She Met God and Saw the Future

Publicado 2024-01-30
Killed by LIGHTNING, meeting GOD, the afterlife, psychic-visions, and becoming a medical medium - Elizebeth G. Krohn's journey back from the afterlife is a TRUE STORY too unbelievable to make up.

In this jaw-dropping new interview, Elizabeth G. Krohn (author, Changed in a Flash and Eyewitness to the Afterlife) details her near-death experience after being struck by lightning, her 2-week experience in heaven, and the newfound knowledge and abilities she returned with.

A prior spiritual skeptic, Elizabeth provides visceral descriptions of the sights and sounds of the afterlife and its nonlinear nature, and discusses making the difficult decision to leave her “home” in heaven and return to the cloudiness and uncertainty of earth.

She explains why she thinks everyone’s experience of heaven is different, what changed about how she saw the world after her experience, how she revealed the unexplainable occurrence to her friends and family, and even how it changed the way she parented her children.

We learn about the pre-cognitive nightmares she experienced predicting natural and manmade disasters, the synesthesia and aura-reading abilities she acquired, why she is hesitant to utilize her psychic abilities with others, and how she handles responsibility of knowing what’s going to happen.

Jeffrey J. Kripal (Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University, co-author of Changed in a Flash) helps us make sense of near-death experiences as he considers the patterns he sees throughout people’s experiences and attempts to apply scientific models to explain them.

Elizabeth answers ALL of our burning questions - why did this near-death experience happened to her? Is reincarnation real? Do we pick our parents before we are born?

See how Elizabeth's near-death experience can empower us all!


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Changed in a Flash, by Elizabeth G. Krohn & Jeffrey J. Kripal:

Elizabeth G. Krohn's latest book, Eyewitness to the Afterlife: My Two Weeks in Heaven:

Find out more about Elizabeth G. Krohn:

Find out more about Jeffrey J. Kripal:

Theme Song Written, Produced, and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.

#MayimBialik​​​ #BialikBreakdown #nde #neardeathexperiences #struckbylightning #spirituality #reincarnation #auras #heaven #afterlife

