【Honor of Kings】AUGRAN: new hero testing【hololiveID openVC】

Published 2024-07-27
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All Comments (21)
  • ===== HONOR OF KING GRIND ===== === SPECIAL TIMESTAMP === [ TODAY SCHEDULE UPDATE ] 8:30:24 I'll be meeting all of you again tonight [ ABOUT PEJUANG SENIN ] 8:20:23 SC: cma mw tanya, besok g ad PJS kan y? K: Besok?? Bntar, ini hari apa y 8:20:46 PJS mulai lg Agustus ges [ MONTAGE MOMENT ] 51:13 Nice kill by Kaela 1:20:26 WOOOOOOOOO (win war and got double kill) 1:36:13 MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMM (Keep smack down enemy and got penta kill) 1:39:42 MMMM MMMM GG ! (Nice war and double kill) 1:58:14 GG BANTING TERUS LA (win match) 2:31:14 Lam hello long time no see (kill lam when taking jungle) 2:53:32 IYAAAA IYAAAA (Keep pushing angle until base and got double kill) 4:14:40 WOOOOO! WOOOOO! (Got triple kill) [ PROMOTING HOK EVENT ] 1:00:41 Promotion time ! (Summer festival event) [ MOMENT MOONYA JOIN ] 1:22:07 Moona wants to join but no voice [ MOONYA READING CHAT CHU CHU KAELA ] 3:41:26 Moona join chu chu train and become so halu to kaela 3:42:13 Kaela-chan~ Kaela-chan~ Kawaii desu ne~ Kaela-chan mechakucha kawaii~ Chu chu chu chu [ KAELA'S BIRTHDAY CLUETAMIN ] 6:52:06 How's kaela bday gonna be, just enjoy the chaos [ MONTAGE RANKED MATCH ] 10:50 Game 1 - Ranked Match (Zenisra, vann_xxx(number), GSH_albetroxv2, Juufuutei) 27:39 Game 2 - Ranked Match (SIXHONTOL, PhantomKnights, Badwisp, AirySimaYi1) 45:18 Game 3 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 58:53 Game 4 - Ranked Match (xXx_WesLah_xXx, GSH.Leotan3, Unset, ShiroKuroba) 1:22:57 Game 5 - Ranked Match (Moonya, PengcarryKaela, _MAVIS, dapuj) 1:42:40 Game 6 - Ranked Match (Moonya, Nown_VoldiGoad, 铁匠的粉丝, JavierPro18) 2:00:42 Game 7 - Ranked Match (Moonya, Rheintal, HoxyRis, MasKar) 2:20:29 Game 8 - Ranked Match (Moonya, PewMeow, ElaChuLuvLuv, Chellyn) 2:35:31 Game 9 - Ranked Match (Moonya, GSH.KuramuV2, anillusion99, EldEternity) 2:56:54 Game 10 - Ranked Match (Moonya, M1no, PPTuyulElaSuka, LetsgoKid) 3:18:01 Game 11 - Ranked Match (Moonya, ASHAI0302, Light, GSH.Fyz) 3:43:15 Game 12 - Ranked Match (Moonya, Finn, HaiYENA, MegalodonBakar) 4:04:02 Game 13 - Ranked Match (Moonya, Ioforia15, XinBaoi, 52Ata4'/) 4:29:40 Game 14 - Ranked Match (Pog_you, McDohl, BIGBONED, SmurfDluGC) [ GRANDMASTER RANKED MATCH ] 4:47:12 Game 1 - Ranked Match (Han???, Nanoha) 5:02:13 Game 2 - Ranked Match (PML.IZZA, Endzhi) 5:28:27 Game 3 - Ranked Match (NovaNion, Entertainman) 5:47:09 Game 4 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 6:05:32 Game 5 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 6:33:33 Game 6 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 6:50:25 Game 7 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 7:17:43 Game 8 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 7:37:25 Game 9 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 7:51:40 game 10 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) 8:07:16 Game 11 - Ranked Match (Kaela solo ranked) ===== FULL TIMESTAMP IN REPLY SECTION ===== Some timestamp may be delayed around ±20 sec (on purpose for context)
  • @WhiteMalam
    Otsu Kaela....Makasih Mabar Streamnya Kaela Dan Tamu dadakan Moona💛💜💛💜
  • @Behosu
    Otsu! Thanks for the HoK stream. Today had some really close matches. Hope you got some good footage for your montage! Rest well and see you next stream! :_yay:
  • @Zeronimo-2.0
    Otsulemao~ Terima kasih streamnya Kaela :_pat::_skiaheart:
  • Thank you for last night's fun Honor of Kings stream, Kaela!
  • @Vousbxr
    otsu laaa, ty for the stream :_skiaheart:
  • @Miserycord
    Otsulemao, thank you for the stream! I hope you had a great time playing HOK. Good luck with editing the Augran montage too. :_yay::_ggez:
  • @annes5089
    otsulemao thanks for the stream la :_pat:
  • @rag124d44
    Otsu kak ela,buset 8 jam aku bocil replay kaget melihat short stream ini
  • @Budi_YMZ
    Otsuuu, Nistry la thx for streaming :_OTSU::_smallNT::_pat:
  • @DredzX23
    Otsu ela thank you again for the stream ❤❤❤
  • @the13th13
    Aaa ketiduran 😂😂, Thx HoK udh mo sponsor-in Kaela 🙏 ngga berhenti ketawa semalem Asli wkwk
  • @msatriarp
    Weeee makasih elaaa buat streamnya, ngeri nih udah paham pakai augran:_ggez: Banyak match" seru dan menegangkan juga kali ini, manteb deh :_skiaheart: Sampai jumpa di stream selanjutnya yak :_yay::_goriela:
  • :yougotthis::virtualhug::yougotthis::virtualhug::yougotthis:
  • @Nanami._15
    sat 8 jam ternyata sampe pagi untung minggu