NEAR DEATH ON THE ICE. Intense footage from pike fishing trip that went wrong.

Published 2023-03-23
I'm so glad to be able to say this was a close call, Markus, our photographer and loved friend was out fishing two days ago. It was a beautiful morning, -5 degrees Celsius and the ice seemed great. He went out fishing, but after a few hours he felt like the ice was getting bad and decided to call it quits. He put his stuff together, turned on the GoPro and started walking back home. The rest is what you see.

This time it went well, hopefully there won't be a next time. Please, be cautious out there. We are experienced on the ice and know when troubles might occur, and still end up in situations like this. Markus is strong, with a good physique and had his ice nails accessible. Many fishermen out there wouldn't stand a chance in a situation like this so don't put yourself in one.

Comments like "He should've know the ice was this bad" etc won't be appreciated. The ice wasn't bad when he went out, it went bad because of the sun and when he realized he started heading towards the shoreline. Spring is dangerous on the ice so be careful!

All Comments (21)
  • @theotter4200
    couldn’t everyone else tell almost exactly when he was going to fall in?
  • @joshuahymer15
    This is an amazing example of exactly what NOT TO DO
  • @kp8828
    Great job on showing what happens on an inch and a half of ice
  • @Jezijo
    This almost looks intentional
  • For those reading: How to avoid this, 1) no spud bar to check the ice 2) when on thin ice, look at the forecast, good ice in the morning does not mean good ice in the afternoon 3) when you fall in, always go back the way you came from, you already walked in that direction, you know the ice can support you. Stay safe
  • @DickEnsaiyu
    I don't know but seems like bro wanted to fall in for the video. Thanks for making us all aware of the danger of attempting to fall through ice. 😊
  • @DrSiech
    Sorry but this was pretty dumb… when the ice is already breaking once, why is he standing again?! You have to distribute the weight over the surface, so why was he not crawling…
  • @MtnXfreeride
    Strange decision to work towards the crack where there is less ice than going back the way he came.
  • @williamcarr1678
    Let's walk to the most fragile ice possible!!! Brilliant!!!
  • @306viczko5
    Holy shit buddy! Glad you're ok. Lesson learned the hard way. Glad you made it
  • @phaxiong104
    Was this intentional?... who falls through the ice twice 15 seconds apart...?
  • @izil1fe
    I was around 10 yrs old when i was ice scating in a semi remote area (few hundred meters from houses) on a small slow river that froze where people often go to ice scate and walk once the ice is thick enough (but not where i was, few hundred meters back close to houses).. anyway i was ice scating.. had full thick winter gear on me.. and was with few "friends".. at one point i heard the ice making scary sounds.. and it broke under me while i was ice scating quite fast... i went over 5m under the ice and about 5m down (i remember touching the bottom and seeing under ice, it was quite clear).. i remember feeling extremely heavey due to the thick jacket, heavy ice scates and other stuff i had on me.. because i was a good swimmer i managed to swim back to the hole where i fell through.. once there i tried to climb up.. but because the ice wasn't thick enough... i just kept falling through it until i reached the area where it could hold my weight.. (i spread my legs and arms to have less weight on the surface).. i was around 30m from the shore where i fell through.. so it took quite a while until i reached close enough to grab the rope that some people eventually trew at me.. all in all.. i survived and got out.. people that helped me brought me inside the house close by and gave me dry clothes and sat me next to fire.. until my parents came.. i went to the hospital later and other than having a few cuts.. i was ok all in all.. it was a VERY scary experience.. especially for such a small boy
  • Aldrig knuffat på en video så mycket. Jobbigt bara att titta på. Starkt gjort ❤
  • Glad you made it out 🙏 ice was way to thin and patchy out there
  • @paulreid1369
    Well done for keeping your composure and getting to land. Sadly if you where older it might have been fatal.
  • @zbassr2106
    Thanks for the demonstration sir! Glad you made it out
  • @77jensa
    Vad skönt att det gick bra för Markus!! Och STORT TACK för att ni delar detta, det är bra att visa hur snabbt det kan från OK is till farlig is.
  • @shawnk.
    This looks like a training video it looks like he knew he'd fall in. Good thing you had those ice picks!