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MayimBialik
    We're ENTHRALLED reading about all of your near-death experiences - keep 'em coming!! 🙀🙌✨
  • The Great Physician heals even today. He Lives. I had horrible grand mal seizures from age 3 to 33. One day, I was concerned that my seizures frightened my husband. Long story short... I went into my bedroom early afternoon on a very dark stormy day. I did not turn on the light as I lay flat on the ground with my eyes closed as I cried out to the Lord that if He wasn't trying to teach me or someone else with these seizures, would He take them from me. Before I even was finished with that prayer I knew not to open my eyes, for I was not worthy to open my eyes. When this thought came to my mind, there was a perfect glow/ warmth/perfectness in the room. I soon realized I was experiencing the glory of my LORD. I had a knowing that He had healed me and I would never have seizures again. 24 yrs later, I have never had another seizure. He chose to heal me that day. Hallelujah. All glory to my Creator. Amen.
  • @karenwade2484
    Elizabeths' experience mirrors mine when I died at the age of seven. I died and eventually found myself in a garden with a bench. While in the garden I saw a city to my right that suggested to me that we inhabit a material reality in Heaven similar to what we experience here in this life. I returned with psychic abilities that I literally had to grow into, however, it appears all NDE's have a 'knowing' that manifests in different forms enhanced by talent and sensitivity. In my case I refused to return, but I didn't have a choice. An entity that resembled Christ blew into my lungs giving me life after dying from pneumonia. I was returned to an abusive, negligent, dysfunctional family. But before my rebirth God promised he would always be with me and protect me, and he has in an extraordinary way. The love I have for God and the connection I have to God is remarkable. His blessings have sustained me during this life, and I am so thankful.
  • I died on the operating table and found myself floating at the top of the room, watching the doctor and team, and I wondered why they were so upset. I wanted to say "It is kind that you are so worried about me, but I have never been better." I saw a bright light of love and headed toward it, and there was a meadow. I had this overwhelming sense of unconditional love and peace and wanted to continue. I thought about my two little girls, and even though I wanted to stay at this amazing place, I knew I needed to return to earth. I am so grateful to have had this experience as I do not fear death. Thanks for this podcast.
  • @grateful2021
    This May is the 40th anniversary of my NDE. Every time I hear someone else talk about theirs, it helps me understand mine and know that I’m not alone. ❤ Thank you
  • @lynn2574
    My brother passed away yesterday. Finding this podcast this morning was perfect. Thank you.
  • @kindness_matters
    I fell into a lake when I was 5 and left my body. I didn't see lights or Angels or anything like that. I remember watching everything happening on the shoreline. My mother running back and forth carrying my youngest brother who was an infant. She was yelling for my father who was fishing on the other side along with my other siblings. I remember thinking about dad running and I was suddenly in front of him running to jump in the water to pull me out. The next thing I remember is pulling up to my aunt and uncles house and my cousin asking why I was covered up with a diaper (cloth diapers in those days). I missed about a half hour of time. I've always remember that. I am currently 65. I've had experiences with psychic abilities at different times in my life. Especially in the last few years. Since 2020 I've seen things that were not there and heard voices when no one is around. I've experienced time's of absolute bliss for no known reason to my knowledge. Like I walk the beach almost every day and I become or experience euphoria while walking. It's better than any drugs I've done. So I keep doing it. I retired after the pandemic. Took early retirement due to this (I felt mentally unstable) and some health issues. I have downloads of information come in sometimes. Unexplainable to me. No life altering info. Just useful. Every day is different. I'm just here waiting for what comes next Also lot's of childhood trauma. It seems like trauma most of my life. Taking a step back to reevaluate everything these days. Spending a lot of time alone as it's difficult to be around people at times
  • Loved this episode. I did not have a NDE. I did go through breast cancer and had a spiritual awakening one evening after treatment. I was feeling very ill and was in a lot of pain. I was surrounded by this intense energy and light that was absolute love. I felt held in this energy as though whatever it was wanted me to know I was being watched over and all would be well. It really carried me through the journey.
  • @3dtrip870
    "I am not interested in people telling me these things don't happen. That is not interesting to me because I know it is false; It takes things off the can explain everything on the table, but only because you have taken everything off the table you can't explain." Brilliant Brother!
  • Wow. This is one of my favorite episodes. As someone who lost loved ones recently, including my baby, I started bawling when Elizabeth said that people don't really die, just their bodies do. (I'm an orthodox Jew and it only made me appreciate my Judaism more.)
  • @user-rk7it2dw8t
