Published 2020-04-23
This was the hardest decision ever; whether to post this or not.. but before I knew the diagnosis of my baby, I went crazy searching for answers, and in that moment I wish I would've came across a video like this. I wish I would've known what ITP (Immune Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Pupura) was. I wish I would've known that there is treatment, and so on. I cried thinking the worse without knowing any information! & for that reason I post this video. I post this video so that no other mother has to go through the worry I went through, and can actually search for answers and be informed not only of what ITP is, but what the treatment is, and how you WILL get better!

My baby's name is Kaden, and his name means "fighter"
He will never give up on any battle, and thanks to GOD, it looks like this is just a chapter in his book to look past at. Thank you all for the support, and please no negativity on this post. This is my child we're talking about.
#ITP #whatisITP #blooddisorders #lowplatelets #lifeasmarisol

All Comments (6)
  • @mariag6186
    Aww god is with you. Trust in him .. and everything will be fine.
  • @bigponce1
    Thank god he’s ok. The moment I got the text, Of coarse I cried. I was so worried for my godson. I tried so hard to hold back my tears in front of our mom, so she wouldn’t get worried when I told her about it, but i couldn’t hold it in. I am so glad that he is better now, and remember how our dad would always call him “mi campion”. He really is a “campion” he went through all this like a champ. Now that our dad is gone, Kaden is my “lil champ”.
  • So sorry I am just finding out about this. I hope all is going well. I can't imagine how you feel. I have been through some things with my kids, but they are healthy for the most part. I have chronic conditions but only one of my children has asthma and has never had a terrible episode. I know of ITP because I have been tested myself for this condition. I was found not to have this issue but I also have issues with platelets.