보양식 끝판왕! 장어구이로 월매출 3억찍는! 역대급 퀄리티 숯불 장어구이 / Grilled charcoal - grilled eel / Korean Street Food

Published 2024-06-26
ℹ️ Information
Grilled charcoal - grilled eel

💲 Price: KRW 5,000 (USD 3.60)

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Wow.. Best for men's stamina! A restaurant that became rich through grilled eel / Korean street food / Grilled charcoal - grilled eel / Korean Street F

All Comments (12)
  • Durch das ganze Gebrate kann man einen klasse Aal auch kaputt braten. Aal räuchert man und nicht anders. Der perfekte Geschmack erreicht man nur durch langsames und gemächliches Räuchern.
  • @GreeneJack
    From $37K to $45K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I thinks it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family..
  • @regianaamorim
    Não conheço o sabor, e nunca vi esse tipo de peixe na minha região, mas que é meio estranho, isso é, sem falar no aspecto, longo como uma cobra. Não sei se comeria, acho que não. rs