    I died this last summer. My heart stopped and one second I was telling my husband I was losing consciousness and I couldn't fight it and the next I was dead. There was no in-between, no time when my consciousness stopped. One second I was alive and the next I was on the floor as a spirit sitting up from falling out of my body and my dead grandmother was in my face freaking out telling me to get back into my body! She was frantically telling me this and I saw several other spirits rush towards me and encircle me. I knew instantly they were also my family and they too were frantically telling me to get back in my body. I could see myself as a spirit I could see through myself and through them. I could see through all earthly matter like it was just outlines instead of solid mass we're used to. I could see through the walls and just saw their lines like a coloring book almost is the best way I can describe it. I then was instantly back in my body and my husband was holding me unconscious and I gasped a huge amount of air and said 'God, that hurt!' I suffer from intense constant pain most of my life and I'm used to suffering but those few moments out of my body were obviously pain free and when I came back into my body it literally felt like I was hit with a freight train! The pain was so intense at first all I could do was gasp! I'm grateful for my dead family who were there to direct me back and tell me it wasn't my time to die. I have a deal with God to give me life long enough to finish my earthly tasks before I pass for good. The good that came out of me dying is I'm very aware I don't have forever to get things done here and I'm not afraid of dying anymore it was so fast and my grandmother who I love dearly was of course right there in my face when I did. She told me before she died that she could no longer watch over me here and that she'd be my angel on the other side. Man I miss her and love her! I always believed in God and an afterlife. This has just solidified what I believed and hopefully when I die for good I can have everything done and have repented enough to meet God and have him be pleased with me. May God grant me enough life to accomplish this 🙏
  • @peaceandlove544
    Anecdote: I am a 53-year old attorney and when I was 7 My older brother died from an accident I did not about but later that night My 9-year old brother which I was very close too, in a beautiful White gown and with a Big smile showed up in My room and told me that he was saying goodbye because it was his time. Three days after when My father visited me and told me he needed to talk to me I told him, don't worry I know My brother died he came to Say good bye, I am sad, but I AM ok, because he looked very happy going to heaven.
  • @Love-bo3df
    My father had premonitions of horrific car accidents and would always be on scene for the accident. He would always try to save the people’s lives but everyone always passed at the scene. He was never meant to save their lives but was there to blend energies with the victim (s) for easy passing. The worst death is one in the state of fear. He always stayed calm and talked them throughout their experience. He hated it because he always felt it unfair that he couldn’t prevent the accident or save lives. But he was saving souls which was a much greater honour.
  • @NatTayHill
    Please, please, please do more of these!!! This topic is so needed on my life right now. My brother took his life last year. I need answers…..and hope.
  • @Deb5S5111
    Elizabeth..... I am so very sorry for the awful abuse you endured as a child. :( Thank you for this wonderful interview of Elizebeth G. Krohn & Jeffrey J. Kripal. There is so much we just do not know, and bringing information to the light of day will help all of us.
  • I love how humble Elizabeth is. Thank you for being gracious and letting us into your world.
  • Thank you for having this experience on your podcast. In the past couple of months, I have been feeling peace because of people sharing their experiences with near death. In July of last year, my 38-year-old daughter passed away from cancer. It was hard to see her slip away, and the depth of my grief is hard to even sum up in words. Then one day, sometime in November or December, I decided to look up how to deal with grief, and all these videos popped up about near death experiences. Even though I still greatly miss my daughter, and do find myself in tears at times, it’s watching these experiences that have helped. And I especially appreciate, adding the science part to it as well because that’s how my mind works. On another note, it was nice to see someone who can read people like I do. I don’t see auras, I wish I could. Instead it’s like the information is downloaded and I know things that I shouldn’t know about people. That’s quite helpful when one works with children. 😂
  • @merrie501
    I loved this conversation! As someone who has read and listened to many NDE stories, it was interesting to hear Mayim and Jonathan ask questions from a blend of a scientific and a spiritual perspective. As a side note, it is common for people who experience a NDE to get divorced because the experience so profoundly changes them that their spouse is left living with a stranger.
  • @paulad.4578
    This guest reminds me of my friend, Dannion Brinkley, who was also struck by lightning in 1975. It changed him from the town bully, who liked to punch people in the face,, to a more spiritual person who works with dying veterans at the VA. I met my friend over the phone when I called him about a difficult situation in my life.. His psychic abilities are amazing. So,, I imagine your guest has many stories of things she has experienced over the years. Thank you for having this guest on your podcast. She has quite a story.
  • @aubreyjones8103
    I love love love that Mayim and Johnathon (?) brought Elizabeth and Jeff(?) (such a hard time with spelling peoples names) on your podcast!! The humbleness that Elizabeth speaks with is profound! There are several things that have been discussed that I could have conversations about for months on each! She talked about the choice of all events in her life before she was born. And then asked if she had a responsibility to tell people her perception or knowing about anyone she encounters. I spoke out loud to the tv (3 weeks after this was aired) “NO!!! The purpose of having this experience is to tell your truth. Though your words many people will start to believe they are not alone in there understanding and cause a chain reaction of healing.” I live alone. And got almost embarrassed about it! lol But really! Your communication style will open many hearts and minds to heal. I have never felt more connected over such a distance and time frame before!! Thank you all of you for sharing! I needed to hear you today.