Why Hamon is SUPER UNDERRATED | Hermit Purple Theory

Published 2023-05-10

All Comments (21)
    Oh, by the way, if my voice sounds different, I was sick during this recording but that was like two weeks ago lol
  • Hamon having both healing and durability negation is amazing. Also pain dulling and the ability to transmit through different materials for semi-sneak attacks. Also also life/unlife detection for combat. Finally the anime makes a reference to Hermit Purple in the part 2 intro with Hermit Purple’s vines in some of the background parts.
  • If I had to guess, since Hamon simultaneously has properties of both electricity and magnetism, the reason Lisa Lisa was able to hypnotize people is because she basically used Hamon as an electrical impulse not wholly dissimilar to those of the human brain.
  • To me the craziest ability of hamon is the ability to straight up control other people's bodies. Like how Cesear made a random girl attack Jojo or how Johnathan used his last hamon to control a zombie and make the ship he was on explode. On the same note I think a lot of people assume that hamon is really only effective on vampires, but we see numerous occasions of direct hamon attacks potentially being fatal to humans, like with Suzi Q.
  • Also... Joseph's iconic "your next line is" could be he using the hamon/Hermit Purple power of seeing the future but subconsciously, as he was an innate hamon user that didn't know how to use it properly until later in life (and people in part 2 didn't know that feat, or didn't talk about it)
  • Healing abilities combined with incredibly high anti-aging do make hamon like a super useful thing to have. And ngl, considering Jotaro looking younger with every part he's in, I'm starting to wonder if he isn't secretely using it himself hehe
  • It would have been so cool if Jolyne had Hamon and Stonefree. The setups with her wires would be insane.
  • @cyrus8886
    Tanjiro's life would've been a breeze of he had hamon
  • @Sekimsek
    remember the hamon that kars used when he became the ultimate lifeform? hamon has so much potential, sad it's gone
  • My favorite Hamon abilities were Joseph's Spaghetti attack, the Cola gun and the Tequila guns. And imagine if Jotaro (With Hamon) could use it through Star Platinum. DIO would've been 1 shot. And in Eyes of heaven Jonathan used his Hamon to heal Slow Dancer's hoof after Johnny obliterated Funny Valentine. That means that a Hamon user can also heal others from injuries.
  • @lukeladin
    There are two other cases of hamon hypnosis shown in part 2, caesar hypnotizing the girl with a hamon kiss and Joseph making the pilot crash the plane. There is also the time caesar killed marco by overflowing his blood current with hamon and stopping his heart
  • One thing I like about Power systems like Hamon over Stands is their almost ubiquitous nature It's rare to be capable of Hamon but in theory there's nothing stopping anyone from learning Hamon and getting to the point of having abilities like Lisa Lisa's hypnosis or Tonpetty's ability to read the future. It makes fights a lot more interesting when you're working with people who can have similar if not the exact same moveset (probably why a lot of media have "dark" versions of the protagonists) But with Hamon it's just something you can do (unlike say a transformation where you have to turn it on). It's a technique but it can extend itself into an entire lifestyle to where it can affect things like your choice of clothing (the special beetle scarf.) Stands will always be one of the coolest power systems and their ability to showcase individuality feels practically unmatched but Hamon has the potential to be the drive of an entire culture and it's link to the natural connects it to everyone as opposed to the supernatural reflection of oneself through stands.
  • I just had a realization. When Jotaro punched the world so hard that it exploded from the leg up.. that might've been a subconscious use of Hamon.
  • I wonder if breathing styles from demon Slayer are partially inspired by hamon because even though they are very different they do have distinct similarities.
  • @kafelca
    7:43 Caesar also has the ability to hypnotize as he hypnotized a girl in the battle against Joseph.
  • it is absolutely wild to me that Joseph got his grandson to go on a globetrotting adventure to fight someone he knew for a fact to be a vampire and did not think to teach Jotoro how to Breathe the Sun
  • @ThanatosZero
    Hamon is such a amazing concept, Araki should have kept it relevant. Also imagine applying the Spin on Hamon energy. The result may be a stand resembling a torus.
  • @papoyomp3770
    We can also take into account the scene at the beginning of part 2 where Straizo killed like 5 people with a single hamon attack. That's powerful as hell. It could even rival many powerful stands.
  • Now that I think about it Tom Pettys precognition ability is similar to Joseph predicting the next sentences of his enemies and that ability can also work in tangent with hermit purples spirit photography ability as well. 🤔
  • @jruler93
    Furthermore, on the Hamon precognition thing, I believe a very basic form of that is almost definitely the reason why Young Joseph can predict people's lines perfectly. It's just that he's a young, natural born Hamon User who, up until the Pillar Men, only used his Hamon pretty casually and never really tried or trained for it, whereas Tonpetti was an old seasoned Hamon Master with decades of dedication behind him, so Tonpetti could see several years ahead, while Joseph could only see a few seconds (or maybe a minute) ahead of himself.