Revolutionize Your Desktop With AGS | Easiest Wayland Widgets

Published 2024-06-09

All Comments (21)
  • Correction: bun cannot be used to run ags, only build it, so there is no performance improvements when using bun other than a fast build
  • @JustDeeevin
    So thankful for a widget system that uses a preexisting language and not some esoteric proprietary bs
  • @Chandramumta
    Why do people say ags is easy... Of course simple bar is easy, but control centers and screen overviews are mindcracking. Also it is nearly impossible to understand other people ags configs if you not a native js speaker
  • @aylur01
    Great walkthrough! libastal with gjs also supports jsx, currently not all services are ported yet, but it works quite good already
  • @grawlixes
    very cool. I may actually add a bar to my setup now :D
  • @filiflo
    This is awesome! I was using awesome for widgets and it is a pain. This forced me to use X11 instead of Wayland AGS allows me to use wayland and even to use js instead of lua. Thanks for finding this gem :)
  • @knolljo
    Didn’t hear about this before, i once tried ewww but thought it was uncomfortable to use, this looks easier!
  • @kylejamesross
    Nice I never thought setting up custom widgets could be so easy. This definitely is way easier to work with than eww.
  • @brunokoiyae
    please bring us more content about AGS 🙏🙏
  • @inithinx
    never thought ags was this easy. Thank you for the new rabbit hole!
  • @ardishco
    yay you used my title suggestion :)
  • @thelazt16
    I would love if you make video tutorial on how ags handle events and hook, cause that's has been my problem of switching to ags. I can't write a hyprland workspaces script that has a dummy workspace, basically 1-9. So far I can make it presistent and handle the theming but the problem is it didn't get affected no matter what I do (switch workspace, empty the workspace, etc) because I can't understand the how to hook i to the service. I tried reading multiple configs and can't seems to find a 'proper' way to do it, everyone use different approach which a good thing but a more straightforward way would make it easier.
  • @firesquid6
    This is the third time I've been struggling with something and you have come out with a video on exactly that topic. Are you telepathic?
  • @raughboy188
    So AGS is gtk shell? It gives users ability to build something akin to gnome but without gnome's restrictions. The way i see it can be easily updated if plugins are built to work with updates whatever you'rre using will work regardless of update. Pair it with hyperland to build insane desktop environments.