GR Research B24 AC Cable Review: Does it Make an Audible Difference?

Published 2022-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • That GR Research cable is just another shining example of a costly solution to a non-existent problem.👍
  • @iamsabit1337
    Amir the way you are cleaning up the dirt in this industry, is absolutely admirable! A lot of people get away from this hobby after realizing how much they have wasted on garbage products. So videos like this will go a long way to “lift the veil” and “make the blacks inkier” 🥂
  • @paran0ia7
    I appreciate that you always look for safety certification on these kinds of products, and honestly the lack of it should tell you everything you need to know. Do NOT use non-certified mains cabling long term; period. There is zero reason to take on that risk (unlikely though it may be), and for a manufacturer to ask that of their customers is horribly irresponsible. That being said, I really like Danny and have learned so much about speaker and crossover design from his videos. I feel like he's just dug himself into a strange hole with this cable stuff; where he's still happy to show off graphs and data for drivers and crossover circuits, carefully talking through all the logic and testing, while simultaneously pushing the benefits of power cables and the like via his subjective experiences alone. Music is of course a mix of both things by very nature, but it's odd to hear a man of such technical knowledge lean so hard into things he cannot test or verify. As you say and have said before, cables costing more than a few bucks should be seen primarily as audio jewelry. By all means spend as much as you like, but make sure that most of that extra money is going towards quality parts, thoughtful design and safety certification, and not just comically thick wire and pretty sheathing.
  • @benpatana7664
    All these cables are so rigid that they put enormous strain on the sockets on your equipment, which is highly likely to cause damage!
  • Synergistic Research folks, what are you waiting for? Ship your $7000 AC cables to Amir.
  • @KulikSebastian
    As electronic development eingineer, musician and one who love accurate sound I love your work. Thanks a lot for your vision, art of thinking, scientific way to see the things and be free to ask and proof yourself and others. Best regards from Germany ;-)
  • @splfordayz9050
    Riddle me this.. So Danny uses measurements to pick apart other speaker manufacturers and designers speakers and then offers you (usually quite expensive I might add) kits to "fix these speakers". He provides before and after measurements to provide evidence that his kit works and results in audible improvement of said speakers. So measurements = good. Science = good. (Oh, but you can't use EQ to fix some of these issues either, you must buy his expensive kits). But when it comes to speaker cables, power cables, and things like tube connectors, Danny claims you cannot use measurements to hear any audible differences. So measurements = bad. Science = bad. Do I have it right?
  • @theodoro89
    So people forget the hundreds of meters of "bad" copper wires in the walls of the house and believe that adding a 2m extension will fix something?
  • @oryandunn
    The logic of the bigger cable on source devices and smaller cables on amps is quite easy to determine. You likely have many more source devices than amplifiers, and the bigger cables sell for more… well you can see where this is going…
  • @splfordayz9050
    The recommended "200 hours of burn in time for these to sound their best" also likely results in people missing their 30 day return window. Pretty smart marketing :)
  • This is why Amir is the only guy left that I watch, people like Guttenburg, Robinson and Jay’s motivation is profit. Amir, I feel is doing it for the greater good.
  • @senn_660s
    This has quickly become my favorite youtube channel
  • @davidt8438
    When I was a young man I worked for an alarm company, and I had a service call at UL labs in the Chicago area. I got to walk through the labs and see how they tested equipment. They are no joke. They test all kinds of equipment to make sure you, as the consumer don’t get hurt or killed when using equipment that is put on the marketplace. Even if you are stupid enough to try using it in a way that it wasn’t designed. So when buying things like this you should always look for something like a UL approved label. It may save you, your equipment or your house in the event of an accident or even just normal circumstances. Amir knows what he’s talking about and it’s a shame people out there try to squeeze every single penny of profit out of you with no care about safety, just money for them.
  • @TryAndLife
    Great review from now, very easy to understand.
  • @triuvm
    I appreciate your very thorough and detailed analysis when verifying the claims of others professed "Not cheesey" audio products. I can get more details in my audio by cupping my ears with my hands than these gimmicky mods.
  • @emuclone154
    My close friend of many years loves this stuff and recently joined the world of measurements. I don't let him live down his purchases as I will point and laugh
  • @Seiskid
    Everyone knows that unicorn dust is fragile and evaporates before you can measure it. I'm super impressed you have the patience to sit down and do detailed testing on these overpriced scams. I simply wouldn't have the patience. Great work on helping clean up an industry and saving people money they simply do not need to spend.
    Thanks again AMIR for another great informative educational video debunking snake oil gears.
  • @daleromney6062
    GR Research page claims this cable needs 200 hours of burn in time to sound its best. Wow .... burn in time on an AC cable is quite the claim. This claim alone is enough to for me to put my wallet back into my pocket.