What Your Dog's Sleeping Position Reveals About Its Character

Published 2018-09-13
What does a dog’s sleeping position mean? Most dog owners know about their pets' habits and easily understand when their dog is happy, worried, surprised, or scared. You can also reveal some of your dog's secrets by analyzing its favorite resting position.

The Snowball 1:17
The Pancake 2:12
Superman 3:26
Curled up in a ball 4:29
On its back 5:36
The Dead Cockroach 6:27
The Sphinx 7:36
The Burrower 7:18
Bonus: How to understand that your dog is absolutely unique 8:50

#dogssleep #understanddog #dogcharacter

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- The snowball is one of the most popular positions among dogs — and among cats as well! In this position, a dog curves its spine, and its nose is located not far from its tail.
- The pancake is the most restorative position for sleep, and, in most cases, that's exactly when REM sleep occurs. So don't get spooked if your doggy starts to kick and paddle out of the blue. It's just acting out its dreams.
- If you notice that your adult dog prefers Superman position, it may indicate that it feels hot. Perhaps it's been a sweltering day or your dog has been playing and exercising too hard. Your dog may be simply exhausted.
- You can sometimes catch your pet curled up in a tight ball with its tail wrapped around its body and its paws neatly tucked away. This way of sleeping resembles the fetal position in humans.
- If your dog prefers sleeping on its back with its front legs bent over its chest and its back legs extended, you’ll probably guess that it feels at ease.
- By sleeping in the dead cockroach position, your pet can be cooling off. You must have noticed that some areas of dogs' tummies aren't as fluffy as the rest of their body.
- The sphinx position allows your dog to take off running as soon as you call it. Not many dogs sleep this way, and this is kind of a transitional state between wakefulness and rest.
- If your pooch is a burrower, it needs more affection and attention than any other animal. When such dogs snuggle into something cozy, they are searching for security and comfort.
- If you notice that one part of your pet rests on a comfortable sofa and the other resides on a hard, unforgiving floor AND your dog is sound asleep at this time, congratulations! You're the owner of a unique dog!

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All Comments (21)
  • I always feel the urge to hug my dogs when they're curled up in a ball.
  • My pet sleeps in every position...I think most of the dogs do all the positions while sleeping...😆
  • @clarem9639
    I got a new dog yesterday, it’s the dogs first night and she keeps trying to jump up and sleep in my bed 😂

    But in the first night, she already sleeps in pancake position! She’s very calm, and follows me everywhere. About 10 minutes after she got home, she ran up to me, and laid down for a belly rub! I’m so lucky to have found her 🥰
  • @redpanda2978
    I have had my dog, Martin, for about 9 years. He was a rescue, and it was pretty obvious he was abused. When we first got him, I let him in the bed with me, and he tried staying as far away from as possible. He would try to avoid us, and wouldn't let me pick him up. I left him alone, and would comfort him, and try to reassure him I'm safe. After about a year, he came up to me, and sat next to me. Another year after that, and I could pick him up, and cuddle with him. Now, when I come home, he runs towards me, and jumps into my arms, he lets me pick him up, and follows me around all day. All. Day. His most common sleeping position is when he lays out on his side. He puts his back to me, and lays with me all day. He is truly, my best friend.
  • @lonewolfmorgan
    I got my jack Russell when he was a month old. My dad went to get me a puppy for Christmas and was looking around at all the jack Russells. He saw this one little puppy passed out on his back. People were poking and prodding him and other dogs were running around and climbing over him and he just slept through it all. So my dad decided to get that one because he seemed to put up with anything. 11 years later and he's laying next to me right now, fast asleep in that same position and snoring like a bear.
  • @KTpie
    My dog does all of them, she's definitely a funny one 😂 she gets really derpy sleeping on her back as well and will sometimes stare at me with a big grin while in that position LOL
  • My housemates' dog Brush is a Pomsky. When they first got him about 6 years ago, he would sort of scooch his way under the couch to sleep, usually while on his back. We live in the San Diego area, so it does get hot in summer and cold in winter, but never in my life have I ever seen another dog do this. We call it the Mole.
  • @whoisjocy
    My dog cannot sleep without my dad’s work shirts, he throws it at her face and she snuggles into it. I think it’s the cutest thing ever
  • @ent4u583
    My dog used to sleep on his back in my bed. I miss him so much
  • @an0nim0dz89
    my dog is laying under my desk and with its legs on my feet in the pancake position. Hes dreaming and keeps kicking me haha. Love him so much
  • @eyeinsee
    My dog sleeps in the superman it allows him to direct his farts towards the rest of the family
  • @paulacee6042
    He protecc
    He attacc
    But most importantly..
    He sleeps on his bacc

    ^ My
    dog 🤣♥️
  • How about 'The Husky'? This sleeping position is a mix off all of the previously mentions, including the bonus. But also includes climbing into bed with you (and your partner) and laying across both of you or deciding which pile of clothing is comfy and lay across ALL of it. It also includes becoming a doorstop/draft stopper, usually at a front or back door.

    Because that's my dog😂
  • Both of my dogs like to do the sphinx, tight ball, and pancake. And its usually a pattern. When they go to sleep like the curl up in the spots of the cough that retain the most heat and then they somehow transition to pancake mode during their sleep. When they wake up they go into a sphinx position and after a couple of minutes they go back to pancake mode lol. Right now, one of my dogs is doing the sphinx on the stairs and watching the door for my mom.
  • @22noash
    awww my dog always sleeps on her side and she LOVES and usually is covered in a blanket and she rests her head on a pillow. hearing that it means she is comfortable and trusting me and my family makes me very very happy