Former Mormon High Priest Speaks Out! 🤯

Published 2024-07-01
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Production Credits:
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By David Pauta & Josh Gayle
Production Assistant: David Pauta, Travis Mitchell
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded in Florida

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All Comments (21)
  • I became Mormon when I was a teenager. I was married in the Logan Temple to a man who was 6 years older than I was. Because my parents weren't Mormon, they couldn't see me married. It hurt them deeply. I was married three years and we were both in the Airforce at the time. We both ended up in Okinawa in 1976 and that is when I left him. He was violent and would break all my things that my mother gave me for gifts. He would shove me and would not give me any money so I could replace my uniforms. His reasoning was, I chose to work, I could buy my own uniforms. This would have been ok but he took all the money, I didn't even get an allowance. I took it upon myself to go to two Bishops to try to get help to save the marriage. Both of them told me it was my fault and that I shouldn't work. They refused to talk with him. They refused to even counsel us. When we divorced, he took everything and left me with a 900.00 dollar bill. He took all the savings and all the stored wedding gifts at his parents house in Utah. My parents gave me an onyx chess set they got in Mexico and he took that too. When my tour was over, I was sent to Beal AFB in California where I met with the church officials who promptly excommunicated me. In August of 1984 in a little Baptist Church just outside of the Alconbury England AB gate, I gave my heart to the true Jesus! My life completely changed and I have been saved since then.
  • Left Mormonism about a year ago, Me along with my beautiful wife and our two little girls. We were raised in one of the polygamy groups but God in his sovereign kindness reached us with the truth of his word and the true gospel. Our eyes were opened to the lies of Mormonism and its foundation. It was not easy, but I thank God for what he has done. I pray that many souls that watch this video will come to know the truth. Thank you Jesus
  • @MAGATriumph
    Im glad I am saved from LDS. Now covered by the blood of my Jesus . Praise God. . 🙏🙏
  • I have Mormons in my family. My mother's brother's wife converted from Catholicism to being a Mormon during my late childhood years. Their son, T, was a year older than me. We were very close friends. After a few years of my aunt being in this "religion", they sent my cousin T off to a Fresno Mormon camp.. not sure exactly what it was, but I knew he was now out of my life for two years, for I wasn't allowed to speak with him. The day he was coming back, I was so excited to see him; except when he finally arrived to my grandmothers house, where I was anxiously waiting to give him a big hug, he stepped into the kitchen, and I could see his brain had been completely gutted-out. He spoke in a monotoned voice, very low and strange, and I was horrified. Evil is what it is. They ruined my beautiful friend and family member.
  • @deegraf-sl2pq
    My husband came out of Mormonism to salvation in Jesus. Now we are praying for his family members. Please agree in prayer with us.
  • @Kcristell
    My husband and I were newly married five years ago when two Mormon missionary sisters knocked on our door. Despite not knowing much about their faith, we were firm in our belief in Jesus Christ, so we invited them in. I didn't know much about their practices, except that they didn't consume caffeine. Unfortunately, my husband offered them coffee right away, but I quickly suggested hot chocolate or lemonade instead. Looking back, we realized how amazing the work of the Holy Spirit was. Whenever they said something Christ-like, the Holy Spirit would bring scripture to our minds to counter their points. We did this lovingly and respectfully, so they continued to come back for many weeks and months. They even brought more senior members with them, until eventually the sisters were asked by to stop coming to our home by their leadership. One of them was in awe at our sharing of the Gospel and often even asked that we pray for her. There was one point that she said she had never considered and that she'd pray about it. I can't remember what the specific point was, but I pray that sister Anderson, will one day reflect on the seeds we planted and that God will open her eyes to the true revelation of Jesus Christ. I pray for her often and believe that we plant the seeds, and God brings the increase.
  • I agree 100% with this gentleman. After 50 LONG years of being a member of that organization, I said ENOUGH. I am so free and happy now.
