What I’m sowing in August | so much still to sow!!

Published 2024-07-31
Here's my database for August: airtable.com/appZUuG0p5vkxzPmp/shrAdWUnZRwdwHNOn

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For my gardening apps go here: steves.seasidelife.com/2020/01/26/how-to-plan-your…

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For my FAQ document and video: steves.seasidelife.com/2020/01/20/allotmentfaq/

My books and videos are all grounded in what I actually do, I make sure you can see the evidence. For example if I suggest sowing carrots in November, take a look at my monthly tours to see them growing and my harvest videos for May to see the actual results. I'm not just about regurgitaing information from the backs of seed packets!

Just because all my resources are 'free of charge', to everyone, doesn't mean they aren't good quality. My objective is to make sure that there's no need to be rich to get access to great gardening information. I do however have a lot of costs to cover and my time is valuable to me, so please consider supporting me at www.buymeacoffee.com/steverichards

All Comments (20)
  • @myrustygarden
    Oh my giddy aunt look at all those gorgeous tomatoes 🍅. Great update I’m looking to see what to sow now, Ali ☔️🇨🇦
  • @laurad2136
    Great videos, thank you. I am soo impressed with how productive you are.. I am in south east and have had not a very good year (think a mix of weather, compost quality, me losing interest/not being consistent).
  • Wow on the tomatoes! Mine are useless and those I’ve got, I’m now trying to save from blight!
  • I sow my spinach in August and it never goes to seed. All the best.
  • @markshaw5835
    I need to get dome toughball seeds gonna order thrm today, i sowed loads of seeds before i went away hoping yhey survive lol
  • Steve I always learn so much from you! I'm trying the Toughball onions for the first time, mine have just started to sprout. I also learned about the Claytonia from your channel, wow it did sooo well for me all winter (Scottish Borders) just under an enviromesh type cover. If I get a polytunnel someday we'll try it in there, maybe I can plant some in this tiny greenhouse/cold frame I bought. Can I ask what brand greenhouse this is you're in and what size is it? We are seriously looking now.
  • Steve, I would love to grow the Red Profusion tomatoes in hanging baskets like yours. Do you know where I can get them from? Really enjoy your videos.
  • Where will you store your Toughball seedlings Steve? Have you tried the big mooli radishes? I love those. I will be trying out the Tokyo Cross. I usuaĺly grow Purple Top and Snowball.
  • @44birdie44
    Do you have to use toughball or are there other varieties you would recommend for overwintering? Can't get toughball in Ireland
  • Hi Steve, when you say sow in modules, turnip & radish about now, when should I plant out. Thank you.
  • I’ve grown overwintering onions the past two years. Total success…do you know of any overwintering red onions? I would like to try some as red onion sets often go to seed.
  • Could I ask if you line the tomato hanging baskets, or just use compost?
  • @nitelite78
    Do you grow any winter type radishes e.g. Mooli or Spanish Black Round?
  • @Jacqui-Pen
    Do you eat salad all through winter Steve