December 30th Inspiration from 'A Deep Breath of Life' by Alan Cohen

Published 2022-12-30
Today's Topic 'Pushing the Envelope'

Today's Quote, "The darkest Hour is just before the dawn."

Although I believe that you will find this video when you're meant to find it, I'm sorry that it's not December 30th as I stated in the opening.
But I've been going through my own changes and it's definitely been a time of "pushing the envelope" as to the realm of possibilities and where I'm supposed to be in relation to them. And it's been exhausting. Lol. THAT'S what I get for thinking I'm interested in self-improvement and motivation.
The Universe (or God, as I refer to Him*) responds with, "Oh yeah, I'll show YOU!" LOL!
AND boy howdy did HE.
I'm a long time journal keeper and I found some notes from 20 years ago. And you know that old saying you know want to have any regrets when you leave this place? I'm truly thinking that if I don't start hitting my "mission in life" really soon I'm going to really regret it because some of those notes we're outstanding. And I had to say that as a outsider so to speak because that person was 20 years younger than me and yet she really had some awesome things to say and humorous ways to say them. Additionally my community had a visit from a family who are so unique that it would take me a book to write about them and they came and entertained and ministered to us in a way that I again cannot explain here and do it any justice. God, and All His angels are seeing otherwise Guardians guys and ancestors are advising me to move forward and basically come out and share more of my gifts.

And when you feel like it's God telling you you need to move forward in certain ways you really don't want to avoid that call. That's all I know.

So I do apologize but I am sorting out a lot of details in my life and as I said it is exhausting
And I thank you for your patience and ask you to bear with me if you did think it was going to be a reading yesterday and you missed it, which I sincerely doubt as my viewer count has been nearly zero. 🥺 PROBABLY due to my mismanagement of my channel but anyway. I thank you, however you got led to be here, for BEING HERE (don't you ever forget you are SPECIAL AND LOVED)
And I thank you for being YOU. 💯♥️🕯️✌️🙏

And I'm not going to include any additional video with this video, as I'm just posting it and I'm going straight up to December 31st post. I will include an additional "HIGHLY Recommended Video" in that one, perhaps even two. because I am wishing everyone the very happiest New Year and I truly believe if people would start listening to some of the videos that I am suggesting that it would add to their overall good. Better Health better wealth many things are available to us and we are ignorant of them. I wish enlightenment and better things for us all.

So if you're up for the adventure of watching how this channel develops and grows in the upcoming year, PLEASE Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe because I truly do wish you and ALL had more Love ♥️ Light and Peace ✌️.
In any case, I thank you for being HERE and for being YOU.


Today's Prayer, "Help me to find the gift in my challenges."

Today's Affirmation, "All experiences strengthen me as I grow into the light."

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