  • @truthdigger
    I was a Mormon for 7 years, but The merciful God took me out of there!
  • @agvision09
    For 50 years, like this man said, I never had peace.... 50 years in the Mormon church feeling unworthy. that I never measured up. wondering if God loved me. I've been born again for 1 year and every day now I feel God's unconditional love every day. The day the Lord spoke to my heart and told me is not by my works I'm saved, at that very moment, I felt life begun then, it was a very real moment unbelievable moment in my life. 50 years as a lost sheep but no more.
  • I left the mormon church after 33 years. Now a born-again christian and Jesus is my best friend 🧡
  • This is Micah’s dad! I’ve loved Micah’s ministry, testimony, and influence, and have enjoyed Lynn’s stories as well. I’ve always wanted to hear the father’s story! Praise the Lord
  • @xout2314
    Be kind to mormons when they come see you. Love them and teach with grace.
  • @thartwig26
    I was talking to a friend last night who left the LDS church when she was an adult. I asked her how she got out. She said that she questioned polygamy as a teen so that sparked her doubt. Then she said she started reading a Bible that wasn’t from the LDS church. God is so good to save!
  • @kenolson3064
    I was born into mormonism. At forty years old, I was the gospel doctrine teacher in the adult sunday school. One Sunday, I heard the voice of the Lord tell me, "You are finished here." I went home and prayed about it. I called the bishop and resigned my position and never went back. For 20 years, I prayed to the Lord. "What would you have me do," Every day. My answer came back the same. "Be still." The doctrine of works was such a deep part of my life. It kept me stuck. The Lord was very patient with me. Then, one day, I asked the question again what should I be doing? The Lord answered. "I want you to love others the way I love you." It sounded simple enough, but loving the fallen race of Adam is the tallest order I could have been given. Now, when I pray, I ask the Lord how I can deliver his love to those I will meet that day. After ten years it is getting easier. Jesus is God. God became man and died as a man for my sins for my sake. Jesus was raised from the dead 3 days later, having conquered death and sin. Those who accept this simple testimony become sons and daughters of God. Man does not become God. God desires relationship, not religion.
  • From an ex mormon this is the best explained and most accurate, powerfull and all around explanation of the mormon cult. I just recently got saved after leaving as a teenager and my sister and I are the only ones that left. Praying for my family lost in this cult. Thank you Jesus for casting light on darkness
  • Former Mormon here, left this dangerous fraudulent CULT & totally repented to God for being in that cult. Ran to the real God of the Bible and so happy I found the truth,.. seek the God of the Bible and you will find him, the real God❤🙏
  • Ex mormon here . Was in the religion for about 10 years . I was lukewarm Christian . Never cared to open the Bible and read for my self . I stared reading the Bible about 3 years ago and learned that the Mormon book was different than the Bible . Mormons have a different Jesus !!! 1)They belief that Jesus is a created being and work his way to godhood 2) Jesus is the brother of Lucifer 3) we can become gods as well in the afterlife 4) save by grace after all you can do And so much more ……….. Left the religion about 3 years ago
  • My mouth fell open when he said “heard these words from God IN MY RIGHT EAR” this blew my mind! I’ve told 3 (safe) people (last year) the same words… I said that “I heard 5 words in my right ear… HE’s NOT YOURS, HE’s MINE”. Back-story is that I was panicky about my son’s salvation and him living as if he doesn’t have a good mom just over in the next City. The Lord, calmed my heart and it felt like God decided to put me in my place that my son is his and I was given my son to raise… but my 30 year old child has always belonged to God. This gave me such peace about the subject and pray for my son’s salvation daily and I know God’s got this❤
  • @justthemomof4
    Excellent testimony. Wasn’t Mormon, but did temporarily follow a fake religion once and know that horrible feeling of realizing you were not actually following Jesus. I cried so hard, especially because I brought my kids along with me. Thank you for this.