Death Knight PVP #2: Random BG (Twin Peaks) [Part 1]

Published 2011-02-21
Part 2 of my second video! Maybe this time you'll be able to see something on the screen. To that end, I suggest watching the vid in 720p.

Yeah, it happened to be another Twin Peaks match; "random is random" as they say, though it was also Twin Peaks weekend. I didn't mind since CTF games are generally very entertaining to me personally, but variety is the spice of life as they also say.

Game: World of Warcraft
Setting: Twin Peaks (Random Battleground)
Objective: Capture the Flag (first to 3 or most in 25 minutes)
Recorded on: February 20, 2011

Constructive criticism on PVP, videos, and other things is welcome. Kindly remember to be civil and mature in the giving though, as Mandos knows where you live. And where you'll die. And where you'll go after you die.

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