Ima just leave this comment here so when someone likes it I will return to this video ( I know this is unoriginal but its a good song)