Answering Questions about Adoption + Our Daughters Birthday!

We love you all so much!


コメント (21)
  • @Gillian2791
    I was adopted at 4 weeks old. I never knew my birth family, but my parents celebrated my adoption day every year. So I grew up knowing I was adopted and made to feel special by having my own special day. It was like 2 birthdays a year. Your doing great! So happy for y'all.❤️
  • @Smallb55
    I think y'all can definitely take credit for her personality and happiness!!! People say their baby is a reflection of their parents. Y'all are SO happy and she can feel that!
  • I adopted two girls and they are now 22 and 23 - but I barely remember that I didn’t give birth to them. They are just mine. They always knew they were adopted and I’d drop pieces of their stories day by day when they were ready. They were never told they were “special” to be adopted or anything like that - it simply was their own amazing story. Your planned approach to dealing with this sounds perfect.
  • It’s insane how happy one can be for two people they don’t even know! Watching you guys talk about Story made me smile the whole video! She’s adorable!
  • @lacyogle5957
    Story was, without a doubt, meant to be with you two.
  • @emilyclay7763
    My husband was adopted and a few months after they adopted him, the adoption agency called them and asked if they were willing to go through the process again because they had an expectant mother they would be a good match for. They ended up with two under two. You never know what your timeline will be until it happens
  • I love how much y’all love her. Bella hasn’t stopped smiling since she got her baby 💕
  • you absolutely can take credit for having a happy baby! you are raising her in a happy environment! You can feel every ounce of joy beaming out of you both!
  • I’m adopted myself and just to see this perspective just makes my heart so full thinking about my parents ❤️
  • My four adopted daughters when they were 2,3,4 and 5, when I would go somewhere with them…they would let everyone know that they were adopted. They were so happy about it, because I told them that they were chosen by my husband and I and that God put them in our lives. 😘❤️🙏🏼🌺
  • The energy and happiness Bella has talking about this shows how much she is meant to be a mother! So so happy for you guys!
  • I got chills when Dallin said he would tell you do it for story. The whole time y’all were going through this God knew your little miracle was coming. So happy for y’all and Bella you are just glowing!
  • @kristapp482
    My daughter made a scrapbook about her adopted children’s birth story. Pictures include the birth parents, the country/place they were born, and all the pictures that make sharing their story with them. This is like a picture book when they were small, and an actual reading book as they grew older. She also kept a blog about them on a site which printed those posts in a book each year. As a grandparent, I made sure to set aside a family heirloom for each one of them so the have a connection to my parents and grandparents. Our lives are filled to overflowing with these amazing children. ❤️
  • The way yall radiate when talking about your daughter is just so heartwarming. So so happy for yall!
  • You guys literally have been glowing since the day she was put in your arms. Not only is sweet little Story going to have you guys tell her how much she was desperately wanted and loved but she's going to get to see it in these videos. And I correctly guessed her age the other day when she was in the stroller grabbing her feet giggling I was like oh she's almost 5 months or she's 5 months I've had a lot of kids lol. And I think you guys should take credit for her being such a happy baby genetics play a small part but you have put your all into making her happy and she is. Keep enjoying every little bit. All I ever think of is your song missing pieces and realizing that she is literally the pieces that was missing part of your family. She's beyond beautiful and oddly enough somehow looks like both of you. But her smile in those giggles coming from being secure and knowing that her needs are always going to be met that you guys are always there. Really that's all a little baby looks for is that Mommy and Daddy are there or just Mommy or just daddy whatever but she barely cries because you guys have learned to read her cues and you're able to make her happy very quickly. You guys are doing an amazing job. And like I said someday you're going to get to show her these videos the heartache and all. And then the pure joy that she brings to every minute of your life.
  • @danamama6766
    I had an ovary issue at 18 and was told I would never get pregnant. So never thought I would and just managed that. And when I turned 35 out of nowhere became pregnant. Was in shock and had my first, then two years later had my second. So yes you just never know and we just have to live with the how its meant to be and whatever happens will be how it was meant to be. And yess her name is wonderful. Absolutely perfect. And you are all bonded it is very clear. You just keep on bragging. She is the best xo
  • I absolutely love the fact that y'all have done an open adoption. It is so clear how important having a family is to you both, and how important your family is to you, and the fact that Story's adoption is open gives you a chance for an even bigger family. It also makes room for Story to get so much more love, and that's so beautiful, and I think it encompasses everything you both stand for as parents; love, joy, family, appreciation, and support. It is so wonderful to see how happy you and Dallin are being parents to Story, Bella. You have been so strong for so long, and you've been through so much, and you deserve to enjoy this time with your daughter. Story is the luckiest baby girl in the whole world to have you both as her parents <333
  • Open adoption is a beautiful thing! My family is tied together by open adoption and it’s like an extended family and so special!
  • the joy you guys have when you talk about story and being a parent is the sweetest and purest thing ever makes me so excited to be a mom someday
  • @ldmiller972
    We adopted our daughter 36 years ago. From the time she could listen to stories, we told her the story of her adoption. It was always just a part of her life.