Protesters Clash Outside Los Angeles Synagogue, Blocking Access | WSJ News

Published 2024-06-24

All Comments (21)
  • @Trakstar869
    Easy to tell which side is evil and violent.
  • @koreyb
    Now, just imagine how different the response would be from law enforcement and the media if this was reversed, and a mass of people were blocking a mosque?
  • If they have to cover their faces you already know who’s in the wrong
  • Infront of synagogue… that means we all knew who the aggressors are.
  • @ZR12386
    protesters clash?? they came to their synagogue, this is called defending yourself
  • Such courageous pro Palestinians in sunglasses, masks, and head scarves.
  • @skyblock64
    If you have to cover your face in a protest, you know you’re on the wrong side.
  • Islam the religion of peace...I have never seen that religion peaceful, so it must be a lie!
  • @412foto
    1 person arrested..there is part of the problem!
  • @OOL-UV2
    I thought this was NOT about a religion?
  • @DrLanceFarr
    This is getting like Kristallnacth, 1938. God save Israel and the Jews.
  • @ronss1
    same people that celebrated 9/11
  • @Kinypshun
    Nothing gets people to come over to your side like blocking access to a house of worship.
  • It is absolutely wrong of these terrorists and terrorist supporters to be blocking access to a religious facility. Where are the arrests?