Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's 1st five months in office

Published 2023-05-23
In a sit-down interview with KTVU, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao answers to criticism about public safety in her city and offered her plan to take on other challenges in Oakland. The mayor is entering her sixth month in office

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All Comments (21)
  • My first task would be to get everyone to agree to increase the sentences for all crimes.
  • @jbiehl8478
    No knock on her, but changing the mayor or the police chief in Oakland is like changing the Captain of the Titanic.
  • @tomscog26
    She has 2 full time police officers protecting her.
  • That Wood St "success" was due to the neighborhood pushing the city to do its job. She is definitely a no show if there's no photo op. No, Oaklanders know she is doing a bad job.
  • Why Californian keep complaining but reelecting Newsom to run the state,Lol
  • It will never matter. The city is too far gone. You can sit on BART smoking the hardest stuff imaginable openly, punch a PhD student in his mouth and steal his bike and be out on a $500 bond in 24 hours. No one wants to serve on the pd, certain portions of the community are entitled and the rest are apathetic and have enough money to hide in the hills. Mostly feel bad for the community in Little Saigon (albeit some of those folks aren’t the squeakiest with all the fencing ops driven by theft), the kids and the elderly
  • @zachnora1919
    Her response to people feeling unsafe to even drive through Oakland is wild. “It happens everywhere,” “We have ambassadors walking the streets” ?????? This person is literally not doing anything about the crime wave. She won’t even take questions about the long wait times when people call 911 in Oakland. What a disgrace and a sorry excuse for a public servant. Is this what California Democrats have become?
  • Those nonprofits are a joke. Just look and see how much the CEOs make. Wasting taxpayers money
  • Oakland has a mayor? I thought the position was vacant due to a lack of any kind of leadership. Same thoughts on the City Council.
  • @acslater017
    We have high crime, then we get tough, then we let up (decarcelization, defund, etc), and then the high crime returns. We’ll be stuck on this cycle until something fundamental changes. What leaders have to tipetoe around is that it’s not really an issue of poverty or being “underserved”. It’s culture. It’s a culture that glamorizes crime, gangs, guns, violence, promiscuity (I’m not puritanical, I’m talking about sticking around to raise kids), and drugs. Poverty doesn’t mean you have to treat the people 10 blocks over as mortal enemies because they wear a different color. It doesn’t mean instead of finding a working class job you point a gun at people to take their things. Or take over the Bay Bridge. Or shoot toddlers on the freeway. That’s culture. Unfortunately cultures take decades to turn around.
  • @Westcoastguy
    She said "ambassadors" LMAO. That'll clean the city up.
  • she's doing nothing......Oakland streets are full of pot holes, crime is at its highest, I don't see more police presence...she seems clueless and soft and scared...WE NEED A MAYOR WITH COURAGE STRENGTH AND DETERMINATION SOMEONE WITH A STRONG HAND ON CRIMINALS...NOT THIS LADY!!!!
  • There has been very little progress made in 2023 - potholes, graffiti, illegal dumping, crimes, homeless shanty towns have only proliferated under Mayor Sheng's leadership (the exact issues she guaranteed would be immediately addressed/fixed once she became mayor). It is all very disappointing- Oakland City Council has all of the power, not the Mayor.
  • oh yeah, she is doing a great job, you can walk through Oakland and take an evening stroll only to end up in the morgue in the morning.
  • we need a new mayor ASAP. She is clueless and is wasting time while the city continues to implode.
  • @hufair2215
    Happening everywhere? What a dismissive answer. I accidenty left my car unlocked at pacific beach in San Diego for hours and nothing was taken. You can’t leave your car alone in Oakland for 30 seconds without some punk smashing your window.
  • @partymariner
    Why the hell would anyone want that job! Instead of ducking around worrying about the A’s let’s recruit/ hire more police and build a prison or two!😡
  • Another ghost mayor that will make a tv appearance every now and then to show they are "working for the people"