Over Sherars Falls on inner tubes!!!

Published 2011-01-13
Sherars Falls, Deschutes River, Oregon 1971

All Comments (21)
  • @unjimador
    Thanks for posting this. My grandfather who passed away before I was born is the man in the Arco shirt, with Grandma by his side. It is great seeing them alive.
  • @garymikesh1433
    I happened to be one of the foolish young bucks aboard that raft. It seemed like a worthwhile stunt at the time, but in hindsight it simply wasn't worth the risk. We knew the raft would hold together and had we missed that rock, which spun us around we might have ended right side up.  It's all history now and I'm glad we didn't lose anyone.
    Awesome! Love how they reported stuff in the 60's and 70's.
  • I grew up camping and rafting on the Deschutes River, this was before having to rent a raft and buy a permit.. We would camp at Beaver Tail and Macks Canyon campground then take our raft and put in just below Shears Falls and float down to whichever campground we were staying at.. Good memories!
  • @robmetube
    Thanks for sharing this fantastic video. This is a little before my time. We run a guided whitewater service on the Deschutes River, and I have not ever run across this video before. It is "brave" souls like this that made whitewater rafting as accessible as it is today. One of our guides from New Zealand ran Sherars Falls in his kayak in 2009, but no one got video of it. He wouldn't do it again for the camera. Again, thanks for sharing, and glad you all survived!
  • @ewingl55
    I would not call this a "successful" run or "Conquering the River", but at least they lived through it. I've always thought that staying upright was a better sign of a successful run over any rapid. Great to see the old video though.
  • The simpler days when achievement of a goal with inner tubes was celebrated with a hot dog and beer and a group of friends. Now it's the 20 thousand dollar craft and most expensive glasses with the 5 course Uber dinner .
  • @bp968
    It would matter, most all deaths on rivers are due to people thinking they don't need a PFD. Sure a rapid can and will hold you underwater, but when you get flushed you often have no idea which way is up or down. The guy with the PFD pops to the surface and goes on his way, the guy without might very well die a couple feet from the surface simply because he couldn't find the surface fast enough. PFDs *always* matter.
  • @batty22222
    I consider this to be my favorite YouTube video of all time. Rafting the Deschutes on Saturday. I'll be putting in just after these guys. :)
  • @garymikesh1433
    I believe she was referring to the first nations people fishing from the platforms below the Falls.  She apparently witnessed one or more of these people falling from their platforms and if they weren't wearing a life jacket or tied to a safety line they would have little hope of surviving.  Having gone over the Falls I can personally attest to the power of that water.
  • @jfo738
    This seemed like a mockumentary a la Christopher Guest style
  • @graniteview
    Free beer and some memories. What more can you ask for. -Casey
  • @saraodell3088
    Gary it was great meeting you this week floating the Grande Ronde and reminiscing about the good ol days. We thought climbing Mt Hood with no gear was crazy. . it ranks #2 behind your intertube adventure. The ODells from Boring
  • @bonks4395
    I seen an indian drown here. This area in Oregon has the highest drownings of anywhere in the state.