Theres many things that have helped rid me of crippling anxiety and depression, these are the TOP 2. They are SIMPLE NOT EASY to practice. I hope I could help someone out there thats feeling down and out, keep fighting and shining your light this is only temporary. SUNNY DAYS WOULDNT FEEL SO GOOD IF NOT FOR PAIN😅

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[email protected] for any questions, personal messages or suggestions for video topics

コメント (8)
  • Loving the nature. Powerful words and lessons, thank you for sharing from your experience.
  • @NuPho88
    This popped up in my feed. Perfectly timed and themed message for what I'm experiencing, have been in my thoughts, dealing with ... I subscribed ... Within minutes from the vibe and that rarely happens. Thank you.
  • Turn Pain into Purpose - Destiny can be Delayed but never denied....
  • Great video. 🙏🏾🦋 Thank you for sharing what helped you in your journey!
  • If your actions do not have consequences you remain a child, the pain does help us grow.
  • Powerful stuff, man. I agree with all you said as someone who has suffered with both.